Understanding the Aspects in Your Birth Chart

Knowing the basics of each planetary placement in your mapa astral can give you insights into your personality, emotional responses, and communication style.

Understanding how these planetary placements aspect with one another can provide profound insights into your personality & path.

What Are Aspects in Astrology?

Simply put, aspects refer to the angles the planets create in your birth chart. These in turn work together to form a relação with each other.

Each planet has a specific personality trait, and depending on which planets are at play and what angles they create, these planets can have a neutral, harmonious, or tense relationship. When it comes to your birth chart, aspects can reveal different parts in your life where you either thrive or experience tension.

The aspects within our birth chart can illuminate areas of ease and abundance in our lives where we feel like luck is on our side. They can also help us bridge the link between some of the more difficult experiences we each move through. Having this awareness allows us to take steps towards working in harmony with our unique blueprint. It allows for not just self-acceptance, but also cura and thriving.

The five major aspects are conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. Other aspects which show power or areas of growth include the quincunx, semi-square, sesquiquadrate, parallels & contra-parallels. Discover the meaning behind these aspects below:

Hard or difficult aspects:

Semi-square, Square, Sesquiquadrate, and Opposition. These are the aspects that help us recognize the ingredients in our personality that need changing.

Squares are typically seen as a challenge and oppositions as a need for balance

Easy or soft aspects:

Trines and Sextiles. These are the aspects that express our talents and skills.

Growth aspects:

Semi-sextiles and quincunx. These are aspects that give us opportunity to grow. They indicate the long-term development of some key aspect of our personality and behavior for this lifetime.

Power aspects:

Conjunctions, Parallels, and Contra-parallels. These are the aspects that show energy, force, reorganization, and transformational ability.

Afflicted Planets:

A planet is called afflicted when it has only hard (difficult) aspects. These planets represent our greatest challenges and our more promising areas of growth.


A planet is unafflicted when it is not limited to only hard aspects. This can mean that the planet has no aspects, has only easy aspects, or has both hard and soft aspects.

Well Aspected:

A planet is called well-aspected when it has no hard aspects. This shows ease of expression and a certain ability to bring the ingredients symbolized forward into life with little or no conflict.

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