Mars in Aries in the 8th House

Mars in Aries in the Eighth House

Mars in Aries in 8th House
Mars in Aries in 8th House

De plaatsing van Mars in Ram geeft aan dat je de behoefte hebt om te voelen dat je voldoende assertief bent in het nastreven van je verlangens en het ondernemen van actie. Aan de basis van dit gevoel ligt een behoefte om je gevoel van eigenwaarde te valideren door op te treden in de wereld en zo tastbaar bewijs te krijgen van je bestaan. Veel van het gedrag en veel van de persoonlijkheidskenmerken die geassocieerd worden met Mars in Ram zijn het resultaat van deze zeer sterke wil om te handelen.

Mars is thuis in Ram. Dit wordt gesymboliseerd door het heerserschap van Mars over Ram. Ram is het kardinale vuurteken. De vurige, actieve energie van Ram stimuleert symbolisch de functies die geassocieerd worden met Mars, waardoor deze functies in hun element komen. Terwijl de Martiaanse energie volledig tot uitdrukking komt in de Ram, bestaat echter het gevaar dat je de functies die door Mars worden gesymboliseerd te veel uitdaagt. Dit wordt symbolisch weergegeven door een overvloed aan vuurenergie in deze combinatie.

Mars symboliseert ook de animus in de psyche. Dus, als je een man bent met Mars in Ram, zul je waarschijnlijk je mannelijkheid modelleren om kenmerken te incorporeren die typisch geassocieerd worden met Ram. Als je vrouw bent, voel je je waarschijnlijk aangetrokken tot iemand die eigenschappen heeft die met Ram geassocieerd worden.


Met Mars in Ram, te onzeker in je eigen ik om rekening te houden met anderen, vergeet je alles behalve je ego en zijn behoeften. Je verlangens en acties zijn egoïstisch en uiteindelijk destructief. Onbewust bang voor vergelding voor de "erfzonde" van het ego (dat symbolisch vers geboren wordt in Ram), verdedig je jezelf tegen een vijandige wereld door preventief een "ik-eerst" standpunt in te nemen. Deze over-assertiviteit maskeert echter alleen de zwakte van je onzekere ego.

Mars in the 8th House:

Mars in the 8th House is generally well-placed. This view, however, seems to be greatly influenced by Mars’ association with desire and sexuality. The 8th House is traditionally the house of sexuality and Mars’ placement here suggests a masculine sexuality that is “in its element.” Following this line of thought suggests that you are generally able to intimately express your sexuality.

Another dynamic that is suggested by Mars in the 8th House is the enhancement of your ability to act through the power that comes from intensity and focus. This is a power that generally comes from within you and allows you to act with force and confidence. It is your intimate involvement with your actions and with the thing or situation acted upon that is the source of this power in action.  Having Mars in the 8th House, you, generally, are not afraid to act. You know, often intuitively, both the appropriate form and the ultimate consequence of your actions. Your actions may, therefore, appear to others to be strong, powerful and fearless. This often inspires trust and respect. The outcome of this is often that you are placed in a position where you can lead or manage others.  With Mars in the 8th House, the intimacy that you wish to experience through your actions is often viewed by you in terms of control. If you can control through your actions, then you can enforce an intimate relatie with the object of control. This desire for control sometimes becomes an obsession. It may extend to all of your actions, from a desire to have power over others, to a desire to maintain control over your own actions, to a will to dominate your sexual partner.  As an individual with Mars in the 8th House, sometimes this desire for control can have an inhibiting effect on your active function. You become retentive and may have difficulty acting. You may wish only to act in secret so as to protect your “power.” The polarity of this is the urge to liberate the power of action that resides within you.


Having Mars in the 8th House, if you are inwardly insecure, this will lead you to crave intimacy but you find none that you can obtain. In actuality, your ego will always stand in the way of experiencing intimacy but you are not willing to give up your ego. Instead, you are determined to be master of the “other,” whether this “other” is your partner, your associates or the situation in which you find yourself. With Mars in the 8th House, you cannot let go because, in your eyes, this would mean losing control. Therefore, all of your actions are bent upon securing and maintaining control. In this way, you seek to tie others to yourself.

As an individual with Mars in the 8th House, if you cannot control a situation, then you may react with one of two polar responses. You may lash out violently, desperately trying to enforce the intimacy of your control. Or, you may withdraw into your own intimacy, where you can be assured of “control” and where you can brood over the wrongs that have been done to you and plot your revenge.

Focus van verlangens

With Mars in the 8th House, your desires are generally bound up with seeking intimacy or control.  This may manifest as a desire for sexual intimacy or for power. For some individual with Mars in the 8th House, this desire for power may be expressed through the occult. For some, the desire for intimacy may be focused on that experience of ultimate intimacy with life and death.  Your desires are likely to be private and to remain private. You may consider them to be too intimate to share, even with those closest to you – or, certainly, only with those closest to you.

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