Twoje mocne i słabe strony ze Słońcem w znaku Skorpiona i Księżycem w znaku Wodnika

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign may create a rather quiet exterior, but inwardly there is a great deal of mental pressure and a constant flow of undercurrents. You often seem to be absorbed in another sphere of existence and above being actively involved in mundane activities surrounding you. This combination blends the emotional force, determination and willpower of Scorpio, with the originality, ingenuity and friendliness of Aquarius. You have a strong will and deeply fixed attitudes and ideas. Keen judgment of human nature and the ability to sense the motives of others gives you a very good knack for handling people. But you can be a tough boss, for once you lose respect for someone’s ability to think and reason, you have little use for them in any way. Never showing this outwardly, you can always be polite and civil, while feeling nothing but scorn and disgust. You don’t believe in discriminating against anyone, so you hide the intolerance you can not help but feel. You have a need for adulation, but unless you feel that you deserve it, you resent people who flatter and compliment you. You have the ability to influence people and as you progress up the ladder, you are apt to become surrounded by “yes men”, for whom you can hold no respect. Shallowness or superficiality completely throws you off. You have a profound mind that is broad and tolerant (at least in theory), and quite creative. Pride is strongly marked in your nature, and you set great store by intellectual and artistic accomplishment. There is a depth to your nature and your emotions that few can understand. You’re outstanding at observation, analysis, imagining, and creating.

 Twoje najmocniejsze strony

The ability for detached analysis and criticism, insistence on the truth, unwillingness to accept easy answers, intense determination, clarity of expression, sharp sense of humor, exacting self-honesty.

Twoje największe słabości

Proneness to allow depression and cynicism to undermine your creative talents, setting yourself impossibly high goals or standards which only invites frustration, a lack of faith in your fellow beings, which does not give them a fair chance and can keep you lonely.

Unikalna faza Księżyca twojego znaku

Faza Księżyca, w której się urodziłeś, jeszcze bardziej udoskonala twój znak Księżyca, ujawniając więcej o twojej wewnętrznej naturze, niż mógłbyś sobie wyobrazić. Możesz być przyciągany do pewnych cech osobowości lub sposobów myślenia. Wiedza o tych predyspozycjach może pomóc ci je wykorzystać lub ich uniknąć.

Were you born on an Aquarius Full Moon? Or was it an Aquarius Waning Gibbous? And what does it all mean?

Aby dowiedzieć się, co Twój znak Księżyca i faza Księżyca mówią o Tobie, Uzyskaj bezpłatny spersonalizowany odczyt wideo Księżyca tutaj.


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