O seu signo do meio do céu - A sua carreira ideal

The Midheaven is the entrance to the tenth house and relates to your career, reputation, and social standing. These are your most visible achievements in the eyes of the world.

Signo do Meio do Céu

Your Midheaven Sign is the Zodiac Sign that was at the southern highest point above the horizon at the moment you were born. This southern highest point is also known as the Medium Coeli, or MC for short. It represents the way the public sees you. It reveals the style that empowers you to take charge and create success in any aspect of your life. It is the key to being a Manifestor.

The sign on your Midheaven is a compass you can follow.

Professionally, it shows the career path that is best suited to you. Personally, these are the traits that need to be integrated and expressed in your personality for you to be successful. They are the qualities that you need to be consciously emphasizing and expressing in relationships to gain success and a position of feeling competent and in charge.

The sign of your midheaven can be found beside the label ‘MC’ on your mapa astral. Explore the meaning of your Midheaven below:

Áries Meio do Céu

You were meant to defend, to express opinions, and to be in control. You have the ability to navigate your career path with vision and determination. Careers that require a self-starter or that keep an eye on the future are suitable for you.

Áries Midheavens would make good detectives, journalists, fitness instructors, firefighters, and athletes. Your career should offer you opportunities for growth and expansion, the chance to lead, and to defend the underdog. You’re a trailblazer and can do anything that fulfills your sense of adventure in the workplace. Work on following through and discipline.

Read More About a Midheaven in Aries.

Touro Meio do Céu

You were meant to create beauty and improve people and objects. You have a talent for spotting good business opportunities and you’re willing to get down and dirty and work hard to achieve your goals.

Taurus Midheavens are drawn to work that revolve around creativity and money: banking, art, music, finance, and fashion, to name a few. While it could take years for you to decide which path to pursue, once a decision has been made, you are steadfast when it comes to your goals. It may be difficult to delegate work, as you feel no one can do a better job then yourself. Learn to see the positive qualities of others and trust in their potential.

Read More About a Midheaven in Taurus.

Gémeos Meio do Céu

You were meant to be in touch with other people, to be able to actively spread both your wisdom and knowledge through teaching, journalism, advertising, public relations, comedy, marketing, or sales. Truly a jack-of-all-trades and a lifelong student, you will be the happiest with a job that gives you the time and space to explore a variety of interests.

Read More About a Midheaven in Gemini.

Caranguejo Meio do Céu

You were meant to nurture others because of your ability to see situations and people on a deeper level.

Cancer Midheavens make great chefs, nurses, teachers, historians, and social workers. Your career path may experience highs and lows due to insecurity and an innate restlessness from suppressing your emotional side. This may change, though, once your find your passion, which may not be in a field that involves a high pay. Whichever field you end up in, you will always have a creative advantage.

Read More About a Midheaven in Cancer.

Leão Meio do Céu

Courageous in your choices, you go after your goals with unwavering faith in yourself. Watch out for overconfidence, arrogance, or impatience.

Leo Midheavens make great motivational speakers, actors, singers, organization leaders, film directors, spokespersons, businessmen, or politicians – really, any career that puts them in the spotlight or in the public eye in some way and appeals to their financial desires. Take pride on how you project yourself and don’t be afraid to shine. It is your birthright.

Read More About a Midheaven in Leo.

Virgem Meio do Céu

You need to develop inner calm, to direct your energy constructively, and to develop self-confidence. Your analytical mind and eye for detail should be used towards improving and bringing order to existing situations, for the benefit of both yourself and the world.

You prefer to work from behind the scenes and can be drawn to science, research, medicine, psychology, or the literary arts. Take it easy and don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re doing just fine.

Read More About a Midheaven in Virgo.

Libra Meio do Céu

You are meant to seek justice, fairness, and equality, and you are willing to fight for it. In childhood, self-improvement and assertion may have been the focus on your life. Now, however, you are looking towards focusing on others, providing justice and harmony to people, places, and situations. You have a knack for attracting great opportunities and for connecting with your charming and diplomatic persona.

Libra Midheavens make great psychologists, therapists, lawyers, judges, diplomats, interior designers, architects, and musicians. Fight for your passion and your art!

Read More About a Midheaven in Libra.

Escorpião Meio do Céu

You are meant to shine a light in the darker areas of human existence that often go unrecognized.

Scorpio Midheavens make great criminal psychologists, detectives, actors, healers, accountants, bankers, stockbrokers, and therapists. You have an ability to see the truth underneath the lies and the stories people so often tell themselves, and you believe that exposing these truths is difficult but necessary for the good of all. Your ability to concentrate on tasks for long periods of time is a blessing but your passion for your career dies out once you feel that you have mastered it. Transformation in career is common for Scorpios. Trust your instincts, follow your gut.

Read More About a Midheaven in Scorpio.

Sagitário Meio do Céu

You are meant to be on the move, to be an eternal student and teacher, and to share your wisdom and humor.

Sagittarius Midheavens make great pilots, flight attendants, touring musicians, photographers, travel consultants, or can be drawn to religious or spiritual vocations. An explorer who thrives off knowing people from all walks of life, you enjoy socializing, researching, investigating, and connecting the dots when it comes to ideas, people, and theories. To you, we are all interconnected. Find work wherein you can have independence when it comes to your schedule and that allows you to take your work wherever you go.

Read More About a Midheaven in Sagittarius.

Capricórnio Meio do Céu

Ambitious, at times to a fault, you take your career seriously and are able to shut everything out and focus. You are meant to make a name for yourself and to make as much money as possible!

Capricorn Midheavens make natural CEOs, managers, doctors, property owners, financial managers, bankers. With your diligence and drive, you are self-made and will inhabit a position that commands respect, in any path you pursue.You can be stern and intimidating when first put in power. You must learn that toning down the bossiness and displaying more compassion can lead to more productivity and respect.

Read More About a Midheaven in Caprciron.

Aquário Meio do Céu

No doubt you dream of making the world a better place and are meant to do just that. You get high on bringing something new to the table, and you prefer a specialized job or one that only you can do. The reason for that? By being the only one qualified to do your job, no one can boss you around and tell you what to do. You love to learn, and you get a lot of opportunities through friends and social groups.

Aquarius Midheavens are drawn scientific or mathematical fields and towards the New Age. Astronomy, astrology, engineering, environmental science, film, television, humanitarian work are possible careers. Your breakthroughs in work can bring higher knowledge as you steer clear of traditional thought patterns to find new ways of doing things and make new discoveries. Avoid being stubborn and believing your way is always the right way. A little compromise never hurt.

Read More About a Midheaven in Aquarius.

Peixes Meio do Céu

Many people have the impression you’re out of touch with reality when in fact, you’re just tuned into a whole different frequency. Money isn’t as important to you as passion and being able to make a difference.

Pisces Midheavens are drawn to careers in music, theater, film, literature, and the cura arts. Embrace your emotions. Explore your boundaries but be careful not to overstep them. Learn to use your gifts of creativity, compassion, and spirituality, as they will bring you opportunities only you can imagine.

Read More About a Midheaven in Pisces.