Mars in Aries in the 4th House

Mars in Aries in the Fourth House

Mars in Aries in 4th House
Mars in Aries in 4th House

De plaatsing van Mars in Ram geeft aan dat je de behoefte hebt om te voelen dat je voldoende assertief bent in het nastreven van je verlangens en het ondernemen van actie. Aan de basis van dit gevoel ligt een behoefte om je gevoel van eigenwaarde te valideren door op te treden in de wereld en zo tastbaar bewijs te krijgen van je bestaan. Veel van het gedrag en veel van de persoonlijkheidskenmerken die geassocieerd worden met Mars in Ram zijn het resultaat van deze zeer sterke wil om te handelen.

Mars is thuis in Ram. Dit wordt gesymboliseerd door het heerserschap van Mars over Ram. Ram is het kardinale vuurteken. De vurige, actieve energie van Ram stimuleert symbolisch de functies die geassocieerd worden met Mars, waardoor deze functies in hun element komen. Terwijl de Martiaanse energie volledig tot uitdrukking komt in de Ram, bestaat echter het gevaar dat je de functies die door Mars worden gesymboliseerd te veel uitdaagt. Dit wordt symbolisch weergegeven door een overvloed aan vuurenergie in deze combinatie.

Mars symboliseert ook de animus in de psyche. Dus, als je een man bent met Mars in Ram, zul je waarschijnlijk je mannelijkheid modelleren om kenmerken te incorporeren die typisch geassocieerd worden met Ram. Als je vrouw bent, voel je je waarschijnlijk aangetrokken tot iemand die eigenschappen heeft die met Ram geassocieerd worden.


Met Mars in Ram, te onzeker in je eigen ik om rekening te houden met anderen, vergeet je alles behalve je ego en zijn behoeften. Je verlangens en acties zijn egoïstisch en uiteindelijk destructief. Onbewust bang voor vergelding voor de "erfzonde" van het ego (dat symbolisch vers geboren wordt in Ram), verdedig je jezelf tegen een vijandige wereld door preventief een "ik-eerst" standpunt in te nemen. Deze over-assertiviteit maskeert echter alleen de zwakte van je onzekere ego.

Mars in the 4th House:

Mars in the 4th House may be seen as a difficult placement, given that Mars is placed in the house that is squared to the house that it rules (the 1st House). The active energy symbolized by Mars may have difficulty expressing itself outwardly when its natural focus in the 4th House is toward what is gathered in and rooted in place. Thus, the active function symbolized by Mars is often seen as weak when placed in the 4th House.

On the other hand, having Mars in the 4th House, if your energy comes from your roots, it may be exceptionally strong and powerful. You gain confidence from having a firm foundation and knowing exactly what you want. Your desires are born of deep well-springs and motivate you to take strong and consistent action. With Mars in the 4th House, you may also be content with acting within the more limited scope symbolized by the 4th House. In this case, you may be a strong actor within your zone of comfort or in matters that are close to your roots, but appear uninterested or ineffective outside of that focus.

Having Mars in the 4th House, the active energy symbolized by Mars may be focused on protecting you and those that are close to you. If you have a strong drive and will to act, you may become frustrated by the rather limited scope of the field within which you are allowed to act. As an individual with Mars in the 4th House, you may also feel limited if your role is to be a caretaker for others. You may feel that all of your energy is taken for doing for others and that there is nothing left to devote to doing for yourself. You may also feel a heavy weight of burden and responsibility in caring for others, particularly family members.

Another manifestation of Mars in the 4th House is that your actions may be conditioned by your upbringing or by preexisting events. Your emotional responses may have played a role in this conditioning. You may also face the issue of how to free your actions from your conditioning and also of acting independently from family expectations. With Mars in the 4th House, resolving these issues generally involves finding yourself and determining what you really desire and then taking action in order to actualize your desires.


With Mars in the 4th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will wish to act and make an impression on the world; you will wish to obtain the objects of your desire, but you feel held back by both internal and external factors. In truth, you lack the courage to go beyond your “safe” boundaries to take action and obtain your desires. Thus, you are prone to sulking or to feeling that you are weak and must be protected. You are content to travel along well-worn paths of action and routine but you yearn to break out and assert yourself. Having Mars in the 4th House, you may seek to overcompensate by dominating your own private and domestic world. You may become very demanding and assertive with your family or with those who are under your care.

Often, and particularly if you feel threatened, you will react emotionally. As an individual with Mars in the 4th House, this pattern of conditioned reaction may particularly affect your family dynamics. You may also become the dependent one within a family situation in order to obtain  your desires and get others to care for you.

Focus of Desire

With Mars in the 4th House, your desires are likely to be somewhat limited in scope, but focused on matters of family and home life. It is common for you to desire emotional closeness, especially from family members. For women, desires may be expressed through mothering. Also, Mars in the 4th House may indicate that your desires have been conditioned by your mother and/or family. You may also have a great desire for stability and for rootedness. You may also desire to get to the bottom of things and/or to explore your background, heritage or subconscious.

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