Twoje mocne i słabe strony ze Słońcem w znaku Ryb i Księżycem w znaku Byka

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a personality that is highly sociable, and one that clearly possesses a good bit of social tact. You’re a sensitive person, but you likewise have an acute sense of the other person’s feelings and sensitivities, and you therefore are a very agreeable person that avoids hurting anyone–that is until you’re opposed–and then you can get very stubborn. In other words, you are easy to get along with, you don’t impose on people, but you definitely won’t allow yourself to be imposed on either. You feel that debts have to be kept even, and even in a social sense, you don’t like to feel that you owe anyone. This may be because you are a little bit unsure of yourself, and want to make sure you say and do the right thing. This combination blends the Pisces understanding, sensitivity, and sense of adaptability, with the practicality and determination of Taurus. The two signs blend well, and are mutually strengthening to one another. This pairing allows the coexistence of an easy-going nature, yet one possessing stability and tenacity of will not often found in the Pisces native. You have a staying power and control over impulsiveness that allows you to take things in stride, and you seem to have a simple and efficient way of getting things done. Nonetheless, there is apt to be considerable sensitivity in your nature, and surely a great deal of feeling for things and people. This is a combination that very often produces talent in an artistic or musical sense. Both signs are creatively imaginative and suited for a career in the arts. The social attitude of this pairing provides a deep consideration of others that is very beneficial to success in a wide range of endeavors, business and professional.

Twoje najmocniejsze strony

Sensual imagination and feeling for music and art, vivid awareness of other people’s feelings, warm, accepting and affectionate nature, appreciation of beauty and the simple pleasures of life and friendship, ability to bring your romance down to earth and realize your dreams.

Twoje największe słabości

A strongly subjective and emotional view of life, possessiveness, tendency to maneuver situations to satisfy your security needs, and to be stubborn, old-fashioned, and clinging to the past.

Unikalna faza Księżyca twojego znaku

Faza Księżyca, w której się urodziłeś, jeszcze bardziej udoskonala twój znak Księżyca, ujawniając więcej o twojej wewnętrznej naturze, niż mógłbyś sobie wyobrazić. Możesz być przyciągany do pewnych cech osobowości lub sposobów myślenia. Wiedza o tych predyspozycjach może pomóc ci je wykorzystać lub ich uniknąć.

Czy urodziłeś się podczas pełni Księżyca w Byku? A może był to Waning Gibbous w Byku? I co to wszystko oznacza?

Aby dowiedzieć się, co Twój znak Księżyca i faza Księżyca mówią o Tobie, Uzyskaj bezpłatny spersonalizowany odczyt wideo Księżyca tutaj.


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