Navegando nos relacionamentos com Quíron em Aquário: Uma viagem à conexão autêntica

IntroductionIn the world of astrology, Chiron represents our deepest wounds and the potential for healing through self-awareness and growth. Known as the “wounded healer,” Chiron’s placement in our natal charts offers crucial insights into areas where we may experience pain and how we can transform that pain into wisdom.Aquarius, on the other hand, is the […]

Navegando nos relacionamentos com Quíron em Aquário: Uma viagem à conexão autêntica Ler mais "

Quíron em Aquário - Uma ferida fundamental na ligação e na comunidade

Those of us with Chiron in Aquarius experience our core wounding in the area of our ability or inability to connect with others to create community.Individuals with Chiron in Aquarius experience their deepest wound in the inability or ability to connect with others and build community.If you have Chiron in Aquarius, even when you’re part

Quíron em Aquário - Uma ferida fundamental na ligação e na comunidade Ler mais "

Chiron in the Houses

Chiron, a comet that orbits the Sun, reveals our own power to process our trauma and suffering so that we can in turn, heal others. According to astrology, Chiron is known as “the wounded healer.”Chiron’s placement in your natal chart will reveal where your core wounds lie: What are your insecurities? Where do you struggle to

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