• Wszystko
  • Wodnik
  • Baran
  • Artykuły
  • Astrologia
  • Rak
  • Koziorożec
  • Chiron na wykresie urodzeniowym
  • Gemini
  • Uzdrawianie
  • Leo
  • Waga
  • Styl życia
  • Manifestacja i obfitość
  • Środek nieba na wykresie urodzeniowym
  • Węzły północne i południowe na wykresie urodzeniowym
  • Numerologia
  • Ryby
  • Planety
  • Planety w domach
  • Planety w znakach
  • Relacje
  • Strzelec
  • Skorpion
  • Astrologia seksualna
  • Znaki w domach
  • Kombinacje Słońca i Księżyca
  • Taurus
  • Tranzyty
  • Panna

Aries in the Houses

Dom, w którym Baran znajduje się na wykresie urodzeniowym, zapewnia głębszy wgląd w te obszary życia, w których podejmujesz inicjatywę i działanie. Jest to miejsce, w którym naturalnie przewodzisz i podejmujesz wyrównane działania, ale także tam, gdzie możesz wyrażać gniew. Uświadom sobie, w jaki sposób możesz kontrolować i / lub nie zdawać sobie sprawy z poglądów innych ludzi [...]

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Taurus in the Houses

The house where Taurus falls in your natal chart brings deeper insights into those areas of life in which you are making things real, tangible, and sustainable. This is where you naturally create abundance. Bring your awareness to how you might be rigid and opposed to change.Taurus in the 1st HouseIf you have Taurus in

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Gemini in the Houses

The house where Gemini falls in your natal chart brings deeper insights into those areas of life in which you are learning, taking in information, and communicating. This is where you are naturally curious. Bring your awareness to how you might never be satisfied with the amount of information you have taken in.Gemini in the

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Cancer in the Houses

The house where Cancer falls in your natal chart brings deeper insights into those areas of life in which you are emotional and intuitive. This is where you are naturally creative and nurturing. Bring your awareness to how you might also be emotionally needy or moody in this area.Cancer in the 1st HouseIf you have

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Leo in the Houses

The house where Leo falls in your natal chart brings deeper insights into those areas of life in which you are dramatic, magnetic, and playful. This is where you are a natural leader. Bring your awareness to how you might also be melodramatic or arrogant in this area. Leo in the 1st HouseIf you have

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Virgo in the Houses

The house where Virgo falls in your natal chart brings deeper insights into those areas of life in which you are compassionate and bring order. This is where you are naturally drawn to skills that are useful. Bring your awareness to how you might also be over-analytical and a perfectionist. Virgo in the 1st HouseIf

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Libra in the Houses

The house where Libra falls in your natal chart brings deeper insights into those areas of life in which you are oriented toward relationships and dependent on others for your self-concept. Bring your awareness to how you might be overly dependent in this area. Libra in the 1st HouseIf you have Libra in or on

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Scorpio in the Houses

The house where Scorpio falls in your natal chart brings deeper insights into those areas of life in which you are intense and investigative. This is where you are naturally drawn to delve deeply into this area of life. Bring your awareness to how you might also be overly obsessive and attached to other people’s

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Sagittarius in the Houses

The house where Sagittarius falls in your natal chart brings deeper insights into those areas of life in which you are optimistic and enthusiastic. This is where you are naturally drawn to look for meaning and truth. Sagittarius in the 1st HouseIf you have Sagittarius in or on the cusp of the first house, people

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Capricorn in the Houses

The house where Capricorn falls in your natal chart brings deeper insights into those areas of life in which you exhibit leadership qualities and are the expert or authority. This is where you are naturally drawn to be more of a maker and follower of rules. Bring your awareness to how you might also be

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Aquarius in the Houses

The house where Aquarius falls in your natal chart brings deeper insights into those areas of life in which you exhibit innovative and inventive qualities. This is where you are naturally drawn to be more rebellious and unpredictable. Aquarius in the 1st HouseIf you have Aquarius in or on the cusp of the first house,

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Pisces in the Houses

The house where Pisces falls in your natal chart brings deeper insights into those areas of life in which you exhibit compassion and selflessness. This is where you are naturally drawn to be more focused on the spiritual pathway. Pisces in the 1st HouseIf you have Pisces in or on the cusp of the first

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