• Todos
  • Aquário
  • Áries
  • Artigos
  • Astrologia
  • Cancro
  • Capricórnio
  • Quíron no seu mapa natal
  • Gémeos
  • Cura
  • Leão
  • Balança
  • Estilo de vida
  • Manifestação e Abundância
  • O Meio do Céu no seu mapa natal
  • Nodos Norte e Sul no seu mapa natal
  • Numerologia
  • Peixes
  • Planetas
  • Planetas nas Casas
  • Planetas nos signos
  • Relações
  • Sagitário
  • Escorpião
  • Astrologia sexual
  • Sinais nas casas
  • Combinações de Sol e Lua
  • Touro
  • Trânsitos
  • Virgem

Nodos Norte de Caranguejo e Capricórnio

Your North Node Life Path:If you were born with a Cancer north node or a Capricorn north node, your life path involves balancing personal and professional endeavors, home and work, masculine and feminine energy. Cancer rules the feminine realm—home, family, women, maternal energy, creativity. Capricorn rules the masculine realm—career, public life, men, paternal energy and […]

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Nodos Norte de Gémeos e Sagitário

O seu nodo norte Caminho de vida: Gémeos e Sagitário são os signos da comunicação e da aprendizagem. Se nasceu com um nódulo norte de Gémeos ou de Sagitário, o seu objetivo de vida pode incluir o ensino, a aprendizagem, a escrita e a divulgação de uma mensagem. Estes nodos lunares estão constantemente a recolher e a divulgar conhecimentos. São os mais interactivos de todos

Nodos Norte de Gémeos e Sagitário Ler mais "

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Nodos Norte de Touro e Escorpião

O seu percurso de vida com o nodo norte: Touro e Escorpião são os signos que regem o dinheiro, o poder e a sensualidade. Se nasceu com um nódulo norte de Touro ou de Escorpião, o seu destino envolve aprender a equilibrar os mundos espiritual e material. Estes nodos exalam proeza sexual, sensualidade terrena e poder. Canalizar estas forças dinâmicas de forma saudável,

Nodos Norte de Touro e Escorpião Ler mais "

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Mercúrio nas relações

Sinastria de Mercúrio nos relacionamentosQuando Mercúrio em Fogo e Mercúrio em Terra interagem: Existe frequentemente um conflito entre a necessidade de estimulação intelectual e criatividade (Fogo) e o desejo de permanecer enraizado no físico (Terra). A personalidade Fogo está menos preocupada com o mundo físico e material; enquanto a personalidade Terra é consumida com

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Mercury in the Elements

Mercury in the Elements:Mercury in Fire people (that is, those with Mercury in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius) express themselves with vigor. They are most comfortable thinking and talking about personal desires and visions than practical affairs, and are not particularly concerned with other people’s perspectives. They generally express themselves with confidence, energy, and enthusiasm. They’ll defend

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Marte nas relações

Synastry of Mars in RelationshipsWhen Mars in Fire and Mars in Earth people interact:There is often a conflict between creative instincts (Fire) and physical desires (Earth). While Fire rarely thinks before it acts, Earth is deliberate and careful.How they can benefit each other: Earth Mars can help Fire Mars slow down; Fire Mars can help stimulate

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Planets in Your House of Relationships

The 7th House Rules RelationshipsThose with many planets in the seventh house tend to have a real need for relationships in their life. With personal planets there we are often looking for a partner who fulfills a basic need in our understanding of who we are, as we are projecting a very fundamental part of

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Venus & Mars in Synastry

Venus is the Goddess of LoveMost of us are familiar with the significance of Venus in mythology. Venus, the goddess of love, provides us with valuable insights into how we approach matters of the heart. Venus rules romantic love, but it also plays a role in our pleasurable attachments in a more general sense.Many of

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What Type of Empath are You?

There are several different types of empaths, though they could all fall into the category of psychic empaths. The difference is the way they receive information from other people’s feelings. Some picked them up from objects, some sensed them from people around them. Some help to heal people by working with their subject’s feelings and

What Type of Empath are You? Ler mais "

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Essential Oils for Addiction Support

Addiction Support Addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling, and other substances or activities causes serious problems for millions. People who are fighting addiction respond well to natural treatments coupled with behavior modification, intervention, and community support such as a 12-step program. Seek professional help if behaviors surrounding addiction worsen, or if the addict is a threat

Essential Oils for Addiction Support Ler mais "


Essentials Oils for ADD/ADHD

ADD/ADHD Attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are common conditions that affect children, teens, and some adults. Marked by difficulty concentrating, impulsive behavior, and other symptoms, these difficulties respond well to natural remedies and behavior modification. See a doctor if problems worsen or fail to respond to natural treatment. Improve Focus

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