Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Cancer Sun and Sagittarius Moon

The combination of the Sun in Cancer and Moon in Sagittarius blends the contradictory elements of caution, tenacity, and a need for security, with the much more outgoing Sagittarius tendency to be outgoing and independent. This pairing gives you a more sociable and progressive demeanor. You can relate to generalities and ideals, but on a more real and practical basis. You can inspire confidence in people. In your relations with others, you demand absolute honesty. When you detect falsity and insincerity in your dealings with people, the sensitive and defensive side of your nature quickly appears. Petty jealousies and trite behavior repels you. You live more or less by your own set of rules, often trying to live up to some ideal or idol you have set up as a goal or inspiration. You are innately the philosopher in the way that you look at life and consider those around you. In many ways, you are a true “free spirit.” While you are extremely polite and tactful, you seem to have no difficulty being firm and definite. Communication is frank, open, and no one has to wonder where you stand on an issue. Weakness or timidity is rarely a problem with this placement.

Je sterkste punten

Colorful, poetic imagination, enthusiasm and capacity for encouraging and bringing out the best in others, natural optimism and breadth of vision, wholehearted commitment to both people and your ideals.

Je grootste zwakheden

Impatience and carelessness with detail, alternating need for excitement and privacy which keeps people guessing about where you stand, capacity to justify your personal prejudices with detached argument, the sarcasm that hides your vulnerability and dependency.

De unieke maanfase van jouw maanteken

De Maanfase waarin je geboren bent verfijnt je Maanteken verder en onthult meer over je innerlijke aard dan je je ooit kunt voorstellen. U kunt worden getrokken in de richting van bepaalde persoonlijkheidskenmerken of manieren van denken. En weten over deze neigingen kan u helpen profiteren van hen - of vermijd ze.

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