Scorpio Sun in the 9th House

Sun in Scorpio in the Ninth House

Sun in Scorpio in 9th House
Sun in Scorpio in 9th House

Jest to znak skrajności. Osoby ze Słońcem w Skorpionie są różnie opisywane jako silne, słabe, niezależne, przywiązane, namiętne i zimne. Najwyraźniej jesteś zbiorem sprzeczności obejmujących to, co najlepsze i najgorsze w ludzkiej naturze.

Z twoim Słońcem w Skorpionie, kluczem do twojej osobowości jest intensywność. Nic nie robisz na pół gwizdka. Magnetyczny, emocjonalny, zdolny do wywierania ogromnej siły, twoja siła jest ukryta w głębinach. W znaku Skorpiona element wody jest stały, co sugeruje górę lodową lub studnię bez dna. Możesz wydawać się beznamiętny, czasami niedostępny, ale burzliwe namiętności zawsze kipią pod spodem, niewidoczne na powierzchni.

As an individual with your Sun in Scorpio, you live on many levels. While you present a calm and smiling face to the world, you’re ferociously persistent and extremely strong-willed. You’re also flexible when it comes to working out solutions. When thwarted, you don’t just accept defeat. You’re extremely agile when it comes to sidestepping obstacles and figuring out a dozen new ways to get to your goal. In a wonderful paradox, flexibility is one of your most effective methods of controlling situations. Scorpio is the most misunderstood sign in the zodiac because of its complications and convolutions. Basically, you always have a hidden agenda. With a Sun in Scorpio, you’re someone of incredible depth and brilliance, and your inner psyche is labyrinth of wheels within wheels, boxes within boxes. Even when you seem to be at ease and relaxed, you are always evaluating, figuring out your moves, working out strategy. Much of this has to do with control, which is what you are all about. For Scorpio to be out of control is to be in psychic danger. Nothing is worse for you than to feel swept away by outside forces. When you control you are safe.

Mając Słońce w Skorpionie, złożoność twojego umysłu sprawia, że trudno jest ci omijać powierzchnię; musisz odkryć, co kryje się pod spodem. Niezależnie od tego, czy studiujesz nowy temat, uczysz się języka, szukasz faktów, czy po prostu czytasz dla rozrywki, w sposobie, w jaki działa twój umysł, jest jakość penetracji.

For the Sun in Scorpio individual, your finest attributes—and your worst—are revealed in relacje. W przypadku Skorpiona relacje są zwykle skomplikowane. Nie jest to zaskakujące, gdy weźmie się pod uwagę, że możesz być jednocześnie hojny i czuły, gwałtowny i nieprzewidywalny; w twoich najbardziej słonecznych nastrojach zawsze pojawia się nuta zbliżającej się zmiany pogody. Jesteś głęboko lojalny wobec przyjaciół, ale jesteś też bardzo zazdrosny i zaborczy. Nie możesz tolerować myśli, że ktoś, kogo kochasz, może mieć tęsknotę, a nawet zwykłe pragnienie, za kimś innym. Zwykle jest to wszystko albo nic. Umiarkowanie, powściągliwość i z pewnością swoboda nie należą do twojego emocjonalnego słownictwa.

Wewnętrzny Ty ze Słońcem w Skorpionie

As an individual with your Sun in Scorpio, you have great strength, determination, and willpower. But no matter how calm and cool you appear on the outside, you’ve got a well of seething emotions underneath. For the most part, though, you keep your intensity under control by channeling it into useful activities. You’re a high achiever, and you seem to “get” things in a flash—with powerful psychic feelings you’ve learned to trust. Your instincts tell you that you’re destined to do something important and you’re not going to let yourself fail along the way. When you latch on to a new opportunity, you explore it in great depth before going ahead. Deep inside you is a gladiator spirit, and if you channel this fighting energy into positive goals (your continuing lesson), you will always be one of life’s great winners. At times, however, you feel you are a lone warrior in a harsh world. You’re a complex person who can’t always express how you feel, but one thing is certain: The things you want, you want badly.

Pozycja Słońca w znaku wskazuje na to, w jaki sposób staramy się wyrażać siebie, rozwijać się, spełniać i potwierdzać naszą wolę i moc kształtowania naszego otoczenia. Pozycja domu wskazuje obszar życia, w którym decydujemy się skupić energię naszego znaku Słońca i wypełnić cel, który reprezentuje.

Sun in the 9th House

Your Sun in the 9th House suggests that you tend to gain a sense of who you are by exploring and understanding the world. Thus, you tend to be externally focused and extroverted. Your ability to explore beyond your current horizons requires that you develop that capacity through expansiveness. By expanding your capabilities, your experience, your resources, etc., you gain opportunities to explore and understand new territory.

With your Sun in the 9th House, you are likely to be interested in institutions and activities that are expansive in nature. These include academics, philosophy, and travel. You are likely to be interested in pursuing whatever new experiences you can access.

As an individual with your Sun in the 9th House, you are also likely to have a need to integrate your experiences so that they form a consistent whole. This requires you, consciously or unconsciously, to have a paradigm to which you are able to relate your diverse and growing experiences. If you are conscious of this paradigm, you may have spent energy in seeking and developing it and may still be in the process of testing and modifying it as you become aware of new “data.” Understanding your experiences is likely to be important to you. Therefore, you may tend to avoid what you cannot understand.


With your Sun in the 9th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will always be searching and never satisfied. But you are also unwilling to give up what limits you more than anything else – your ego. Therefore, your understanding of the world and your place in it is fundamentally flawed. As an individual with your Sun in the 9th House, you see yourself at the center of the world and, if your position is threatened, you become defensive. If your illusion is shown to be false, your self-confidence will be destroyed. Thinking that you understand the world, your attitude is smug and arrogant. You may pride yourself on your knowledge and on your connection to traditional institutions and, in this way, you seek to acquire status. If those constructs you hold to are found to be invalid or they fail you, you are likely to become confused and disillusioned. You may give up your faith and give yourself over to self-indulgence.

Focus of Your Identity

Having your Sun is in the 9th House, you are likely to identify with what you understand. You see yourself as a person of understanding and knowledge. You are also likely to view yourself as someone who is experienced, broad-minded and, possibly, well-traveled. You may possess a greater identification with community and community institutions than is normally found. Generally, you take your identity from how you have gone out into the world, “claimed” it as your own and expanded your horizons.

Odkryj głębszy wgląd w swoją osobowość, motywacje i pragnienia dzięki ankiecie Dogłębna analiza wykresu urodzeniowego w astrologii i numerologii.

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