Traços de personalidade de Sagitário

The adventurousness of the Sagittarius makes him or her an entrancing lover. If you can keep up. The downside is that they get easily bored and, because they are adventure seekers, while looking for stability at the same time, they will vacillate between the two, which makes it hard to build a relação. Sagittarius have been known to settle down for a while and then wander off in search of something new.

Sagittarius have an affectionate nature. They are highly sociable and like to keep a thing interesting, which means that they are often party animals. They aren’t as interested in conversation as the Gémeos and they don’t need to be the center of attention, like the Leo. Instead, they prefer action and activity, like sports, dancing or other physical activity that can eat up time while keeping them interested. Hang out very long with a Sagittarius and you might find yourself scuba or sky diving.

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

This is the ninth Zodiac sign. It is a fire sign and covers those born between November 22 and December 21. The symbol for Sagitário is the archer and is often depicted as a centaur with bow and arrow. In a sense, the centaur is the ideal symbol for Sagittarius. It represents duality and exemplifies the Sagittarius’s desire for both adventure and stability. One of the big advantages of knowing a Sagittarius is their positive and optimistic approach to life. They can also be quite entertaining and fun to be around. They are gregarious, humorous and have a great joy for life.

The Sagittarius has an overall optimistic outlook in life, honest and blunt almost to a fault; they will mince no meat about telling you the truth as they see it, if there’s a reason to do so. Sagittarius people live a very open life, what you see and hear from them is what it is. They are usually well liked among family, friends, co-workers and their communities, because they usually possess jovial, happy personalities and are always ready to help someone see the beauty and joy of life itself, even in the face of obstacles.

Sagittarius people are also very intelligent (although tactless in their choices of what to say) as they love gaining knowledge about anything and love learning about other cultures, people and places. They are often very interesting, unique, void of prejudices and take an interest in one-off and quirky people. For the Sagittarius, living is a lifelong journey of learning, meant for discovering everything and anything that will ultimately add to their great enthusiasm for life. Sagittarius people are walking fountains of information and helpful, intuitive advice for those who’ll listen.

Sagittarius will be true to their faults, but turn a completely deaf ear to criticism at the same time. Sometimes, they can reject the best suggestions and turn them down rudely. They love the outdoors and take great interest in highly active pastimes like sports. They are sincere and kind-hearted, and will always look for solutions to the problems of their dear ones. They also happen to be the most animated sign in the zodiac, their calendars bursting with activities all the time which is why they are a restless lot. Sagittarians usually find it hard to concentrate on the task at hand even though they are highly active. Multi-tasking isn’t one of their strongest points.

Sagittarius as a Fire Sign

Sagittarius individuals fall under the zodiac Fire sign and as with all that fall under this element, they are endowed with endless energy that burns high for a long time. They are also unpredictable, not planning ahead and acting without any forethought. They are doers first and thinkers second. However, the Sagittarian’s energy can be characterized more as a warming flame than a raging fire. They use their energies in favor of the ones closest to their heart, and not for self-serving purposes and goals. They are optimists, always seeing the good in things.

Qualidades positivas e pontos fortes

Sagittarius are very independent, optimistic and honest to themselves, they know that there is always a way out of every problem. They have a great sense of humor and are always cheerful. There are no boring moments with a Sagittarius. They are highly philosophical and straightforward. You can always count on them for an honest opinion. They are good inventors and dedicated workers.

Being the most active sign in the zodiac, Sagittarius are athletically inclined and are eternal optimists. They excel at sports and outdoor adventures, and hardships to not dampen their spirits easily. Sagittarians always look at the brightest side in the weirdest and most awkward situations. And when they set a goal, they will remain focused in reaching it until they achieve it.

Qualidades negativas e pontos fracos

Because of their healthy love for themselves, if left unchecked this can become self-obsession. They can get carried away and might be convinced that they are the greatest living being that ever existed. Unemotional and reckless, their words to others can be rude and harsh when they are hurt. They may surprise you at times with how cold they can be. Sagittarius signs tend to shy away from family responsibilities and because of this you might have to supervise them, or not trust them to follow though a certain task.

The high spiritedness of the Sagittarius is their greatest weakness and also greatest strength, because this gives them the tendency to act straight away without thinking about the pros and cons first. They also easily get bored, but will be reluctant to motivate themselves again. This is how they lose their focus in life. Sagittarians also do not take criticism very well. They can turn a completely deaf ear to other people’s suggestions.

Caraterísticas de Sagitário

Ambitious: Sagittarius people are highly ambitious and to them, the sky is the limit. If they set their mind on a goal, they will do everything they can to attain it and are not easily put down by setbacks.

Otimista: They are extremely optimistic, and believe that nothing is impossible. They know that luck and fortune is on their side and that they approach life with a smile.

Helpful: Sagittarius signs are also extremely helpful, quick to lend a hand without given any second thought about it. If you are in distress, you can count on your Sagittarian friend for help.

Restless: Often described as impatient, Sagittarians lose their temper very quickly, which causes others to feel uneasy around them. At times, their restlessness turns into aggressiveness. They make the mistake of jumping to conclusions right away.

Liderança: Sagittarius zodiac signs are born leaders, not the ones to hesitate to make the first step or set a trend. On top of their optimism and determination they are also great organizers. These qualities allow them to excel in life.