Twoje mocne i słabe strony ze Słońcem w Pannie i Księżycem w Byku

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a very solid, dependable and salt-of-the-earth type personality. This is usually a materially fortunate position. Though you may have a natural tendency to worry, you may have little to worry about. You have a sharp mind and an affable personality that endows success with little difficulty. You are strongly rooted in security and appear to others to be the most stable type. Though nerves may sometimes flare up, when you are given time to think things through, they are easily brought back into control. You can get a little flighty, sometimes a bit extreme, even eccentric, or at least unconventional in your habits and general behavior. Ambition is not strongly marked in your nature because you never seem to need it as things just naturally seem to flow your way. You have the capacity to stick with any job until it is done and done right. Yet you may never be the one to initiate the big project, scheme, or dream. You excel at overseeing and keeping the troops in line. You have a way with people because you don’t “beat around the bush” and play games. Straightforward and constant, you manage with integrity and purpose. If you weren’t born into a fortunate environment, you know how to create one. Common sense and a wise practical bent will lead to success in business and in personal relacje alike.

Twoje najmocniejsze strony

Excellent reasoning ability, dependability, common sense, capacity for organization and hard work, quiet reserve and resourcefulness which makes everyone feel that everything is under control, commitment to serving others and making them happy.

Twoje największe słabości

Tendency to be too rational, materialistic and black-and-white in your thinking, stubbornness which comes out when hierarchical relationships are ignored, addiction to routine.

Unikalna faza Księżyca twojego znaku

Faza Księżyca, w której się urodziłeś, jeszcze bardziej udoskonala twój znak Księżyca, ujawniając więcej o twojej wewnętrznej naturze, niż mógłbyś sobie wyobrazić. Możesz być przyciągany do pewnych cech osobowości lub sposobów myślenia. Wiedza o tych predyspozycjach może pomóc ci je wykorzystać lub ich uniknąć.

Czy urodziłeś się podczas pełni Księżyca w Byku? A może był to Waning Gibbous w Byku? I co to wszystko oznacza?

Aby dowiedzieć się, co Twój znak Księżyca i faza Księżyca mówią o Tobie, Uzyskaj bezpłatny spersonalizowany odczyt wideo Księżyca tutaj.


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