As crenças limitadoras estão a diminuir o seu poder de manifestação?

The Law of Attraction is a universal law supported by the law of physics – like attracts like. The is the principle behind getting what you want in life, or attracting what you do not want.

Most people go through life unaware of how the lei da atração is affecting their lives; the law affects all of us at every moment.

When most people first learn about the Law of Attraction, it contradicts everything they have previously been told, their logic, and long-held beliefs. The law is based on the fundamental principal that thoughts and feelings “format” our lives. This can be a bit of a radical notion to those who have not experienced it consciously.

Everything in this world is made up of vibrating energy at different frequencies. The strength of the energy amplifies, in a positive way, or diminishes, in a negative way, at certain levels dictated by its frequency of vibration.

The energy that flows out of us comes from highly charged emotions, which create highly charged electromagnetic wave patterns of energy. The electromagnetic vibrations we send out, every second, are what have brought – and continue to bring – everything into our lives, good and bad.

Positive thoughts

When we feel good, we vibrate at a higher frequency. Positive thoughts are those that are responsible for our growth, such as love, joy, happiness, laughter, success, compassion, passion, appreciation, and gratitude. These are all growth-promoting and aligned with our higher selves. Attracting positive energy means we fill our thoughts with those that promote growth.

Negative thoughts

Negative thoughts create energy at a lower frequency which drains us of our energy. We feel bad when we have any kind of thought that does not bring joy such as guilt, loneliness, anger, resentment, worry, doubt, frustration, or stress. Fear-based thoughts vibrate at a low frequency so they don’t feel good to us physically and drain us mentally.

The Law of Attraction is very powerful, but opposite energies exist which can make our efforts to manifest what we want ineffective. These energies are usually crenças limitadoras, which contradict the things we want to attract. Limiting beliefs limit our ability to manifest positive outcomes into our life.

Limiting beliefs usually start in our childhood with our parents, teachers, siblings and social environment we grew up in. These individuals in our lives may have wanted to help us, but gave us their own fears and limited beliefs from their own perceptions, such as life is a series of lucky or unlucky events, life is ruled by fate. If we are happy, we feel we are just lucky. We do not understand that we manifest the thoughts, feelings, and energy that we are putting out in the world.

When things don’t go the way we want them to go, we try to find a reason. We blame others. It has to be the fault of some factor separate from us: the government, the economy, boss, marriage, background, education, and bad luck. We feel we are not getting what we want because we do not feel worthy, don’t measure up, haven’t paid our dues.

The only way to be able to manifest anything positive in your life is by identifying the limiting beliefs which are keeping your thought patterns in a lower vibration.

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