Mars in Sagittarius in the 3rd House

Mars in Sagittarius in the Third HouseThe placement of Mars in Sagittarius indicates that you are likely to have desires that are expansive and may even extend beyond your reach. Your actions are likely to reflect these desires and have a bold and outreaching quality. This often manifests in your having a restlessness of spirit and a […]

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Mars w Rybach w 2. domu

Mars in Pisces in the Second HouseThe placement of Mars in Pisces suggests that your desires and actions tend toward the universal, all-encompassing and transcendent. However, since it is difficult to conceive and operate at these levels, the actual manifestation of Mars in Pisces is often that there is a diffusion, ambiguity or even confusion with respect to

Mars w Rybach w 2. domu Czytaj więcej "

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