Planets in Your House of Relationships

The 7th House Rules Relationships

Those with many planets in the seventh house tend to have a real need for relações in their life. With personal planets there we are often looking for a partner who fulfills a basic need in our understanding of who we are, as we are projecting a very fundamental part of ourselves out there onto a partner.

With the Sol there we may feel we only really discover who we are through our relationships, as our sense of identity is tied up with the other and it can be hard to feel truly alive without someone else in our lives.

O Lua may show a strong need for an emotional connection in our lives. We may find it hard to express our own emotions well and so look to others to express emotions for us.

Mercúrio there shows we may find it easier to communicate through our relationships or that we seek someone who can communicate what we want better than we can.

With Vénus there, we may need others in order for us to feel worthwhile, we want others to appreciate our talents and value, something we may have trouble doing ourselves – we are looking to others for validation.

Marte in the seventh shows that we look to others to provide our drive and energy – we may lack an ability to motivate or assert ourselves and look to others to supply this for us. Once again, if we can see our partners as a role model for these qualities we can develop them within ourselves, otherwise, we constantly look to others to provide those things we feel we lack, which can put a strain on any relação. With Mars in the seventh, we may find we are attracted to someone with a strong Mars in their chart or with a lot of Aries or Scorpio influence there.

The social planets of Jupiter and Saturn in the seventh describe essential qualities we feel should express in our relationships. With Júpiter there we are looking for a partner who seeks meaning in life; we want them to be generous and optimistic and need to feel that we are growing and learning within our relationships.

Saturno in the seventh can show that we take time before we get involved in a new relationship; we want to take relationships seriously and with responsibility and so often seek out a partner who displays maturity or has an older outlook on life.

The outer planets in the seventh house often show quite strong dynamics that are inherent in our relationships.

With Urano there we have a deep-seated need for freedom within our relationships, we want something individual and unique within our partner and may find that an unconventional type of relationship suits us best.

Neptuno in the seventh often shows that we look to relationships to redeem us, we may idealize a partner or be attracted to someone who either needs saving or who saves us. The illusory nature of Neptune means we must be cautious that we are seeing the real person in any of our relationships because we can be easily fooled.

With Plutão there we are looking for deep transformation in our relationships, relationships that have great potential for turning our lives upside down, ones that are intense and passionate and eventually leave us a changed person. Here our partner feels necessary to our very survival so we may become possessive or attract jealous partners.

With Quíron in the seventh, we feel wounded in the area of relationships, we may feel that they always lead to us getting hurt and so we may be reluctant to get too involved for fear of this. There is a resilience to it but it is hard to escape that feeling of being very emotionally exposed and vulnerable within relationships.