Leo Moon in the 12th House

Moon in Leo in the Twelfth House

Moon in Leo in 12th House
Moon in Leo in 12th House

In the magnetic, flamboyant sign of Leo, the Moon’s power is positive and robust, and even its dark side is less dark than in other signs. Leo is a wonderful placement for the Moon because it gives great warmth and stability to the Moon’s influence; it also imparts an idealistic quality. If you have your Moon in Leo you have strong emotions and can be reached through your heart rather than your head. Having your Moon in Leo, you are a quick and accurate learner when your feelings are involved. But if a subject does not arouse your affections, you have no interest in exploring it further. The sensory impressions you receive from the world around you come to you on an emotional level. With your Moon in Leo, in order to make you change your mind, someone first has to change how you feel.

As an individual with your Moon in Leo, one of your most striking characteristics is a refusal to be hampered by other people’s rules. You tend to be extremely intelligent and are hospitable to new ideas, but you have little sympathy for petty or narrow thinking. Having your Moon in Leo, you like to be the center of attention and enjoy taking on public roles. You are highly expressive, and are especially drawn to the world of theater, music, painting, and the arts. In a way, it might be said that you, like all Moon in Leo individuals, have a “show biz” personality.

With your Moon in Leo, you possess a wonderful sense of humor and great personal charm, which makes you fun to be with. There is a sense of excitement about you. If nothing is happening that is interesting or amusing, you’ll try to create it. Sincere, open, very sociable, you have a way of lifting the spirits of people around you.

Maan in Leeuw personen werken erg goed in groepsondernemingen omdat ze een talent hebben om mensen te inspireren hun best te doen. Je onmiddellijke reactie op een probleem is om het te confronteren in plaats van te gaan zitten kniezen. Omdat je een natuurlijke leider bent, heb je vaak het gevoel dat je een missie in het leven hebt. Soms kan je bazig en overheersend worden - je bent een orde-gever in plaats van een orde-nemer - maar in je hart ben je zo vrolijk en enthousiast dat mensen het gemakkelijk vinden om je te vergeven. Met je Maan in Leeuw heb je een bron van optimisme en energie waar anderen uit putten.

Met je Maan in Leeuw, ijdelheid is je grootste zwakte, je bent een sucker voor iedereen die kan leveren een kunstige compliment. Je moet altijd een publiek en zijn buitensporig dol op aandacht. Het moet ook gezegd worden dat je waarschijnlijk meer dan je deel van de aandacht te krijgen, omdat je Maan in Leeuw verleent een beminnelijke kwaliteit aan je persoonlijkheid.

Als een individu met je Maan in Leeuw, ben je aangetrokken tot de luxe van het leven - lekker eten, goede wijnen, en opvallende kleding. Je bent een uitstekende gastheer of gastvrouw die geniet in het geven van glinsterende feesten. Tenzij Stier of Steenbok prominent aanwezig is in je horoscoop, zal een Maan in Leeuw altijd de rekening ophalen. Gelukkig ben je meestal in staat om te betalen voor uw extravagante smaken.

In love, with your Moon in Leo, you are a great romantic, yet your flamboyant romanticism would never be sparked by someone who won’t make you look good. You need a partner who sets you off to best advantage and keeps up your image to the world. Your tendency is to put the object of your affection on a pedestal, to credit a lover with superlative virtues that may have no basis in reality. For the Moon in Leo, when a lover does not live up to your expectations you are disappointed – not only because you take love seriously but because your lover always becomes an extension of yourself, and his or her failure to be wonderful is very wounding to your pride and ego. Also, with your Moon in Leo, though you have a tendency to be jealous and possessive toward your loved ones, you yourself are flirtatious and a bit of a rover because you need everyone to admire you. You are an attention addict.

De tekenpositie van de Maan beschrijft hoe we gewoonlijk reageren op andere mensen en op de omstandigheden van ons leven, maar ook hoe we onze emoties ervaren en emotionele vervulling zoeken. De huis positie komt overeen met het gebied van het leven waarin we het meest onbewust, volgens het verleden patronen en instinctieve reacties.

Moon in the 12th House:

The Moon in the 12th House placement indicates that you are drawn out from your emotional involvement at the personal level toward a more universal experience of emotion and caring. Having your Moon in the 12th House, you are called upon to rise above your own concerns and welfare and to lose yourself for the sake of others. This naturally brings to the fore the nurturing and caring functions that are symbolized by the Moon.

With your Moon in the 12th House, you may need to keep a balance between your own health and welfare and that of others, as you may have a tendency to “go overboard” in your concern for others and neglect your own personal needs. Sometimes, you may adopt a “mock martyr” attitude, using your self-sacrificing concern to inflict a “guilt trip” on the recipient of your care. Words like, “I’ve sacrificed so much for you, and this is the thanks I get” are typical of someone with their Moon in the 12th House. When you are balanced, however, one of your strengths may be your ability to be a caring, sensitive and nurturing individual.


As an individual with your Moon in the 12th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you are likely to fear that your ego-based personal self will disappear into oblivion. Your psyche tries to push this fear into your subconscious. Your subconscious is also trying to protect your ego from the pull of the unknown. By suppressing your existential fear, however, you create the conditions for deep neuroses to develop and take root in your subconscious.

Having your Moon in the 12th House, in defending your personal self from experiencing of the frightening unknown, you are likely to overcompensate and overemphasize the personal. You may seek to heighten your awareness of your personal self by “turning up the volume” on your feelings and emotions. With your Moon in the 12th House, you may also try to create a sense of security and self-importance by creating situations in which you becomes a care-provider to dependent others. You will tend to nurture these relaties in order to entrap the others involved, and hold onto their dependency. This may involve a good deal of deception on your part.

Focus van emotionele ontwikkeling

With your Moon in the 12th House, your emotional development often takes place quietly and almost imperceptibly, influenced by subtle and unseen forces. Your emotions are likely to develop in the direction of greater sensitivity. Your capacity for compassion is also likely to be developed to a greater extent than in most people. If, however, the forces influencing your emotional development are negative, growing fear and neuroticism may be the result. Having your Moon in the 12th House, the ultimate goal of your emotional development is that of self-transcendence.

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