Capricorn Sun in the 8th House

Sun in Capricorn in the Eighth House

Sun in Capricorn in 8th House
Sun in Capricorn in 8th House

Having your Sun in Capricorn, your motivating force is desire for success, money, status, position, authority, and (though you may not realize it) for love. Capricorn is both an earth sign and a cardinal sign, and the combination of practicality (earth) and initiative (cardinal) produces a personality geared toward leadership and power. In the zodiac Capricorn is linked to the Midheaven — the point at the top of the horoscope that represents high achievement. You’re a born climber who’s not content to poke along down in the valleys. As long as there is a top to get to from the bottom, you will persevere in your upward striving. One of the hallmarks of having your Sun in Capricorn is that you learn to wait for things you want. You are willing to give up today’s temptation for tomorrow’s reward.

With your Sun in Capricorn, you are ambitious, practical, and, above all, determined. You are not interested in vague theory; you want to put any knowledge to use. Your active mind quickly grasps ideas, and you have an admirable ability to concentrate. You are precise and orderly, and generally don’t trust others to look after details. When you give your word you stick to it, and when you undertake a task you complete it to the best of your ability. You tend to fuss over details and to make sure all contingencies are covered. It’s your way of being in control. Because of your diligence, people sometimes fail to give you credit for creativity. Yet you are highly creative – your skill is to link this to your talent for organization.

As an individual with your Sun in Capricorn, as is your nature with everything else in life, you are cautious and conservative with money. Chances are you will amass wealth during your lifetime (usually in the later years), for you know how to make sound investments. In business your success is due to painstaking preparation. The journey of ten thousand miles may begin with a single step, but you know you can’t get anywhere unless you first know where you’re going. You may not size up a situation as quickly as some, but this can be an advantage, for it means you won’t heedlessly plunge in. Instead, you will research, examine what others have done before, and gather all relevant data. Only then, with a thorough understanding of the details, will you begin to move. And then you won’t be stopped until you reach your goal.

Having your Sun in Capricorn, your basic concern is for security. That goal comes first and you are usually materialistic. You can be spiteful toward those who stand in the way. You have a great sense of pride and will not forgive anyone who belittles or slights you. By the same token you will repay favors done for you. Scorpios also go out of their way to repay a kindness, but in their case it is done out of a sense of gratitude and fidelity. With you the motivation is pride that does not allow you to live comfortably under an obligation.

For the Sun in Capricorn, in most relacje you must dominate, because when you are in control you do not feel vulnerable to another person’s power. In small ways you are continually testing the loyalty of those close to you. You are the loner of the zodiac, but have a great need to be loved and appreciated. Unfortunately, you won’t let this need be known—in fact, you are a master at concealing it.

The Inner You with your Sun in Capricorn

With your Sun in Capricorn, you don’t need anyone to convince you that life is serious business; you’ve known it all along. That’s what keeps you anxiously asking yourself: Am I fulfilling my responsibilities? Am I achieving as much as I should? Am I self-reliant enough? You know you have the persistence and strength of purpose to reach your goals. But you also have a deep need to connect on an emotional level in your relationships so that you won’t feel separated from those you care about. Having a Sun in Capricorn, despite your intelligence and the fact that you’re so determined, you often feel insecure. You’re a bundle of conflicting emotions. You require discipline and order—chaos drives you crazy and makes you doubt yourself and what you’re capable of. But maybe the gods meant for you to have some doubt; if you believed you’re as powerful as you really are, you’d be impossible to live with!

Pozycja Słońca w znaku wskazuje na to, w jaki sposób staramy się wyrażać siebie, rozwijać się, spełniać i potwierdzać naszą wolę i moc kształtowania naszego otoczenia. Pozycja domu wskazuje obszar życia, w którym decydujemy się skupić energię naszego znaku Słońca i wypełnić cel, który reprezentuje.

Sun in the 8th House

The Sun in the 8th House suggests that you are engaged with issues of intimacy and privacy and that your identity is linked to these issues. Your tendency will be to be introverted. Because you may feel engaged in matters that should not be publicly observed, you may have difficulty or resistance to expressing yourself or revealing your true identity. You may not be as outgoing as you otherwise might be.

With your Sun in the 8th House, you generally must wrestle with the problem of coming out into the open and dealing with a more public world. At the same time, you are often dealing internally with such private matters as emotional intimacy and security, intimacy in relationships, personal insights and mortality. To the extent that you successfully deal with issues of intimacy, you are likely to develop a proficiency in the art of give and take.

As an individual with your Sun in the 8th House, you are also likely to be engaged in a continual balancing act between the needs of your private self and the demands placed on your public self. In dealing with these issues, you may develop greater control and ability to manage your life and these are important skills. These personal skills are often transferable to your public life. In fact, if the depth, intimacy and insight that you experience internally has given you self-confidence, you may naturally want to be in a position of control and managing others externally. Of course, a drive for external power and control may also be an escape from dealing with intimate, personal issues.

The Sun in the 8th House placement may also suggest a certain degree of dependency, particularly on the resources of others with whom you are intimately involved. Thus, you may face issues of self-sufficiency. These may range from asserting your financial or emotional independence to dealing with the generosity of others.


Having your Sun in the 8th House, if you are inwardly insecure, your subconscious awareness of your own mortality leads your subconscious self to protect your ego from this awareness, lest your identity (your ego) be destroyed. One manifestation of this internal suppression of awareness is that you suppress your awareness of your dependency on others, especially for emotional security and feelings of intimacy. Consequently, to reinforce your ego and feeling of existence, you feel you must always be in control. Therefore, you focus on gaining and using power, controlling others and enforcing your dominance over others.  As an individual with your Sun in the 8th House, you may be attracted to sexuality. For you, this is primarily an expression of power and control. You are likely to have difficulty feeling and sharing real intimacy because this requires letting go and sharing your authentic self. You may also become obsessed with death and the occult, but this obsession is a psychological totem designed to protect you against your own mortality.

Skupienie własnej tożsamości

With your Sun in the 8th House, your identity is likely to be bound up with your intimate relationships, your capacity for sharing, power and/or sexuality. Your identity may also have a distinction between your persona and who you really are. You may either consciously protect your private identity and life or you may unconsciously possess a dual identity.  As an individual with your Sun in the 8th House, you may feel that you are who you are because of your capacity for intimacy and emotional interaction. You may place a great deal of value on caring and sharing or may see yourself as someone whose role is to manage or coordinate others. You may also derive your sense of identity from the power that you control and wield.  If you identify self-worth with power, then you are subject to pride and arrogance if you have power, and to low self-esteem if you lack power. Identity with sexual prowess is your last resort if you are seeking an identity based on power. If nothing else, you can identify yourself as a sexual being.

Odkryj głębszy wgląd w swoją osobowość, motywacje i pragnienia dzięki ankiecie Dogłębna analiza wykresu urodzeniowego w astrologii i numerologii.

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