Mars in Leo Love Compatibility Guide

Mars in Leo Love Compatibility
Mars in Leo Love Compatibility

As an individual with Mars in Leo, you are a prima donna in the bedroom and require lots of positive feedback (effusive praise, riotous applause, lavish gifts?) to keep your sexual juices flowing. As?long as your partner plays the role of the spellbound, appreciative audience, then?you are a warm, generous and exciting lover.

With Mars in Leo, you have a great sense of style and presentation?? in and out of the bedroom.? The way you entice a partner into bed is by dazzling them with your charm and?flashy sex appeal. You ooze sexual glamour and every movement demands: ?Look?at me?? I?m the sexiest thing on two legs!? A flamboyant and noisy performer in?bed, you can become too focused on performance-oriented sex, and are the master/mistress of the melodramatic (and sometimes fake!) orgasm.

Having Mars in Leo, at times you can?suffer from delusions of sexual grandeur and become so carried away with the?magnificence of your own performance that you forget lovemaking is actually not a?solo, but a duet.? You hate being upstaged and need to be the one and only in your partner?s life?(so threesomes. and group sex are out), and you can become unreasonably jealous?about their sexual history and past conquests (such details are best kept secret).? Fidelity is extremely important to you, and a lover who is unfaithful wounds your?pride deeply and permanently. You can forgive?? but you never forget!

Self-assertion?for a Mars in Leo

With Mars in Leo, you have no trouble stating your needs, and thrive on being in charge and issuing?orders. But what seems strong and assertive behavior to you, may be seen as plain selfish and bossy demands to others. Learn to play second fiddle occasionally, or you may find your ?appreciative audience? is off looking for a fairer deal?elsewhere.

Additional Information on Women with Mars in Leo

A Mars in Leo woman is usually attracted to a strong, dashing man with one or more planets in Leo (or Sagittarius and Aries, which are the other fire signs). A Mars in Leo woman appreciates a man who?is confident about his talents, and not afraid to display them.

Mars in Leo Love Compatibility Guide

You and Mars in Aries

In the Mars in Leo and Mars in Aries combination, there is an instant chemistry between you that makes for a hot, fiery and passionate affair. When you?re together the juices start flowing and the sexual sparks?really fly, but things can get heated in more ways than one when you start bossing?each other around in bed!

You and Mars in Taurus

The Mars in Leo and Mars in Taurus combination can be an absolute carnal delight or a complete disaster. Either way, they put in most of the hard work, while you lay back, moan, groan, and generally put on an Academy Award-winning performance. Expect sexual fidelity and longevity, but also?plenty of arguments?? in and out of bed.

You and Mars in Gemini

In the Mars in Leo and Mars in Gemini relationship, the two of you enjoy a lively and playful sex life. You love entertaining each other in?the bedroom (from singing and storytelling, to dancing and striptease), and are both very creative when it comes to novel forms of lovemaking. Their versatility?stops you getting in a rut, and you add fire and passion to their mercurial sexuality.

You and Mars in Cancer

In the Mars in Leo and Mars in Cancer relationship, they love showering you with plenty of attention and tender loving care, which is?just as well because you expect to be the centre of attention in bed. Do make sure?their needs are being satisfied as well, or you?ll end up with a sulky partner with? nightly headaches.

You and Mars in Leo

In the double Mars in Leo combination, drama queens unite?? just remember that two ego maniacs in the same bed can be downright dangerous (and very competitive). You can?t both have the most?amazing orgasm of all time, every time! With this combination you?ll be constantly?on show, exhausted and upstaged?? but you?ll also have a lot of fun along the way.

You and Mars in Virgo

In the Mars in Leo and Mars in Virgo relationship, tour (apparent) supreme confidence can make them nervous. Practice a little?humility when you?re in bed with them (they prize modesty and discretion), otherwise they?ll start suffering from a sexual inferiority complex which is likely to result? in mutually unsatisfying lovemaking.

You and Mars in Libra

Mars in Leo with Mars in Libra makes for an indulgent and hedonistic relationship. You both get off on turning lovemaking into a major pleasurable event, and love escaping on extravagant?dirty weekends (of course you would never call them that!). You adore dressing?and undressing each other, plus lots of pampering, bubble baths, massages,?French champagne, eating chocolates in bed?? all help to kick-start your vital urges.

You and Mars in Scorpio

For Mars in Leo and Mars in Scorpio, dramatic flourishes appeal to both of you?? like dressing up and making love to a?sexy Latin beat. But watch out for extreme possessiveness and a clash of wills in?the bedroom. Learn to compromise, take turns, and hide any infidelities?? if you?both want to survive in one piece.

You and Mars in Sagittarius

In the Mars in Leo and Mars in Sagittarius combination, if you can?t stand the heat, get out of the bedroom. This combination is guaranteed?to raise your temperature and lower your life expectancy. You?re so passionate and?they?re so athletic, and you both tend to overdo things (especially when you?re having a good time). The danger here is that such insatiable passion will quickly bum?itself out.

You and Mars in Capricorn

In the Mars in Leo and Mars in Capricorn relationship, you are a dramatic and uninhibited exhibitionist, so you find it difficult to?understand their restraint and self-control in bed. ?Why is it so?? you wonder. The?reason for their reserve? They worry that unrestrained passion will wreak havoc?with their master plan (which always has career as top priority). Herein lies the impasse, because you refuse to play second fiddle to anybody?? or anything.

You and Mars in Aquarius

The Mars in Leo and Mars in Aquarius pairing is problematic from the start. You require more passion and concentrated attention than they are able to give. You want to be adored and ravished?exclusively?? meanwhile, they are off liberating the masses from sexual boredom?and hang-ups.

You and Mars in Pisces

The Mars in Leo and Mars in Pisces combination usually works well sexually because you tell them what to do,?and they willingly oblige. You also share a vibrant fantasy life and a very creative approach to making love. They are turned on by your brash confidence in bed (it?makes them feel secure), while you are in awe of their complete abandonment to?the lovemaking process.

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