Twoje mocne i słabe strony ze Słońcem w Pannie i Księżycem w Rybach

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces insight, an understanding mind, and a profound personality. You are both intellectual and intuitive, can reason things out by cold logic, learn facts, and absorb figures, while your hunches are actively at work. Born wise, you know a lot without being told. The combination blends the intelligence, analytical insight, and discrimination of Virgo with the emotional sensitivity and intuitive understanding of Pisces. Born during a full Moon, you express a profundity of mind, studious inclination, and deep understanding that sets you apart from most people. Success in business or a profession is aided by a keen intellect and sound retentive memory. However, the strong blending of the intellectual and the intuitive may steer you toward a more contemplative inclination of mind and away from the practical. Perhaps you are interested in the arts, music, or the metaphysical. You can easily balance practical interests and theoretical ones. The vast differences in your individuality and your conditioned responses can cause a good deal of restlessness in your nature. Thought and feeling, logic and intuition, observation and impression, all are balanced well in this configuration. Understanding, but critical, you are highly respected for your ability to listen and advise with trustworthy discretion. While not being very ambitious and perhaps not the best executive, you are willing to shoulder a good deal of responsibility. You really don’t want to be in the spotlight, yet you are very popular and people seem to just naturally rely on you.

Twoje najmocniejsze strony

Sound mind and intuitive insight, devotional nature and reverent attitude to work and life in general, charming sense of humor, humanitarian desire to serve others and the larger good.

Twoje największe słabości

Tendency to get swamped by details in your attempt to reach perfection, shyness and modesty about expressing your views, inclination to worry too much about everything, from your own problems to the famine in Ethiopia.

Unikalna faza Księżyca twojego znaku

Faza Księżyca, w której się urodziłeś, jeszcze bardziej udoskonala twój znak Księżyca, ujawniając więcej o twojej wewnętrznej naturze, niż mógłbyś sobie wyobrazić. Możesz być przyciągany do pewnych cech osobowości lub sposobów myślenia. Wiedza o tych predyspozycjach może pomóc ci je wykorzystać lub ich uniknąć.

Czy urodziłeś/aś się podczas pełni Księżyca w Rybach? A może był to słabnący Gibbous Ryb? I co to wszystko oznacza?

Aby dowiedzieć się, co Twój znak Księżyca i faza Księżyca mówią o Tobie, Uzyskaj bezpłatny spersonalizowany odczyt wideo Księżyca tutaj.


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