A chave para o Manifesto sem esforço

If you are struggling to manifest your desires, you are doing it the hard way.

When you’re able to identify and remove the thought patterns which are blocking you, manifesting will literally begin to happen at a mere thought. Many people experience this, but most do not.

The difference between these two groups of people is that one has removed their attachments and subconscious crenças limitadoras to the degree necessary to experience this reality and the other has not yet reached that level.  It’s that simple.

When people first learn about the law of attraction or manifestação principles, they will naturally start employing the techniques, regardless of where they are on an emotional and mental level at the time, for most people this is not the vibration where effortless manifestation occurs.

True inner work to release limiting beliefs and emotional blocks must be done to release the power of manifestation, essentially – to remove what is blocking you from bringing your desires into your current beliefs, mentally and emotionally.

Limiting beliefs cause internal conflicts and thought patterns that keep you stuck in repetitive cycles of depression & anxiety personally and professionally, understanding these thought patterns allows you to think objectively about them, if they’re truly serving your best interest, & the exact methods to overcome them.

If these limiting beliefs and blocks are not released, any attempts in manifestations are destined to fail because you will continually sabotage yourself. You might have some limited success, but the kind of life-changing creation of abundância, happiness, love, health and realization most are seeking remains difficult to catch and just out of reach.