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Cancer Sun with Pisces Moon: The Great Pretender

Sun in Cancer with Moon in Pisces Personality Traits:Of all the Cancer combinations, the Cancer Sun Pisces Moon combination is the most sensitive, compassionate, and understanding. You are instinctively repelled by unnecessary suffering, cruelty, or injustice. Genuinely concerned and always willing to give of yourself, you have a strong desire to reach out and help […]

Cancer Sun with Pisces Moon: The Great Pretender Czytaj więcej "

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Cancer Sun with Aquarius Moon: The Zealot

Sun in Cancer with Moon in Aquarius Personality Traits:In the Cancer Sun Aquarius Moon combination, Cancer’s depth and sensitivity are focused on exploring new frontiers. Ideally the combination of the concerned and devoted politician, humanitarian, or scientist, it can also produce the eccentric crank and fanatic.With a Cancer Sun Aquarius Moon, the offbeat and unusual

Cancer Sun with Aquarius Moon: The Zealot Czytaj więcej "

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Cancer Sun with Capricorn Moon: The Inferiority Complex

Sun in Cancer with Moon in Capricorn Personality Traits:In the Cancer Sun Capricorn Moon combination the Sun and Moon are in opposing signs. The Cancer personality is shy, emotional, and sympathetic, while the Capricorn inner nature is ruggedly ambitious, aloof, and calculating. As with all polar combinations, you have many inner conflicts to resolve as

Cancer Sun with Capricorn Moon: The Inferiority Complex Czytaj więcej "

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Cancer Sun with Sagittarius Moon: The Romantic

Sun in Cancer with Moon in Sagittarius Personality Traits:With a Cancer Sun Sagittarius Moon, you don’t have that typical Cancer doom-and-gloom approach to the world, as your Sagittarius Moon gives you great hope, optimism, and faith in future. No matter how many ups and downs you experience, you will never lose your cheerful and tolerant

Cancer Sun with Sagittarius Moon: The Romantic Czytaj więcej "

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Cancer Sun with Scorpio Moon: The Cobra

Sun in Cancer with Moon in Scorpio Personality Traits:An individual with a Cancer Sun Scorpio Moon is not the timid, introverted, or an insecure Cancer one often reads about. You may seem unprepossessing and even modest, but it is not hard to discern your true inner shrewdness and tenacity.With a Cancer Sun Scorpio Moon, underneath

Cancer Sun with Scorpio Moon: The Cobra Czytaj więcej "

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Cancer Sun with Libra Moon: The Organization Man

Sun in Cancer with Moon in Libra Personality Traits:For the individual with a Cancer Sun Libra Moon, the emotional insecurities and sensitivities of the Cancer Sun are intensified when combined with a Libra Moon. Hypersensitivity and emotional vulnerability are the chief impediments in your search for tranquility and inner peace.Having a Cancer Sun Libra Moon,

Cancer Sun with Libra Moon: The Organization Man Czytaj więcej "

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Cancer Sun with Virgo Moon: The Servant

Sun in Cancer with Moon in Virgo Personality Traits:With a Cancer Sun Virgo Moon, Cancer’s emotional sensitivity is heightened by the intense mental perception of the Virgo Moon. From early childhood, you have had to contend with an almost painful awareness of the malice and hostility of the world. If your early environment reflected an

Cancer Sun with Virgo Moon: The Servant Czytaj więcej "

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Cancer Sun with Leo Moon: The Defeatist

Sun in Cancer with Moon in Leo Personality Traits:An individual with a Cancer Sun Leo Moon has a gifted combination, the Leo Moon giving sensitive and imaginative Cancer the courage to create. You have the talent, facility, and, most of all, confidence to excel in whatever you set out to do.Unlike most Cancers, you do

Cancer Sun with Leo Moon: The Defeatist Czytaj więcej "

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Cancer Sun with Cancer Moon: The Protector

Sun in Cancer with Moon in Cancer Personality Traits:Self-protection is almost everything to the Cancer Sun Cancer Moon individual. From early childhood until late in life, you seek shelter. You probably think the world is out to get you, so you spend much of your life preparing defenses, building fortresses, and worrying about chinks in

Cancer Sun with Cancer Moon: The Protector Czytaj więcej "

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Słońce Raka z Księżycem Bliźniąt: Antena

Słońce w Raku z Księżycem w Bliźniętach Cechy osobowości: Połączenie Słońca w Raku z Księżycem w Bliźniętach sugeruje dowcip, wyrafinowanie i sprawność intelektualną. Wysoce spostrzegawczy i naturalny krytyk, masz fenomenalną pamięć i zdolność uczenia się prawie wszystkiego. Osobowość Raka jest intuicyjna, wrażliwa i podatna na wpływy, podczas gdy wewnętrzna natura Bliźniąt jest niespokojna i poszukuje różnorodności,

Słońce Raka z Księżycem Bliźniąt: Antena Czytaj więcej "

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Słońce Raka z Księżycem Byka: Dobrze zaopatrzony kredens

Słońce w Raku z Księżycem w Byku Cechy osobowości: Z Rakiem, Słońcem, Księżycem w Byku, twoja natura jest niewinna, urocza i delikatna, ale pod twoją skromną osobowością kryje się stabilność, determinacja i wewnętrzna siła byka. Twój pozór kruchości i nieśmiałości jest tak naprawdę kamuflażem dla twojej wewnętrznej przebiegłości i pewności siebie.

Słońce Raka z Księżycem Byka: Dobrze zaopatrzony kredens Czytaj więcej "

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Słońce Raka z Księżycem Barana: Świętszy niż Ty

Sun in Cancer with Moon in Aries Personality Traits:With a Cancer Sun Aries Moon, it’s not easy for you to live up to that Superman or Wonder Woman self-image of yours! In your combination, the cautious, sensitive, and vacillating Cancer personality must compete with an Aries inner nature that is aggressive, self-assertive, and decisive. In

Słońce Raka z Księżycem Barana: Świętszy niż Ty Czytaj więcej "

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Gemini Sun with Pisces Moon: The Split Personality

Sun in Gemini with Moon in Pisces Personality Traits:With a Gemini Sun Pisces Moon, you have a multifaceted and very complex personality. Gemini is analytical and objective; paradoxically, Pisces is sympathetic, impressionable, and very emotional. Perhaps you see yourself as cool, somewhat distant, and sophisticated, but there are times when you can feel overwhelmed with

Gemini Sun with Pisces Moon: The Split Personality Czytaj więcej "

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Gemini Sun with Aquarius Moon: The Inventor

Sun in Gemini with Moon in Aquarius Personality Traits:With a Gemini Sun Aquarius Moon, as a child, you probably tore toasters apart to find out why they went pop, or took apart telephone receivers to discover their inner workings. The spirit of inquiry and investigation manifested itself early in your life, and it was probably

Gemini Sun with Aquarius Moon: The Inventor Czytaj więcej "

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Gemini Sun with Capricorn Moon: The Politician

Sun in Gemini with Moon in Capricorn Personality Traits:With a Gemini Sun Capricorn Moon, you are tough, detached, and ruggedly ambitious, you are a pretty cool character. Gemini is exuberant, multifaceted, and communicative, but that Capricorn inner nature of yours is at all times serious, purposeful, and shrewd. Your magnetic charm can sway anyone to

Gemini Sun with Capricorn Moon: The Politician Czytaj więcej "

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