Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Leo Sun and Aries Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces intense emotions and a strong personal drive. You may display exceptional courage because there is little that you are afraid of and few challenges you are hesitant to undertake. You throw yourself into every project with total commitment. You have a quick temper and you are easy to excite to action. You consider any setback or loss as a serious matter that must be responded to immediately and positively. When your honor is questioned, even in the slightest way, you are quick to respond defensively. Combativeness is almost overpowering in your nature. You attack every problem as though it was going to attack you. In personal relaties and the everyday world, you come across as an executive person. Dynamic and willing to pursue any possibility to further enhance your image and self-confidence, you go after what you want with enthusiasm and intensity. You may be rash and impulsive, but you’re still willing to give about any idea a try. Never hesitant or shirking, you assume responsibility and meet obligations. You fear only someone who is your intellectual superior, as you don’t consider yourself particularly brilliant. Few will ever notice any shortcoming here, as you always appear in complete control and superior in all situations. A quick common sense mind is your special gift. Fully developed, you’ll easily remain in the driver’s seat.

Je sterkste punten

Personal courage, raw ambition, leadership abilities, intuitive imagination, powers of persuasion, optimism, integrity, honorable ideals, an uncomplicated desire to make your mark upon the world – and leave the world a better place.

Je grootste zwakheden

Overestimating your abilities, lack of objectivity and therefore a proneness to let grandiosity trip you up, rashness with others, recklessness and lack of self-criticism, tendency to let your ordinary human, emotional needs get lost in the heat of your noble endeavors.

De unieke maanfase van jouw maanteken

De Maanfase waarin je geboren bent verfijnt je Maanteken verder en onthult meer over je innerlijke aard dan je je ooit kunt voorstellen. U kunt worden getrokken in de richting van bepaalde persoonlijkheidskenmerken of manieren van denken. En weten over deze neigingen kan u helpen profiteren van hen - of vermijd ze.

Ben je geboren op een Ram Volle Maan? Of was het een Aries Waning Gibbous? En wat betekent het allemaal?

Om erachter te komen wat jouw Maanteken & Maanfase over jou onthullen, Ontvang hier een gratis persoonlijke Video Maanlezing.


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