Kobiety z rakiem w związkach

You and a Cancer Woman

She may appear like the photograph of that dream girl most men carry around in a hidden locket of their minds. But lurking just below the surface of that shy, sweet image is a superbly sensual woman. There are secret emotional depths to her, and like the story of Sleeping Beauty and her Prince it takes love to awaken her eroticism.

She is a highly sensual woman, and love unlocks the smoldering fire hidden by her diffident manner. Don’t expect her to be forward, however, because she doesn’t know how to be. You must pick up the subtle clue, the unspoken invitation. She may be trying to get in touch with you while your emotional phone is off the hook. If you miss that first chance, you’re probably out of luck. Her feelings are too vulnerable for her to risk another overture.

Podobnie jak w przypadku wszystkich znaków wodnych (Rak, Skorpion, Ryby), jakość zaufania jest dla niej bardzo ważna w związku. relacja. The Cancer woman is very cautious about giving her heart away. The two things she needs more than anything else are love and security, and she offers undying loyalty to a man who makes her feel secure. She has eyes only for him, and she’ll cling as tenaciously as if she had pincers instead of arms. A betrayal in love is devastating, and takes a long, long time for her to forgive. In truth, she never forgives—rationally, yes, perhaps, but emotionally, never.

On first meeting a Kobieta chora na raka you will find that she can be flirtatious, although in true subtle Cancerian fashion her flirting is done in a quiet way. Hers is not a flamboyant personality, but rather one of gentleness, depth, and richness. She is not only romantic, she’s convinced that love, love, love is the secret of life. She wants to discover the secret with the man of her dreams. This sounds old-fashioned, but that’s part of her charm: she is old-fashioned. It’s a special quality that makes men feel protective toward her.

A confirmed sentimentalist, she loves to collect mementos from the past and pore over them. She frames old photographs, keeps old letters, stays in touch with old friends. She is devoted to her mate and to her family. Affectionate, romantic, feminine, sympathetic, imaginative, and sweetly seductive, this quintessential woman can make home a place that a man never wants to leave.

Jak przyciągnąć raka

Cancerians are vulnerable—to praise as well as criticism. Let them know directly and forthrightly how much you admire them. Nothing will draw Cancerians out of their shells more readily than the warmth of approval. Pick out a quality that you can, in all sincerity, compliment them on. Do you like what he’s wearing? Her smile? Their ability to listen attentively? (No one is better at this than Cancer.) Tell them so. Don’t be insincere and single out some quality merely for the sake of having something complimentary to say. Cancerians can always spot the difference between the compliment that is sincere and the one meant only to cajole.

Show Cancerians the softer side of your nature. Are you interested in charities? Talk about that. Or children? By all means. Or discuss a genuine personal problem that’s troubling you. Then Cancerians will be able to show their best side: their empathy and ability to give constructive advice. Finances, politics, and sports are other areas that interest them greatly. For a date, get tickets to the theater or to some art or cultural event. Cancerians respond to romantic, strongly melodic music, and are inclined to enjoy concerts and opera. A nice touch would be to pick a restaurant where there are strolling musicians.

Cancerians don’t rush headlong into anything. They are essentially cautious, not to say skittish, about making a commitment. They try to avoid giving a definite yes or no. Tip: The longer they delay, the less likely that there will be a favorable outcome. A true Cancerian sooner or later finds some cause for feeling injured. Their amazing memory dwells on the past and constantly recalls old wounds. A Cancerian who forgives and forgets is as rare as a vegetarian snake.

Rak i Baran

These two may start out like a house on fire, but it won’t take long for the fire to burn out. Aries’s venturesome spirit and wandering eye enflame Cancer’s jealousy. And Cancer is too easily hurt by Aries’s aggressiveness and sharp tongue. Cancer likes security and domesticity; Baran potrzebuje wolności, aby odkrywać nowe światy. Rak chce pielęgnować i chronić kochanka, co Baran uważa za zbyt klaustrofobiczne. Oboje lubią pieniądze, ale Baran chce je wydawać, a Rak chce je zatrzymać. Zbyt wiele tu temperamentalnych problemów.

Rak i Byk

Both need security and a sense of permanence, and both are loving, affectionate, and passionate as well. Cancer adds a dash of imagination to Taurus’s otherwise staid approach to sex. Taurus is possessive and that’s just fine with clinging Cancer. Both are acquisitive moneymakers, and together they enjoy the delights of hearth and home. Taurus likes being catered to, and Cancer is the one to do it. Steady-going Taurus is also good for Cancer’s moodiness. What each needs the other supplies.

Rak i Bliźnięta

Gemini’s sparkle immediately intrigues Cancer, but Cancer won’t find security with fickle, fly-by-night Gemini. Basically, Cancer’s nature is emotional and Gemini’s is cerebral, and that makes it difficult for them to understand each other. Although sexual energies are well matched, Cancer will have a hard time adjusting to Gemini’s playful, nonchalant attitude toward love. Possessive Cancer will try to keep Gemini hemmed in, and Gemini can’t abide that. It’s a short countdown to the finish.

Rak i nowotwory

They have a lot in common, and that’s the trouble. They understand each other perfectly and can wound each other without even trying. Both are too sensitive, too demanding, too dependent. Cancers are obsessively concerned with their emotional psyches: Each needs an enormous amount of attention, coddling, and reassurance, and resents the other for not giving enough. On the plus side, they’re sensual bedmates whose erotic imaginations are sparked by each other. But that’s rarely enough. This treadmill goes nowhere.

Rak i Lew

Cancer has to get used to Leo’s extroverted exuberance. Otherwise, generous, openhearted, strong Leo is just what insecure Cancer is looking for. Cancer’s marvelous intuitions tell it exactly how to handle proud and flamboyant Leo. Admiration and a lot of flattery are what are needed to keep Leo purring with contentment. Leo is domineering in the bedroom and a little too forthright sexually for Cancer. But Leo’s sunny disposition is a wonderful antidote for Cancer’s moodiness.

Rak i Panna

Cancer’s responses are emotive while Virgo’s are analytical, but their personalities mesh so well that it doesn’t seem to matter. Cancer may have to warm up Virgo a little, but there is fire under the ice. This can turn into a secure, comfortable, and affectionate relationship. Cancer’s struggle for financial security works perfectly with goal-oriented Virgo. Cancer understands Virgo’s fussy ways, and steady Virgo helps balance variable Cancer. Cancer’s dependency neatly complements Virgo’s need to protect, and each is anxious to please the other. Good auguries.

Rak i Waga

This pair operates on entirely different levels: Cancer wants love to be emotionally transcendent, Libra seeks perfect intellectual communion. Libra has no sympathy for Cancer’s moods, and Cancer is made insecure by Libra’s detachment and shallow emotions. Cancer is too temperamental and possessive for airy Libra. They have a hard time establishing real sexual rapport, and that exasperates Cancer. They both love a beautiful home, but Libra also needs parties and people and outside pleasures. When Cancer turns critical, especially about Libra’s extravagance, Libra starts looking elsewhere.

Rak i Skorpion

Cancer’s sensuality is ignited by Scorpio’s dynamic passions, and because Cancer is loyal, Scorpio’s jealousy isn’t provoked. Cancer’s possessiveness will actually make Scorpio feel secure. Cancer admires Scorpio’s strength, while Scorpio finds a haven in Cancer’s emotional commitment. Both are extremely intuitive and sense what will please the other. Together they can build a happy cocoon where they feel safe and loved. This relationship has great intimacy, intensity, and depth. Things just get better all the time.

Rak i Strzelec

Outgoing Sagittarius can open intellectual vistas for imaginative Cancer, but unfortunately Sagittarius won’t give Cancer the security in love that it always needs. Cancer’s jealousy is aroused by Sagittarius’s flighty, faithless ways; Sagittarius is bored by Cancer’s dependency. Sagittarius likes to wander, while Cancer is a stay-at-home. Cancer’s commitment to total togetherness only makes Sagittarius desperate to get away. In addition, outspoken Sagittarius’s bluntness continually wounds sensitive Cancer. Better friends than lovers.

Rak i Koziorożec

There’s an initial sexual attraction because they are a polarity in the zodiac. If they can overcome their opposites in temperament, they can make a winning combination. But career-oriented Capricorn has too many other interests to give Cancer all the attention it needs. Cancer is shy and sensitive and needs affection, while Capricorn is brusque, aloof, and domineering. Cancer takes Capricorn’s reserve as a personal rebuff and becomes moody and critical. The differences may prove too great for long-term happiness.

Rak i Wodnik

Cancer’s warm, responsive nature is chilled by Aquarius’s cool self-possession. In turn, Cancer’s clinging, cloying demonstrativeness makes Aquarius feel hemmed in. Aquarius is quick minded, unpredictable, apt to be impatient with cautious, hesitant Cancer. And thin-skinned Cancer is easily hurt by Aquarius’s caustic humor. Cancer doesn’t understand Aquarius’s essential detachment. Cancer needs to feel close and secure; Aquarius is a lone wolf. Sex may be all right, but there’s little else going for them.

Rak i Ryby

This is an affectionate, sensitive couple who will bolster each other’s ego. Pisces is an imaginative dreamer, but Cancer is an imaginative worker—together they can make their dreams a reality. Pisces provides romance in Cancer’s life, and Cancer is the all-protective lover Pisces needs. Both are emotional, intensely devoted, sensitive to each other’s moods. They’ll hit it off in the boudoir, for both are responsive sexually. Cancer has to take the lead, but Pisces is a very willing, erotic follower. A harmonious match.