Twoje mocne i słabe strony ze Słońcem w Baranie i Księżycem w Strzelcu

The combination of your Sun and Moon sign poduces independence of thought, action, and speech. This is a position of dynamic ideals and popular appeal. You believe in the truth with an almost absolute devotion. This belief is perhaps not in the truths of scientific investigation, but more likely in the proper philosophies of life and other large issue abstractions. The natural tendency for Baran to be the pioneer, the fighter, the doer, and the initiator new concepts and ideas is not greatly modified by this combination. Yet the Sagittarius Moon does impose a personal code of ethics and honor that may not always be present in the brash Aries native. In you, executive powers are strongly marked, taking the form of controlling others with ideas and principles. The proper path that should be followed is so clear to you that you are not one ever to mince words in plotting the course. Your intensely emotional approach to getting something accomplished can sometimes limit your awareness of the feeling of others and you can be tough on those around you. The human frailties of pettiness, emotionalism, and jealousy are not well understood by you, and do not relate well with your totally open and frank personality. You are definitely a leader of men, though you may not always understand them, conversely, people may completely respect you, but fault you for a lack of sensitivity. In all types of dealings, there is a tendency to employ a broad brush approach often finding it difficult to come down to the real and personal everyday issues. Your best fields of endeavor will be found in the professions.

Twoje najmocniejsze strony

Contagious optimism, entrepreneurial spirit, powerful influence on others. You need challenging, stimulating work where there is scope to let your intuition play with ideas. Just remember that generalities need details, inventions need practical working out, and that remaining in the realm of limitless possibilities will not get the job done.

Twoje największe słabości

Grandiose philosophizing, moving around and never landing, insensitivity to human feelings, impatience with the limitations of the material world, total self-absorption to the extent that your capacity for relating remains childlike, and a tendency to let your daredevil side sabotage your material security.


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