Indicators of Psychic Ability in the Birth Chart

The ability to process and absorb the world with your intuitive lens could feel like a blessing or a curse. The ability to be sensitive can make you feel connected to people and yourself … however it could also lead you to be swept away by fantasies that are not realistic or heavy hurtful emotions.

Certain planets or aspects that are found within your mapa astral may determine if you have a heightened intuition.

Read on and compare your chart to determine whether any of these positions are part of your Astrology!

Sun quincunx Neptune

You’re sensitive and open psychically, as a child you may have been controlled by more powerful people. Your sensitivity to the environment could present a problem for you in different ways, too. Ugliness, pollution or dissonance in any form are likely to be more detrimental to you than the majority of people.

Moon sextile Neptune

You are likely to be around people who are soft, sensitive, peaceful, and spiritually inclined, and there is a significant component of mutual empathy and understanding in your private relações. It is simple for you to be able to sense the emotions and feelings of others in their worlds. It is possible to share this kind of telepathic connection with your sisters, mother, or female acquaintances.

Mercury conjunct Neptune

You’re sensitive to the subtleties and have intuitive or psychic abilities, however you could get confused between your imagination and real perception. You possess an intense romantic and mystical bent and are unable to focus your attention on the practical or routine tasks. You are particularly drawn to spiritual and metaphysical subjects.

Mercury sextile Neptune

Creative, imaginative and innovative in your thought process you are gifted in writing poetry, novels or fantasies. You also possess a natural willingness to explore the spiritual side of life and can write or speak about these topics. Claivoyance can be developed easily.

Mercury trine Neptune

You’re open to topics that defy rational explanations, such as the psychic phenomenon, mental telepathy, and metaphysics, and you are able to teach others about these topics. Your mind is inspired and creative, and you have an aptitude for creative writing and art.

Mercury opposite Neptune

Your mind is highly intuitive creative, imaginative, and deeply affected by fantasy or imagery. Sometimes, you’re in a position to see things others cannot perceive, like an “aura” of a person, but at the same time, you could be unable to perceive or miss things that are evident to other people. The problem you’re prone to is that you project your thoughts, fantasies, and desires onto others or an outside setting and you aren’t able to see the reality.

Uranus sextile Neptune

You’re open to psychic experiences or altered states of consciousness and don’t have to make an effort to attain these. You are part of an idealistic and free-thinking group of people who want to advance the spiritual advancement of humanity in all its forms.

Neptune in the 12th House

Highly sensitive and compassionate to the emotions in the surrounding environment and the people around you, you are “psychic” or capable of recognizing and understanding the emotions of a person without speaking to them or knowing them personally. You are incredibly fascinated by the occult realms of the world and in the afterlife. Your keen sensitivity might remain hidden or undiscovered for most of your life. It will later be fully awakened in adulthood.

Neptune conjunct Midheaven

Your sensitivity to the unreal or invisible world is extremely powerful. This means that your drive and goals in life can be influenced by your mystical awareness. Make-believe, imagination, and creative fantasy may be a part of your professional life. You can convey cura or inspiring messages.

Neptune square Ascendant

You are very sensitive to all energy and impressions that surround you. At times, you may be overwhelmed or even dominated by strong personality types. Establishing distinct boundaries is essential for you since you are prone to be entangled in a psychic or emotional way with anyone you meet. It is possible that you have the chameleon’s characteristic of appearing to be the person you’re with the most.

Neptune trine Ascendant

There’s a sense of universal empathy, gentleness, and non-judgmental acceptance of your personality that draws people to connect with you. Since you possess a great amount of intuition or psychic insight you are able to say or do the right thing to them.

Pluto in the 12th House

You are interested in mysteries such as the underworld, the unconscious, and everything that is secret and obscure. The study of your dreams, psychoanalysis as well as other ways of discovering yourself are extremely fascinating to you. You may be exceptionally sensitive and intuitive. Your unconscious and emotional energy are complex, and frequent changes and personal crises are scattered throughout your life.