Olejki eteryczne poprawiające pamięć

Find Relief with these Essential Oils:


Clinical studies

Several recent clinical studies using ROSEMARY tested increase in memory, attentiveness, alertness, liveliness, and joyfulness, while increasing breathing rate and blood pressure. This confirms what herbalists and those through history have known (including Shakespeare!)

Researchers Moss and Oliver (2012) investigated plasma levels of 1,8 cineole after exposure to ROSEMARY, and it showed an increase of cognitive performance.

Diffuse it, inhale it, wear it on your aromatherapy jewelry; use it in a bath soak or foot soak; create a massage or body lotion with 6-7 drops of ROSEMARY to an ounce of a carrier.  You could also add a drop of BASIL and/or BLACK PEPPER to this lotion.
