Porque é que desenvolver uma rotina de cuidados com a pele pode ajudar a combater a ansiedade, de acordo com a investigação

If you’ve ever dealt with acne or other unsightly skin conditions, you know all too well how it affects your saúde mental and confidence levels. Going to school, work or even the grocery store with a breakout or flare-up is enough to cause anyone heightened anxiety.

Experts have indicated how a skin care routine relates to mental health and can benefit a healthier complexion and mindset. Let’s explore these insights and uncover ways to adopt a mindful regimen for glowing skin.

How Does a Skin Care Routine Benefit Mental Health?

Is there a relação between skin care and mental health? The science suggests there is. Depending on a variety of factors — like genetics, diet and stress — you might have a visible skin condition, which could cause anxiety, poor confidence and feelings of depression.

Fortunately, a good skin care routine and mindfulness techniques can make a difference in your skin’s appearance. Here are four ways research says skin care can improve your mental well-being.

Increase Self-Esteem

A 2019 survey by InStyle Magazine found 77% of women reported dryness as their top skin concern, while 56% lamented over uneven skin tones. Cellulite, stretch marks, wrinkles and cracked skin also made the list.

The appearance of skin can have severe implications for one’s self-esteem. Other skin conditions causing redness, itchiness and inflammation may also induce stress. However, skin care products are available to repair your complexion so you can leave the casa with renewed confidence.

Relieve Physical Discomfort

Dermatosis — skin diseases like vitiligo, eczema, psoriasis and acne — often create distressing physical discomfort for people. Interestingly enough, constantly worrying about the possibility of chronic flare-ups may provoke worsening symptoms like itchiness and pain, decreasing your quality of life. 

A dermatologist can prescribe creams to decrease skin inflammation and other skin reactions. You can also use several natural products long-term to alleviate discomfort and prevent future flare-ups.

Decrease Social Stigma

Several studies show a correlation between visible skin conditions and social stigma. For instance, while nearly 50 million Americans suffer from acne, society maintains its prejudices and assumptions about the disease. This may cause the person with acne to isolate themselves, increasing anxiety and depression.

A broad market of acne products for different skin types and causes exists — such as benzoyl peroxide, which kills acne-inducing bacteria in your pores while removing excess oil and dead skin. Products with no more than 2.5% benzoyl peroxide are most effective in decreasing inflammation and preventing further skin damage.

After getting acne flare-ups under control, you’ll have a much easier time meeting up with friends and stepping into the public eye.

Reduce Skin Sensitivity and Stress

A habitual skin care routine is the best way to limit skin sensitivity and cyclical skin reactions from stress. Research shows when the body releases cortisol, catecholamines and neuropeptides, it can impact the immune system and increase the risk of infection. These stress responses further affect the glands, blood vessels and skin cells.

One’s diet may also impact the amount of oil your pores produce. A high-sugar diet could hinder collagen production, while fried, oily foods can make your skin greasier. Likewise, alcohol and caffeine have dehydrating effects, causing your skin to lose moisture.

Developing a skin care routine using stress-relief techniques and an improved diet could aid anxiety about your skin’s appearance.

6 Ways to Create a Mindful Skin Care Routine

Armed with knowing how skin care relates to mental health, it is up to you to make changes to battle anxiety. Developing a mindful skin care routine doesn’t have to be challenging — it’s more about creating healthier habits and patterns in various aspects of your life. Here are six tips for a more mindful skin care regimen to improve mental health.

1. Keep Your Skin Clean

Make face washing twice daily a part of your skin care routine. The best times to wash your face are when you wake up and before bed. This habit helps eliminate dirt, oil and old makeup accumulated in the pores.

However, people with sensitive skin or a diagnosed skin condition might only want to wash their face once in the evening to prevent irritation. It is best to consult a dermatologist to determine your best regimen.

2. Select the Right Products

You shouldn’t simply buy any skin care product you think will help your skin. The products you select must match your skin type and needs.

For example, those with sensitive skin will want to avoid harsher ingredients, opting for more natural products instead. Meanwhile, someone with oily skin should avoid moisture-stripping skin products, which could cause the glands to overproduce additional oil.

Always research skin care products and ask for expert recommendations. Making mindful selections is the best way to improve your skin’s appearance and lower anxiety.

3. Eat a Skin-Friendly Diet

Your diet should become part of your mindful skin care routine for a clearer complexion and better mental health. Alcohol, refined sugar, fried food and processed foods — including animal protein — cause many skin imperfections.

A healthy diet of salmon and other fatty fish, avocados, sweet potatoes, nuts and seeds, cruciferous greens, bell peppers and green tea provide the essential vitamins and minerals for improved skin over time.

4. Get Enough Sleep

Not getting enough sleep could cause you to have oilier skin and promote acne breakouts. The average adult requires seven to nine hours of sleep every night, especially to boost skin health.

Likewise, dirty sheets and pillowcases may also negatively affect your skin’s appearance by increasing impurities. Bed linens only transfer dirt, dead skin cells, dander and other bacteria to your face, causing rashes, irritations and breakouts. Experts suggest changing your sheets every one to two weeks, especially if you sleep with pets or live where it’s warmer.

5. Create a Relaxing Ambience

Whether getting ready for bed, taking a warm bath or applying your creams and serums, a relaxing ambiance can significantly lower cortisol levels and improve your skin.

According to one study, listening to soothing music for 20 minutes daily decreased depression and anxiety in college students. You might also consider aromatherapy, candlelight or shower steamers as you work through your daily skin care routine.

It is just as important to lower stress hormones in the body for better skin as for reducing skin flare-ups for worsening mental health. A relaxing atmosphere can help you both decrease momentary anxiety and prevent future stress.

6. Visit a Dermatologist

Getting stress and anxiety under control is crucial for clear, glowy, hydrated skin. However, your situation may require a more professional approach.

Dermatologists can prescribe an effective ointment or treatment regimen for improved skin. They understand firsthand how healthy skin care benefits mental health and can provide the tools and resources for you to apply to your life.

Scheduling an annual appointment with your dermatologist is also important in screening for more serious conditions, like skin cancer.

Make Skin Care a Habit for Improved Mental Health

Science demonstrates how poor skin health can negatively impact one’s mental health. Adopting a mindful skin care routine allows new patterns to become habits. In turn, you can greatly lower your anxiety and regain self-confidence.
