Cechy osobowości Lwa

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac and covers people born between July 23rd and August 22nd. Their ruling sign is the Słońce, which gives them an outgoing and often colorful personality. Like the lion, they can have fierce determination as well as being capable of great loyalty. However, the drawback is that, also like the lion, they can be self-absorbed and prideful. This can sometimes make the Leo difficult to deal with.

And it’s no surprise that two Leos often don’t get along together. Leos can be fiercely competitive, but this is mitigated by a tendency toward laziness. Just like the male lion that is more than willing to let the females do the hunting, Leos often don’t mind taking the credit for other people’s work. This doesn’t mean that they are particularly dishonest. It just means that they are inclined to take advantage of opportunities when they come along. Loving a Leo can be rewarding. Underneath the egocentric exterior are a warm heart and a strong need for companionship.

The Leo personality can be very closely compared to the sun by which it’s ruled as well as the lion which represents this regal astrological sign. Like the sun, Leo people thrive and crave being the center of attention and like the lion, king of the jungle, they often exhibit royal-like charisma.

Leo Zodiac Sign

Leos are spirited, quick to jump into action stemming from the desire to be loved and admired and are full of lazy strength which shows when the occasion calls for it. They are also very ambitious, continuously aspiring to move upward and forward in whatever they do. Leos love being the center of attention. They are the life of the party and are comfortable in large crowds. However, they are sensitive to criticism and do not take it lightly.

The Leo zodiac sign tends to be arrogant, and can hurt other people’s feelings in the process. But usually, they have a tender heart and may go out of their way just to extend a helping hand. Leos are also flamboyant. They are careful to choose people who might prove to be useful to them, but they do not like to be known as users. Leo carries out leadership responsibilities effortlessly and can manage other people well. They easily influence others, but are also independent people who tend to build a fence around the people that they love. Leo men and women admire beauty; crave for power and social status, so it is not uncommon for them to be found associating with people with the same aspirations.

Leo as a Fire Sign

Fire Signs are known for their energy and warmth that do not deplete over time. Like real fire, this energy is contagious and can also be caught by others. But also like real fire, you don’t know where it will catch on next, just as Leos can be unpredictable in their actions. Leos are natural leadership contenders because of the strong inborn leader qualities that they possess. They are intense and never satiating just like the Fire sign which it falls under.

Pozytywne cechy i mocne strony

Leo signs are born leaders and professional performers, being the bold and influential men and women that they are. They will follow through with any task you give them, but they also like to set their own rules and follow them. In love, Leos are truly passionate lovers, ever loyal to their near and dear ones.

Leos are the rulers in the zodiac just like the lion that symbolizes them; they have a commanding air about them, exerting great power and prowess. Leos move about in a confident manner, making others feel just as confident in their presence and are very ambitious, moving forward with great enthusiasm towards their goals.

Negatywne cechy i słabości

Leo are so obsessed with the fact that they can lead and are good leaders that they find themselves getting into conflict with conventional rules and decorum. They do not like being told what to do. In their aggressiveness, they can be hard to handle if they spin out of control, particularly in money matters. Because they carry a big ego around, others may dislike their personality strongly. Though Leos are the most majestic in the zodiac, they are also boisterous and melodramatic. Their love for attention and admiration makes them prone to join the wrong crowd. Leo are also proud and do not easily see their shortcomings even if you bring this to their attention. They do not take criticism very well.

Characteristics of Leo

Self-satisfied: Leo signs are proud creatures, wearing their pride like a badge in whatever they do and wherever they go. This is what makes them stand out from the rest. Their pride is so big it can take the form of their ego.

Courageous: Leos are bold and courageous. They are depicted as the bravest and boldest sign in the zodiac. Even in the most dreaded of situations, Leos keep their cool and move forward. This trait is what makes them good leaders.

Passionate: Leos are also born romantics. They are passionate lovers that just keep on giving as they get deeper and deeper into a relacja. When they are in love, they won’t be afraid to profess it.

Influential: Leo astrology signs easily influence others with little effort. They have a dominating nature, and at the same time do not like to be dominated by others or take instructions from them. They are clear on what they want in life and will pursue it by hook or by crook once their target is set.

Loyal: In spite of themselves being the biggest person in their lives, Leos are actually devoted to their friends and family. Their devotion can be so great it can reach the point where they don’t want others sharing in their closest relacje. This possessiveness of the Leo makes it tough on their loved ones.