Taurus Sun in the 6th House

Sun in Taurus in the Sixth House

Sun in Taurus in 6th House
Sun in Taurus in 6th House

Having your Sun in Taurus, you are the person others count on in the clutch, the one who perseveres when less determined spirits fall by the wayside. Because perseverance is the quality most needed for success, you tend to be successful. You are not the pioneer who first strikes out for new territory, but the determined settler who follows and builds houses and towns and cultivates the soil. If you were born with your Sun in Taurus, there is a pronounced stubborn streak in you. Your greatest strength resides in your tenacity and steady, relentless drive. You are a purposeful achiever who has endless patience to see a thing through, to make it a success. You are the original immovable object and irresistible force.

Taurus is a fixed sign, which means its natives are not fond of change. With your Sun in Taurus, you simply cannot be rushed into anything new. A different approach creates unease and anxiety in you. You are most comfortable and secure with the familiar, and your attitude might be summed up as “If everything is working fine the way it is, why try something new?”

Others are fascinated by your rare blending of a down-to-earth person who is such a romantic, poetic sort. Having your Sun in Taurus, the stability of an earth sign combines with the esthetic influence of Venus to create a responsible, steadfast personality with a deep appreciation for the finer aspects of life.

With your Sun in Taurus, you are also driven by the search for security. You look for permanence in your career, love, marriage, and home. Let others gadabout, jet-set, gallivant, and sleep around. You are happiest at home, surrounded by the beautiful, expensive things you have collected, secure in the warmth of a mate’s devotion, steadfast and faithful to those whom you love. Beneath the surface, you are sensuous and sentimental. You don’t give lavish gifts as tokens of affection because you are not a carefree spender – value is what you expect for your hard-earned dollar. Although you are willing to follow where your heart leads, you find it difficult to display your feelings openly. Your personality is private and self-contained.

With a Sun in Taurus, living with you isn’t always easy. You can be dogmatic, secretive, stingy, opinionated, and suspicious, and your silent manner may conceal feelings of envy and rivalry. It’s hard to get you moving, for you tend to be self-indulgent, even lazy.

As an individual with your Sun in Taurus, you have great stores of energy, however, which you put to use when you want to – not when others want you to. Venus emphasizes the social side of Taurus. Although basically shy and reserved with strangers, you can be a wonderful host or hostess. You like to entertain those you are fond of. You may not indulge as freely in frivolous pleasures as, say, Leo or Libra natives, but you are renowned for enjoying good food and good wine in plush surroundings. You believe in pampering yourself with the comforts of the good life.

With your Sun in Taurus, you are an endearing combination of the dependable and sensible, the sensitive and emotional. Inside every practical Taurus, there is a romantic dreamer struggling to get out.

The Inner You with your Sun in Taurus

Having your Sun in Taurus, you need order in your life – you get anxious when things are out of control. And because the unfamiliar makes you feel insecure, you tend to cut yourself off from fresh experiences. You need to be more open to change.

Having beautiful things is important to you, and your instinct for collecting even spills over into relationships. You hold fast to those you care about. You have a few close friends rather than many casual acquaintances. In love, you’re happiest when involved in a caring, committed relação.

A posição do signo do Sol indica como procuramos expressar-nos, desenvolver-nos, realizar-nos e afirmar a nossa vontade e poder para moldar o nosso ambiente. A posição da casa indica a área da vida em que escolhemos concentrar a energia do nosso signo solar e cumprir o objetivo que ele representa.

Sol na 6ª Casa

Having your Sun in the 6th House generally indicates an introverted personality. The Sun, as it were, can be inhibited from shining forth both because you tend to be self-absorbed (in your own refinement and perfection) and because your relações toward others tend to be supportive in nature. For the Sun’s energy to flow, you must find the proper channels – organizing your energies, recognizing your duty in the world and, and often, expressing yourself analytically.

Como indivíduo com o seu Sol na 6ª Casa, poderá ter de aceitar o seu papel na vida. Se tentar lutar contra o seu papel na vida e tornar-se naquilo que não é, as suas hipóteses de sucesso serão reduzidas. Pode, no entanto, descobrir que se alinha naturalmente com a sua realidade. Pode sentir satisfação no trabalho, em apoiar os outros ou em levar os outros a um estado de saúde.

Com o seu Sol na 6ª Casa, é provável que também se preocupe, de uma forma ou de outra, com o seu próprio estado de saúde e integridade. O seu foco no auto-refinamento e no auto-aperfeiçoamento pode ser acompanhado por uma tendência para a autoanálise. Isto pode manifestar-se como autoconsciência, autocrítica ou preocupação. Pode desejar atingir a perfeição, mas é mais provável que veja as suas imperfeições. Este auto-conhecimento real ou imaginário pode contribuir para a sua relutância em assumir papéis de liderança ou em tornar-se demasiado independente.


Com o seu Sol na 6ª Casa, quando está interiormente inseguro, sente-se inadequado para a tarefa da auto-perfeição e, interiormente, rejeita essa busca. Desenvolve um profundo sentimento de inadequação e inutilidade, agravado pelo facto de estar destinado a ocupar posições subservientes na sociedade. As suas reacções podem incluir o servilismo e a bajulação, a crítica e a mordidela nas costas dos outros (especialmente daqueles que se pensa estarem numa posição mais fraca), ou um sentimento excessivo de auto-importância e necessidade de mostrar superioridade. Pode também sacrificar-se ao seu trabalho para tentar provar o seu valor a si próprio e aos outros. Assim, é vulnerável a preocupações excessivas e a arruinar a sua saúde devido ao stress e ao excesso de trabalho.

Foco da sua auto-identidade

With your Sun in the 6th House, you tend to identify with work, duty and being supportive to others. You have a tendency to see yourself as someone who operates “behind the scenes” or as someone who is placed in a lower-order role. You may also gain a sense of identity from providing service to others. Your self-worth becomes linked to your ability to be of service. The danger here is that, in order to feel validated, you may trap yourself and others into a relationship of dependency. You may also take your identity from your involvement in various types of self-improvement. This may range from such things as body-building to a commitment to inner work on self-refinement and purification. Having your Sun in the 6th House, you generally feel empowerment, vibrancy, vitality and self-assurance from the pursuit of typical 6th House activities – work, service, attendance to duty, self-improvement and health matters. When you engage in these activities, it may be easier for you to express your personality and you may also feel more whole and self-fulfilled.

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