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The Benefits of Essential Oils

Essential oils are beneficial to the body, the mind and spirit.They are used to treat conditions ranging from anxiety to shingles as well as to increase overall well-being.All essential oils are adaptogens. An adaptogen is a natural substance that promotes a balancing reaction in the body, improving its ability to overcome stress and fatigue that […]

The Benefits of Essential Oils Ler mais "

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You Can’t Screw Up the Relationship with your Twin Flame

It seems that we often confuse amazing and easy.We run from chaos and then wonder why mediocrity bores us—yet, in terms of love, the twin flame connection will ruin you from the outside in so that you might begin fulfilling your soul contract.In this life, we all start off on the path that we think we

You Can’t Screw Up the Relationship with your Twin Flame Ler mais "

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What Is A Twin Flame? 11 Signs You’ve Found Your “Mirror Soul”

Every relationship has something to teach us—and twin flames are often considered the ones that will teach us the most. Meeting your twin flame is considered the most powerful soul encounter a person can experience. What to know about navigating the oftentimes tumultuous relationship:What is a twin flame relationship?One of the main characteristics of a

What Is A Twin Flame? 11 Signs You’ve Found Your “Mirror Soul” Ler mais "


7 Signs that you might be going through a Dark Night of the Soul

What is a Dark Night of the Soul? The Dark Night of the Soul is a period of utter spiritual desolation, disconnection, and emptiness in which one feels totally separated from the Divine. Those who experience the Dark Night feel completely lost, hopeless, and consumed with melancholy. The Dark Night of the Soul can be likened to

7 Signs that you might be going through a Dark Night of the Soul Ler mais "

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7 Ascension Symptoms That Show You Are Awakening

You may experience certain ascension symptoms as your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual structures transform to a higher level of consciousness.What is Ascension?Ascension is the process of spiritual awakening that moves you into a higher level of consciousness. When this happens, you may experience some ascension symptoms.Through the process of ascension, your vibrational frequency is

7 Ascension Symptoms That Show You Are Awakening Ler mais "

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5 sinais de que está a ascender à 5D

Here Are 5 Signs You Are Outgrowing 3D Life And Ascending To 5DYou find it hard to do mundane tasks without frustration.Driving in traffic is so 3D! Small talk feels even more empty and like a grand waste of precious time. You seek depth in people, places, and experiences. And you let go of relationships that

5 sinais de que está a ascender à 5D Ler mais "

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Essential Oils for an Aphrodisiac

Use these Essential Oils: YLANG YLANG, NEROLI, CLARY SAGE, STAR ANISE, CINNAMON, JASMINE, SANDALWOOD My Personal Favorite: While I like YLANG YLANG, I prefer and adore NEROLI! Top Aphrodisiac YLANG YLANG is considered to be very sensual oil, euphoric and, of course, romantic. It is also considered to be soothing.  In aromatherapy, it has the

Essential Oils for an Aphrodisiac Ler mais "


Essential Oils to Improve Memory

Find Relief with these Essential Oils: ROSEMARY, BASIL, BLACK PEPPER Clinical studies Several recent clinical studies using ROSEMARY tested increase in memory, attentiveness, alertness, liveliness, and joyfulness, while increasing breathing rate and blood pressure. This confirms what herbalists and those through history have known (including Shakespeare!) Researchers Moss and Oliver (2012) investigated plasma levels of

Essential Oils to Improve Memory Ler mais "


Essential Oils for Tranquility

Find Relief with these Essential Oils: FRANKINCENSE, SWEET ORANGE, CLARY SAGE, LAVENDER Tranquil environment FRANKINCENSE is a perfect choice. It promotes a calm, tranquil setting. Diffuse or inhale. Calm tranquility CLARY SAGE or SWEET ORANGE also promote tranquility.  Diffuse! Blend for meditation or healing prayer Mix 6 drops of CLARY SAGE with 2 drops of

Essential Oils for Tranquility Ler mais "


Essential Oils for Depression

Find Relief with these Essential Oils: CLOVE, BERGAMOT, ROSEMARY, MAY CHANG, ROSE GERANIUM, LIME, PETIT GRAIN, BASIL, SWEET ORANGE Feeling down, cold, depressed? The warmth of CLOVE along with its brightening qualities are excellent. Diffuse or inhale; use on your jewelry. Anti-depressant BERGAMOT is an anti-depressant and helps bring you out of the doldrums or

Essential Oils for Depression Ler mais "


Essential Oils for Stress & Anxiety

Find Relief with these Essential Oils: CLARY SAGE, ROSEMARY, LAVENDER, NEROLI, ORANGE, PETITGRAIN, LEMONGRASS Stressed? If you feel highly stressed and cortisol levels are up, diffuse ROSEMARY or inhale it.  Or add 7 drops to your favorite cream and massage on.  You might put 2 drops on your aromatherapy bracelet or necklace and pull it

Essential Oils for Stress & Anxiety Ler mais "
