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Óleos essenciais populares entre os signos do Zodíaco

Popular Essential Oils among Zodiac SignsEach oil below is unique to a particular zodiac sign and helps offset the potential extremes of each sign in order to bring every member of the zodiac into balance and help you begin your journey toward enhanced clarity and growth.Aries (March 21 – April 20) – PeppermintThose born under […]

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The Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)The highest of the 7 chakras represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. The Crown Chakra is linked to wisdom, inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure happiness.Location: Top of the headEmotional problems affecting the Crown Chakra: Obsessive attachment/belief in spirituality, closed-mindedness, living in fantasy rather connected with the self and reality.Physical health

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The Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)The Third Eye Chakra governs our ability to focus, think and make decisions. It also regulates our sleep and wake time.Location: Forehead, between the eyebrows.Emotional problems affecting the Third Eye Chakra: Refusal of spirituality, poor clarity of a situation, poor concentration.Physical health problems affecting the Third Eye Chakra: insomnia, migraines, sinusitis, poor vision.Color: IndigoHealing exercises: Adjustments of the

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The Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra (Vishuddi) The Throat Chakra has to do with our ability to communicate. Location: Throat Emotional problems affecting the Throat Chakra: Poor communication, arrogance, gossips, secrets are few of the main factors that can affect the Throat Chakra. Speaking from an emotional point of view, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem are among the symptoms caused by a dysfunctional Throat

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The Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra (Anahata)The Heart Chakra influences our ability to love and the altruistic aspirations.Location: At the center of the chest, just above the heart.Emotional problems affecting the Heart Chakra: People who present an energetic disequilibrium in this chakra tend to be ruled by their emotions, but they also present a high tolerance to the point of neglecting themselves. Additionally, they

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The Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)The Solar Plexus Chakra governs our ability to be self-confident and to control our own lives.Location: The upper abdomen in the stomach area.Emotional problems affecting the Solar Plexus Chakra: Traumatic experiences can block the proper function of this chakra, causing eating disorders, sense of perfectionism and criticism towards people or the self. For this chakra, meditation

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The Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)The Sacral Chakra represents our connection and the ability to accept other people and new experiences.Location: Lower abdomen.Emotional problems affecting the Sacral Chakra: Sentiment of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality. Knowing that the Sacral Chakra can strongly influence sexuality, an energy imbalance could cause sex addiction, emotional detachment and an inclination towards unhealthy and risky behaviors.Physical health problems affecting

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The Root Chakra

Root Chakra (Muladhara)The Root Chakra is our foundation and the feeling of being connected to earth, grounded.Location: Base of the spine, in the terminal area.Emotional problems affecting the Root Chakra: Survival problems such as money or food. An imbalanced Root Chakra can cause great insecurity, irritability and obsession towards materialistic aspects.Physical health problems affecting the Root Chakra: From

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Cristais para a autoestima e auto-valorização

Ao longo da nossa vida, podem acontecer muitas coisas que afectam a nossa autoestima. Podemos interiorizar mensagens que ouvimos na nossa infância e levá-las connosco ao longo da vida, podemos comportar-nos de formas que não são consistentes com a nossa integridade, ou podemos ter relações falhadas que nos fazem sentir indignos de amor. A autoestima é uma

Cristais para a autoestima e auto-valorização Ler mais "


Cristais para relacionamentos

Ter relações saudáveis envolve uma série de factores, incluindo a autoestima, o amor e a comunicação, que são qualidades dos três chakras do meio: o plexo solar, o coração e a garganta. Usar cristais que se concentram nestes chakras pode ajudar a fortalecer os seus relacionamentos.Tenho relacionamentos saudáveis, produtivos e felizes.MeditaçãoFaça esta meditação com a pessoa com quem

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Cristais para a prosperidade

Ser verdadeiramente próspero na vida é muito mais do que ter muito dinheiro. A verdadeira prosperidade habita no corpo, na mente e no espírito, trazendo-lhe saúde, felicidade, bons relacionamentos, trabalho gratificante, muito amor e bem-estar financeiro. Muitas pessoas lutam contra a prosperidade porque acreditam que não a merecem, ou que, ao serem prósperas, serão

Cristais para a prosperidade Ler mais "

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