Waterman Vrouw

Aquarius women are communicative but resist change as much as possible. They prefer to make their world a place that is better to live in. Since the Aquarius is an air sign, women will think logically and follow the mind instead of the heart; this will bring intelligence, honesty and originality. It will get to the point where it is possible to predict her words or actions. She will be inventive and progressive when it comes to ideas. She also loves her freedom and living for today, but to care for others at the same time. Making friends is easy, but she doesn’t belong to anyone and is a good and loving friend. She is someone to look up to due to her compassionate and easy going nature.

Commitment in a romantic relatie is important to her and the saying ‘first love never dies’ is something she believes in. She will always be loyal to the person she falls in love with. An Aquarius sign person wants to have freedom professionally. She will experiment and try anything; humanities, technology and science are great areas for her. She will sometimes be unemotional and detached. She doesn’t like doing the things others ask her to do. While she doesn’t form an emotional attachment to friends, she is sociable. This is a problem when it comes to consistency in a relationship. She may be a friend according to others but she won’t rely on them.

This detachment is also a problem for partnerships, while she loves the person in her life, expressing her feelings and sending flowery messages aren’t things that she will do. This can come across as uninterested but that isn’t the case! She will be unpredictable when it comes to future plans which leads to problems trying to making things work. She won’t change and will continue to do as she wants. While she will listen to the opinions of others, she won’t accept them. She will also leave work if it doesn’t challenge her enough.

This charming, funny, brainy, tantalizing woman doesn’t have to play games to fascinate a man. She plays herself. There is a special magnetism to Aquarius that some astrologers have called distant glamour. Like all the air signs (Tweelingen, Libra, Aquarius), she lives in a world of ideas and possesses a certain detached quality. Curiously, this attracts men who want to stir her emotions.

She is not aloof, cold, or removed from feeling, but warm, vibrant, friendly, and outgoing, concerned with others. She’s a woman with a strong romantic streak. Romance for Aquarius is an idea, an ideal, not a sweeping passion. In truth, she is wary of emotion, for it can be troublesome and tiresome. She is above that; she is able to deal rationally with life.

Aquarius female is subject to no man’s whim and follows no dictates but her own. She was a liberated woman before anyone ever heard of the women’s movement. This supremely independent woman cares little what the rest of the world thinks. She is definitely unpredictable. Part of her attitude is reflected in her imaginative approach to sex. Her boudoir behavior is usually innovative and creative; she seeks novelty and diversion more than heavy-breathing passion.

However unconventional her attitudes may be, and however flirtatious she may seem, a man will have to convince her that she’s not simply his target for tonight. He cannot make the mistake of treating her as a sex object. She expects to be courted, and a man should not press matters to a conclusion until he knows more about her than her telephone nummer. Passion is not important to her; communication is. Aquarius sees a man as an individual first and a bed partner second.

In marriage or a serious relationship she often finds it hard to give of herself. She is an unconventional person who lives most intensely in her mind. She’s too concerned with her projects, hobbies, interests, and friends, so her love tends to be diffuse. She has been accused of loving mankind rather than one particular man. Once her passions are aroused and directed toward a specific man, however, she is loyal and devoted. When Aquarius makes a promise she stands by her word. After all, that is what honor and idealism are about, and those are hallmarks of this sign.

Some say Aquarian woman is the perfect mate because she is easy to deal with—tolerant, slow to take offense, never jealous or unreasonable, never overemotional or clinging. All she asks is for a man to respect her privacy and not stand in the way of her far-reaching interests.

The quickest way to lose her is to try to hold her fast. What intrigues her is the hill beyond the unexplored horizon. She is never content to stay where she is. There’s too much out there waiting to be discovered. A man has to share her love of a challenge or he will soon be left behind. She will move on without a backward glance, a grand ship sailing on without an inkling of the tragedy in her wake.