Sagittarius Sun with Sagittarius Moon and Leo Rising

Sun in Sagittarius with Moon in Sagittarius and Leo Rising Personality Traits:

Sagittarius Sun Sagittarius Moon Leo Rising
Sagittarius Sun Sagittarius Moon Leo Rising

There is no simple solution to life for the Sagittarius Sun Sagittarius Moon individual. For you, the perennial philosopher, every facet of existence takes on cosmic, abstract proportions. Clarity of thought and lofty inspiration lift you above the masses and into the realm of the philosopher-king.

With a Sagittarius Sun and Sagittarius Moon, details bog you down, particularly mundane ones such as paying the rent or balancing a budget. Extremely absentminded and forgetful, yours is just not the most practical of combinations. Capable of ascending to great artistic and spiritual heights, you nevertheless have genuine difficulty when it comes time to return to earth. Fortunately, no matter how out of touch you may get, Jovian luck always helps you out at the last minute.

As an individual with a Sagittarius Sun and Sagittarius Moon, you are a natural teacher, you are capable of moving and engrossing an audience with your fiery enthusiasm and breadth of understanding. But you are never really sure just where you stand on major issues. Open-minded to an extreme, the influx of ideas and visions you experience can be overwhelming and you are never quite sure which set of rules you should follow.

Having a Sagittarius Sun Sagittarius Moon, although serious and drawn to the abstract, you tend to change your mind frequently. Before arriving at a decision, you weigh both sides carefully—so carefully that it often takes forever for you to take a stand. You also tend to live almost exclusively for the moment, ignoring the long-range consequences of your actions. Impulse and caprice rule your decisions, and chronic giddiness is common to the double Sagittarian.

While others may lust for gold and fame; with a Sagittarius Sun Sagittarius Moon, you lust for absolute personal freedom. You need room for all those thoughts and dreams and plenty of space in which to move about and do exactly as you please. It is a rare double Sagittarian who does not travel far and wide, as travel (either in thought or deed) is essential to your health. Settling down and seeing some of those lofty goals through to completion is hard for you. Your expansive, freedom-loving spirit should never be constrained, but occasionally you should try to control some of those wilder impulses. Confusion is your worst problem: The ability to understand logic and metaphysics does not help you understand yourself or get through day-to-day living

For the individual with a Sagittarius Sun Sagittarius Moon, once you have learned to control that restlessness and mastered a little patience, you may be able to bring some of those dreams and fantasies into reality. Then, you’ve got it made! Your terrific imagination, given the right circumstances, can lead you to great heights of accomplishment. You are also linked up somehow with the divine. Ludwig van Beethoven is a good example of the highly evolved and hard-working double Sagittarian.

Having a Sagittarius Sun Sagittarius Moon, you are intensely romantic, many double Sagittarians walk around lovesick all the time. Even though you approach your love affairs with absolute seriousness, absentmindedness may cause you to forget things—like birthdays and anniversaries—that could be important to others. Your flights of fancy may be mistaken for coldness when actually the opposite is true. If anything, you are probably off in the clouds searching for the best way to express your love and appreciation. You enjoy sex, but you may renounce it altogether to fully pursue your intellectual interests. The confused otherworldliness of the Sagittarius Sun Sagittarius Moon combination can generate a strong religious streak, and you may devote yourself to your lover as one would to an idol.

Keywords For A Sagittarius Sun Sagittarius Moon:

Laughter and solemnity; certainty and anarchy; doubt and single-mindedness; intuitive; gregarious; intensely enthusiastic; resilient; funny; freedom lover and fundamentalist; sheer enjoyment and zest for life and nature.

Leo Rising

Leo Rising oznacza szlachetność charakteru, wysokie ideały i wielki osobisty magnetyzm. Jeśli jesteś spod znaku Lwa, masz wielkie serce, jesteś ekspansywny, życzliwy i uprzejmy. Uważasz, że zniżanie się do małostkowości, zrzędliwości, skąpstwa lub wąskich horyzontów myślowych jest nie na miejscu. Ponieważ jesteś tak wielkoduszny w duchu, trudno jest ci źle wierzyć w innych.

Of course, the world does not always live up to anyone’s expectations, and Leo Rising individuals are puzzled and hurt by meanness and un-generosity. At such times you simply put on your regal air and make sure the underlying knows in what contempt and low esteem he or she is held.

Having Leo Rising, you have a great sense of showmanship. You love to put on lavish displays—whether it is decorating your house with expensive and elegant things or dressing in attention-getting clothes or throwing a splendid dinner party. To less flamboyant types you may appear ostentatious, show-offy, and extravagant. But your showy displays are not only to get attention; you see life in larger-than-life terms and aspire to the highest and the best. This quality draws others to you and, in itself, attracts power and influence.

Leo Rising individuals seem surrounded by luck in money, career, and friendship. You are not an especially hard worker but tend to achieve success through the influence and pull of others. Fame and fortune come to you when you aren’t looking for it.

With Leo Rising, you are efficient at organizing groups of people and inspiring them to give their best. You are happiest in the role of leader. In fact, you feel wounded if your public doesn’t put you in that position.

Kiedy nie dostajesz tego, co uważasz za należne, możesz stać się wyniosły, temperamentny i arogancki. Lew jest znakiem dumy, a osoby spod znaku Lwa mają jej pod dostatkiem. Jesteś pewny siebie i mocno w siebie wierzysz.

Jest w tobie podstawowa sympatia, częściowo dlatego, że sprawiasz wyraźne wrażenie, że życie jest zabawne. Masz wspaniałe poczucie humoru. (Uwaga: osoby spod znaku Lwa mają szczególną słabość do dzieci i skandalicznie je rozpieszczają).

Osoby spod znaku Lwa mają zazwyczaj dużą, pięknie ukształtowaną głowę, gęste, lśniące włosy, olśniewający uśmiech z jasnymi, równymi zębami i dostojną postawę. Wielu z was korzysta z dziedziczenia w późniejszym życiu. Bez względu na to, jaką ścieżkę wybierzesz, zazwyczaj wychodzisz z niej po słonecznej stronie wzgórza.

Słońce, które rządzi Lwem, jest bardzo widoczne na wykresie urodzeniowym. Wpływ Słońca obdarza entuzjazmem, hojnością, mocą, ciepłem, twórczym wyrażaniem siebie, pasją i odwagą. Zachęca również do egoizmu, arogancji, snobizmu, zarozumiałości, pompatyczności i protekcjonalności.

Odkryj sekrety swojej kosmicznej jaźni i zyskaj jasność na swojej wyjątkowej ścieżce życia. An Dogłębna analiza wykresu urodzeniowego w astrologii i numerologii oferuje głębokie spostrzeżenia, które pomogą ci poruszać się po życiowych zakrętach z pewnością siebie i celem.

Analiza wykresu urodzeniowego