Planets in the 2nd House

The Second House (House of Possessions)

Sun in 2nd House (Planet of vitality and individuality):

You need security and tend to attract money, but it comes into and goes out of your life rather quickly. You like to spend on luxuries, and many of your possessions increase in value over time. You often gain through influential people.

Good points: generous, great reserves of strength, persistent, creative in financial affairs.

Bad points: possessive, greedy, ostentatious, money and possessions become status symbols.

Moon in 2nd House (Planet of emotions and instincts):

You are able to earn money creatively, by using your imagination, and through the public—selling to the public, appearing in public, etc. Your financial affairs fluctuate and tend to be unsettled. You are sometimes thrifty and careful, at other times wasteful and careless.

Good points: tenacious with a keen sense for what is lucrative, security-minded with an ability to plan for the future.

Bad points: greedy, extravagant, you spend money emotionally and often unwisely.

Mercury in 2nd House (Planet of the mind):

You are able to earn money in intellectual enterprises—writing, teaching, lecturing— or in any field of communications. You like to spend money on travel and education, and for gadgets that make your life easier. Sometimes you have more than one source of income.

Good points: quick mind for financial opportunity, good bargaining powers, talent for salesmanship.

Bad points: careless with money, impractical, vulnerable to trickery and theft.

Venus in 2nd House (Planet of love and pleasure):

You tend to prosper through social connections, marriage, or artistic pursuits. Business ventures with a partner are lucrative. You like to spend on clothes, jewels, personal adornment, and pleasures. If you are a man you tend to spend money on women.

Good points: generous, fair and honest in financial dealings, an ability to use beautiful things profitably (fashion, decorating, art gallery, etc.).

Bad points: extravagance, love of luxury and expensive possessions, inadequate willpower.

Mars in 2nd House (Planet of energy and assertiveness):

You have good earning power and make gains through your own effort and competitiveness. Money is important to you, and you aggressively go after it. You tend to have frequent financial crises, but you recover quickly.

Good points: efficient, enterprising about new profit-making ideas, often have your own business.

Bad points: impulsive spender, lavish, careless, vulnerable to losses because of fire, haste, or rashness.

Jupiter in 2nd House (Planet of luck and expansion):

You tend to make money easily and have a talent for financial dealings. Other people are attracted to your expansive ways and you often benefit through social contacts. Depending on the other factors in your chart, you will gain affluence or spend all you get in wild extravagance. Traveling or the travel industry is another source of wealth for you.

Good points: honest in dealings, generous, visionary about new moneymaking ideas.

Bad points: materialistic, careless, apt to suffer loss through legal entanglements.

Saturn in 2nd House (Planet of discipline and limitation):

You are ambitious about acquiring material comfort and tend to make long-range financial plans. You are thrifty and shrewd, cautious about your investments; blue-chip stocks are more your style than get-rich-quick schemes. Money doesn’t come in quickly; gain is slow and steady, and you must put in considerable effort.

Good points: practical, persevering, hardworking.

Bad points: stingy, may encounter delays and obstacles in acquiring money.

Uranus in 2nd House (Planet of change and originality):

You tend to have an unusual source of income or your money opportunities pop up suddenly and unexpectedly. Your long-term financial picture will probably have spectacular fluctuations. If there are no opposing influences in your chart, you can expect to gain overall. Antiques, curios, and collectibles are lucrative for you.

Good points: inventive, resourceful, unusual eye for value.

Bad points: sudden losses, erratic money dealings, financial problems with friends.

Neptune in 2nd House (Planet of spirituality and illusion):

You are intuitive and imaginative about making money. A more logical person would say your financial affairs are not run in a businesslike way. In acquiring objects, you tend to be more interested in their esthetic value (their meaning to you), rather than their material value.

Good points: generous to others in need, gain through creative work, un-materialistic.

Bad points: a careless or indifferent attitude toward money, too easily imposed on or swindled, lazy.

Pluto in 2nd House (Planet of transformation):

You are adventurous about money and not afraid of taking risks. You like to diversify, and during your lifetime there may be several changes in your source of income. You tend to become obsessed with possessions and finances.

Good points: unique fiscal talent, resourcefulness, ability to win high return on your effort.

Bad points: squanderer, selfish, tendency to be unscrupulous.