Caminho de Vida Número 9: O Sábio

The Life Path Number 9 is the path of endings, generosity, emotion, compassion, global awareness, universality, and interpretation.

Caminho de vida número 9
Caminho de vida número 9

The Life Path Number 9 is the life path of all numbers. It contains a little bit of all the other energies, as well as some unique characteristics of its own. Its influence in your life makes you very versatile and unusual.

In order to understand 9s universal effect, add together the numbers from 1 to 8, (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8). The answer is 36. Add the 3 and the 6 together, and you have 9. Add 9 to 9 and you have 18. Then add the 1 and the 8 together, and you’re back to 9. This is the only number that works in such a mysterious way. Just as 9 contains all the other numbers, you, yourself, with the Life Path Number 9 are all things to all people.

The Life Path Number 9 enables you to live an extraordinary life, full of love, accomplishment, and personal satisfaction. But first you must accept that your feelings are what you came into this life to express and understand. Yes, the Life Path 9 is, indeed, an emotional one. It is, therefore, a very creative one.

9 is the most complicated of all the energies. It is the most difficult to live with or make sense of. But, until you understand its purpose, with a Life Path Number 9 your life can seem like a never ending roller coaster ride. If you do not accept your emotional disposition, trauma after trauma may have to be experienced in order to reach that acceptance. The Life Path 9 mind expands and evolves in ways that most others will not experience. This enables you to feel love in its most profound and diverse forms. You will soon learn that 9 is a most wonderful and satisfying Life Path.

As an individual with a Life Path Number 9, your everyday affairs may have to be dealt with differently to other people’s. You often have to travel in what seems like the wrong direction – backwards – in order to go forward. The 9 Life Path can seem so complex that it is unavoidable for you to become involved in the metaphysics of life. You probably do have an avid interest in spiritual and psychological matters.

Having a Life Path Number 9, a basic understanding of reincarnation is desirable because this lifetime is likely to be your last. And if that sounds a little ominous, you should know that all 9s are very old souls who have lived many lifetimes. Haven’t you ever wondered why nothing really shocks you? It is because you have seen it all before and done it all before. You have experienced every form, color, creed, gender, and walk of life. Deep in your soul, you know that you are here to conclude unresolved issues of the past, so that you can move on.

With a Life Path Number 9, before you can evolve into your higher existence, you must live this life fully.

You must finish everything that you start, tie up all the loose ends, gain new experience from your past and present mistakes, and leave nothing unfinished. All of this can seem like a daunting task or, if you choose to see it in a different light, it can be an exciting and fulfilling adventure.

Yes, you can become frustrated and angry at the demands that others make on you. But the truth is that you are the one who allows this to happen. You do not assert yourself as fully as you could. Your live-and-let-live attitude can often backfire on you. To counteract this, you must develop self-respect and, at the same time, be comfortable in your role of giver. When this is achieved, you will have no problem saying “no” when it is necessary, and you will be able to move away from the guilt that often plagues individual on the Life Path Number 9 who do not know what it means to be a 9.

Having a Life Path Number 9, you are able to achieve anything for which you feel passion, purpose, and desire. You are probably already aware of just how versatile you are. There is very little to which you cannot relate, and you probably know a little bit about everything. And, while your versatility can be a great asset, it can also create problems with regard to your sense of identity, making a living, and establishing a secure base for yourself. Therefore, it is necessary for you to specialize in something in which you are passionately interested. Otherwise, you cannot help but suffer the pains of being unfulfilled. The feeling of self-fulfillment, usually through helping others, is one of the beautiful gifts that the Life Path Number 9 offers.

With a Life Path Number 9, your life tends to create circumstances to which, it seems, you must constantly adapt. This makes it difficult for you to concentrate on one thing at a time. You may tend to spread yourself too thin, in too many directions, unable to focus long enough to gain the necessary experience or expertise. You may find yourself bouncing from one thing to another without actually completing anything – unaware that completion is the very thing you came into this life to achieve. You may already be doing pretty well in life, but there is no telling just how much you can accomplish with focus. It is always lack of concentration which prevents Life Path 9’s from seeing their higher potential. It is up to you to recognize your specialty, that thing you feel so impassioned about, and give it the focus it deserves.

For the individual with a Life Path Number 9, your life is often cluttered with useless projects, people, possessions, and memories. When the going gets tough, stand back from the ongoing dramas of your life and assess any situations or relações which need to be weeded out and ended. When the going gets tough, go back to the past and release yourself from an unexpressed emotion which is holding you there.

It is no wonder during the 1990s, when 9 was the dominant energy in the world, that humanity experienced the “retro” trend. This was a decade in which we realized that no one knew what the future held and that the “visions” expressed by industry, politics, science, and religion were greatly lacking in freedom. With the future seeming so unacceptable, people turned around and faced the past instead and saw that the past had become the present and that what we choose to do now, in the present, creates the future. Even though the future never comes, both the past and the future are always NOW. In a similar fashion, by using nostalgia to go back into the past, you will be able to learn, conclude, and then create a future of your own design.

Ultimately, with a Life Path Number 9, you are learning how to let go.

Having a Life Path Number 9, this can be a painful process until you understand its necessity. You may question how it is possible to be the kind and generous person you know you are, when you may have to hurt people in the process of letting go. The life path of a 9 is never simple, and it works in the most mysterious ways. Very often, the people you think you may hurt, actually need to be let go of so that their lives can unfold naturally.

For the Life Path Number 9, partings are such sorrowful and frightening occasions, only to find, in retrospect, that it was the best thing for all concerned. On the other hand, by developing a greater tolerance for individuality, the need to end certain relationships need never arise. Learn to accept the diversity of humanity; the differences between yourself and others; and enjoy the richness of deeply loving relationships in which a common goal takes the place of ego.

As an individual with a Life Path Number 9, remember that it is difficult for those who love you to share you with the world, as they so often have to do. Allow others to be who they are rather than who you want them to be. You can become very disappointed with those who do not live up to your high ideals. But your disappointment is actually with your intolerance of them. 9 is the number of giving, and the most precious gift you can bestow on others is your acceptance of them, just as they are. This in no way implies lowering your standards. On the contrary, you must stay true to yourself and your principles. But, with a Life Path Number 9, your vision is a unique one and you cannot always expect others to see life as you see it. Once you start trying to control or manipulate the lives of other people, or if you are overly possessive, irresponsible, unemotional, destructive, or unconcerned for the welfare of others, the 9 energy will work against you dramatically.

The Life Path Number 9 creates at least one major episode of trauma, illness, loss, accident, scandal, or some other dramatic event which will change the course of your entire life. In retrospect, such painful events can turn out to be the “best thing that ever happened to you”. They open you up to your emotional powers which, in turn, set you on a more stable and meaningful path. When you accept and express your emotions, life will provide you with many unusual and profound understandings and experiences.

Life Path 9
Life Path 9

With a Life Path Number 9, as your experience grows, you are likely to become a philosopher of sorts, and you will want to share your perceptions with others.

9, let me tell you something that you really need to know: there is nothing you cannot handle. You have had to face fear so often that you instinctively understand its purpose. Having a Life Path Number 9, the more you face your fears head-on, the more you will know what really does need to be feared and what does not. This makes you strong, courageous, intelligent, and compassionate. You may have to work hard at building this level of confidence. When you do, you will experience a massive shift of consciousness. Your emotions will become your power instead of your weakness, and you will develop a much deeper appreciation of your purpose as a human being.

With the Life Path Number 9’s emphasis on humanitarianism and selflessness, some of your most natural characteristics are those of generosity and compassion. In your younger years, you may have been taken advantage of by others who could sense your need to give. Of course, you must only give because you want to, and not because you feel you should. You cannot battle with guilt . You can only recognize it and move away from it. And you must remember that guilt is not an emotion. It is a wall of judgment which prevents you from feeling anything at all. When this lesson is learned – the lesson of Free Will – the world will respond to you with the same level of respect.

Having a Life Path Number 9, take a good look at the way you have led your life and you will realize that you have been giving your whole life through, without even knowing it. There are so many ways in which to give. Few of them require sacrifice. You can give as a loving spouse or parent, you can give kindness and comfort to others, you can give money and material assistance to those in need, you can give friendliness, encouragement, or opportunity, you can give emotional support, guidance, and counsel, you can give of yourself through your particular field of work or service, or through your abundance of creative talent. Yes, you have been giving to this world all your life.

For the Life Path Number 9, when you are not focused, you can be “all talk and no action”. Who can blame others for ignoring or even stealing your ideas when it is plain that you have no intention of putting them to use. No one likes to see a good idea go to waste. Having a Life Path Number 9 makes you a natural planner and dreamer, but you must also strive to take the action which will bring your goals into reality. Only through an undaunted belief in yourself will you be able to do this.

Because the Life Path 9 energy is made up of all the other energies – and then some – it is important to know what the other energies consist of and to incorporate them into your everyday life:

1. INDEPENDENCE: knowing who you are, adapting to change, and leading your own life.

2. RELATION: cooperating with others, patience tact, careful attention to detail, and living through intuition.

3. CREATIVITY: communicating; developing friendship, beauty, and happiness.

4. BREAKTHROUGH: knowing that one’s work must be what one loves.

5. FREEDOM: expanding your experience by learning from your mistakes.

6. RESPONSIBILITY: love; the ultimate balancing act.

7. WISDOM: inner development, spirituality, knowledge.

8. POWER: the ability to influence through your powers of manifestation.

9. COMPLETION: following your feelings to free Will.

As an individual with a Life Path Number 9, you will go through many phases in your life. Your personality will change accordingly. You can be perceived as many things, ranging from the “nicest” person in the world to a detached, angry, and self-centered alarmist. What seems to others as negative behavior is actually quite natural for one who is experiencing so many different aspects of life as intensely as you are. Be yourself. Let your feelings take their spontaneous course – through you and out of you.

With a Life Path Number 9, you are able to see all angles of a situation and you realize just how near sighted other people can be. Even though you may become frustrated by a world that is so gullible, your caring nature wants to open people’s eyes to reality. Yes, you are a very intense person. You are here to learn about life from a broader perspective and then interpret your findings to others.

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