Scorpio Sun in the 6th House

Sun in Scorpio in the Sixth House

Sun in Scorpio in 6th House
Sun in Scorpio in 6th House

This is the sign of extremes. Individuals with their Sun in Scorpio are variously described as powerful, weak, independent, clinging, passionate, and cold. Clearly, you are a bundle of contradictions encompassing the best and worst in human nature.

With your Sun in Scorpio, the key to your personality is intensity. You do nothing by half-measures. Magnetic, emotional, capable of exerting tremendous force, your strength is hidden in the depths. In the sign of Scorpio the element of water is fixed, an image that suggests an iceberg or a bottomless well. You may appear impassive, sometimes unapproachable, but turbulent passions are always roiling underneath, invisible on the surface.

As an individual with your Sun in Scorpio, you live on many levels. While you present a calm and smiling face to the world, you’re ferociously persistent and extremely strong-willed. You’re also flexible when it comes to working out solutions. When thwarted, you don’t just accept defeat. You’re extremely agile when it comes to sidestepping obstacles and figuring out a dozen new ways to get to your goal. In a wonderful paradox, flexibility is one of your most effective methods of controlling situations. Scorpio is the most misunderstood sign in the zodiac because of its complications and convolutions. Basically, you always have a hidden agenda. With a Sun in Scorpio, you’re someone of incredible depth and brilliance, and your inner psyche is labyrinth of wheels within wheels, boxes within boxes. Even when you seem to be at ease and relaxed, you are always evaluating, figuring out your moves, working out strategy. Much of this has to do with control, which is what you are all about. For Scorpio to be out of control is to be in psychic danger. Nothing is worse for you than to feel swept away by outside forces. When you control you are safe.

Having your Sun in Scorpio, the complexity of your mind makes it difficult for you to skim the surface; you must uncover what lies beneath. Whether you are studying a new subject, learning a language, hunting down a fact, or just reading for amusement, there is a quality of penetration in the way your mind works.

For the Sun in Scorpio individual, your finest attributes—and your worst—are revealed in relaties. With Scorpio, relationships are usually complicated. This is not surprising when you consider that you can be simultaneously generous and affectionate, violent and unpredictable; in your sunniest moods there is always a hint of an imminent change in the weather. You are deeply loyal to friends but are also intensely jealous and possessive. You cannot tolerate the thought that anyone you love might have a yearning, or even a simple yen, for anyone else. With you, it is usually all or nothing at all. Moderation, restraint, and certainly casual are not in your emotional vocabulary.

The Inner You with your Sun in Scorpio

As an individual with your Sun in Scorpio, you have great strength, determination, and willpower. But no matter how calm and cool you appear on the outside, you’ve got a well of seething emotions underneath. For the most part, though, you keep your intensity under control by channeling it into useful activities. You’re a high achiever, and you seem to “get” things in a flash—with powerful psychic feelings you’ve learned to trust. Your instincts tell you that you’re destined to do something important and you’re not going to let yourself fail along the way. When you latch on to a new opportunity, you explore it in great depth before going ahead. Deep inside you is a gladiator spirit, and if you channel this fighting energy into positive goals (your continuing lesson), you will always be one of life’s great winners. At times, however, you feel you are a lone warrior in a harsh world. You’re a complex person who can’t always express how you feel, but one thing is certain: The things you want, you want badly.

De tekenpositie van de Zon geeft aan hoe we onszelf willen uitdrukken, onszelf willen ontwikkelen, onszelf willen vervullen en onze wil en kracht willen laten gelden om onze omgeving vorm te geven. De positie van het huis geeft het levensgebied aan waarin we ervoor kiezen om de energie van ons zonneteken te richten en het doel te vervullen dat het vertegenwoordigt.

Sun in the 6th House

Having your Sun in the 6th House generally indicates an introverted personality. The Sun, as it were, can be inhibited from shining forth both because you tend to be self-absorbed (in your own refinement and perfection) and because your relationships toward others tend to be supportive in nature. For the Sun’s energy to flow, you must find the proper channels – organizing your energies, recognizing your duty in the world and, and often, expressing yourself analytically.

As an individual with your Sun in the 6th House, you may have to come to terms with your role in life. If you try to strain against your role in life and become what you are not, your chances of meeting with success will be diminished. You may find, however, that you naturally align yourself with your reality. You may take satisfaction in work, in supporting others, or in bringing others towards a state of health.

With your Sun in the 6th House, you are also likely to be concerned, in one way or another, with your own state of health and wholeness. Your focus on self-refinement and self-improvement can be accompanied by a tendency toward self-analysis. This can manifest as self-awareness, self-criticism or worry. You may desire to attain perfection, but you are more likely to see your imperfections. This real or imagined self-knowledge may contribute to your reluctance to take on leadership roles or to become too independent.


Having your Sun in the 6th House, when you are inwardly insecure, you feel inadequate to the task of self-perfection and, inwardly, you reject this quest. You develop a profound sense of inadequacy and worthlessness, compounded by being fated to occupy subservient positions within society. Your reactions may include slavishness and sycophancy, criticism and back-biting of others (especially those thought to be in a weaker position), or an over-compensating sense of self-importance and need to show superiority. You may also sacrifice yourself to your work in order to try to prove your worth to yourself and to others. Thus, you are vulnerable to excessive worry and to ruining your health from stress and overwork.

Focus of Your Self-Identity

With your Sun in the 6th House, you tend to identify with work, duty and being supportive to others. You have a tendency to see yourself as someone who operates “behind the scenes” or as someone who is placed in a lower-order role. You may also gain a sense of identity from providing service to others. Your self-worth becomes linked to your ability to be of service. The danger here is that, in order to feel validated, you may trap yourself and others into a relatie of dependency. You may also take your identity from your involvement in various types of self-improvement. This may range from such things as body-building to a commitment to inner work on self-refinement and purification. Having your Sun in the 6th House, you generally feel empowerment, vibrancy, vitality and self-assurance from the pursuit of typical 6th House activities – work, service, attendance to duty, self-improvement and health matters. When you engage in these activities, it may be easier for you to express your personality and you may also feel more whole and self-fulfilled.

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