Mercury in Capricorn in the Sixth House
The placement of Mercury in Capricorn indicates you have a need to function mentally within set structures and to achieve goals. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Mercury in Capricorn are a result of your need for mental organization and a focus on the concrete and the realistic. Mercury is generally well placed in Capricorn. This is symbolized by the natural trine between Capricorn and Mercury-ruled Panna. Capricorn is the Cardinal Earth sign. Capricorn’s active earth quality resonates with the concrete and objective energy inherent in Mercury and symbolically forces Mercury’s changeable airy energy to apply itself to practical matters and to run along organized grooves.
Nieodłącznym elementem położenia Merkurego w Koziorożcu jest jednak tendencja do poświęcania spontaniczności i wolności myśli. Ziemia Koziorożca symbolicznie więzi i ogranicza zwiewną energię Merkurego. Jeśli nie jesteś ostrożny, aby stymulować funkcje związane z Merkurym, mogą one łatwo "wpaść w rutynę" i stać się sztywne i nieświeże.
Z Merkurym w Koziorożcu, jeśli jesteś niepewny siebie, twój umysł prawdopodobnie nie będzie pewny swojej własnej mocy niezależnego myślenia. Nie będziesz tak naprawdę ufać swojemu umysłowi ani sobie, aby wyznaczyć sobie właściwe cele. Dlatego będziesz polegać na ustalonych konwencjach, które będą rządzić twoim umysłem. W rzeczywistości twoje ego podświadomie ustanowiło ten mechanizm obronny, aby trzymać umysł z dala od Prawdy, która zagraża ego. Ta niepewność co do umysłu może jednak również skutkować poczuciem niższości, mentalnie lub w odniesieniu do twoich zdolności komunikacyjnych. Poczucie niższości może zostać zaostrzone przez naturalne dążenie Koziorożca do sukcesu, który według ciebie nie jest w twoim zasięgu.
Mercury in the 6th House:
As the natural ruler of the 6th House, Mercury is well placed. It is the intellect, with its discriminating faculty, that is the psyche’s chief tool to accomplish the 6th House objective of self-refinement. Also, in the derivative spheres of 6th House activities – work, health and service – it is the intellect and the communication function that are most useful and usually provide you with the greatest level of satisfaction. Thus, the functions symbolized by Mercury are those that are naturally brought to the fore in those activities that are associated with the 6th House. Typically, the mental and communication functions will be strengthened by their use in these 6th House activities.
Mercury’s placement in the 6th House symbolizes your tendency to apply your intellect to useful service. You are likely to gain a great deal of satisfaction from mental work and communication. A potential danger of having Mercury in the 6th House is that the mental and communication functions become limited through your absorption in the activities associated with the 6th House. These activities tend to practical and you may be disinclined to turn your mental energy to pursuits that do not have obvious utilitarian benefits.
For the individual with Mercury in the 6th House, the realm of self-improvement offers an avenue through which you can expand your mental realm. It may be true that you confine yourself only to those forms of self-improvement that show tangible benefit, but you also have opportunities for self-development on more subtle or transcendent levels. Here, the analytical faculties symbolized by Mercury are engaged more abstractly, but with a purpose of refining your personality and the self.
With Mercury in the 6th House, if you are insecure, you may be inwardly rebellious toward the task of self-improvement. This task ultimately involves subjugating your ego and you are too insecure to let go of your ego. You may lament your fate, which you may see as having cast you in a role of low position and servitude. Your mind is obsessed with complaint about your station in life, your work and your health problems. You see your life as a drudge and a bore. As an individual with Mercury in the 6th House, criticism comes readily to your tongue, while you react venomously to any criticism directed at yourself.
Koncentracja intelektu
Having Mercury in the 6th House, your mind is turned to work and to matters of self-improvement, including health-related matters. Your work may be mental, or you may be mentally absorbed in your work. You may be attracted to programs that improve the mind, or to learning about ways to build greater health in the body. Your intellect is also likely to be engaged in a good deal of self-analysis with the object of discovering and correcting your faults. Another object of your intellectual activity may be to discover ways in which you can help others to improve their lives.
Odkryj głębszy wgląd w swoją osobowość, motywacje i pragnienia dzięki ankiecie Dogłębna analiza wykresu urodzeniowego w astrologii i numerologii.
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Gargatholil, Astrologia głębi: Podręcznik astrologii - tom 2: Planety w znakach
Gargatholil, Astrologia głębi: Podręcznik astrologii - tom 3: Planety w domach
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Odkryj zmieniający życie wpływ samoświadomości poprzez Szczegółowa analiza wykresu urodzeniowego. Zyskaj głębsze zrozumienie swojej prawdziwej natury i dowiedz się, jak poruszać się po życiu z jasnością, celem i pewnością siebie.