Carrières die bij je levenspadnummer passen

Numerology and astrology can be used in tandem to discover the best path to pursue according to our natural skills and abilities. The two systems often verify the same types of careers best for you. It’s never too late to follow your soul’s purpose and a higher law of the universe, the law of attraction, allows our relaties to elevate when we decide to follow our soul’s purpose.

Imagine how just this one piece of information could transform your whole life by lifting your vibration to a higher calling, then attracting pure souls. Numerology has many layers to help you understand your potential and hidden gifts, but if you’re new to this system, the levenspad number is a great place to begin.

Notice how the life path of your friends and family is highly accurate about their own strengths as well. You could easily help friends find their soul’s purpose simply by showing them their life path number.

Often people will have an “Aha!” moment when they finally read what has always been in their heart and what many people comment on as their core nature their whole lives that they may have been ignoring.

Levenspad Nummer 1

The strengths of a life path number 1 are being independent, which includes self motivation, the ability to work with little oversight and strong leadership abilities. You can be a one woman or one man show. You have the confidence to start businesses and come up with new ideas.

You have a rebellious nature and the energy of creation so you can be relied upon to fix systems and start new trends. You’ll do best stretching your mind and not being told what to do. Life path number 1 careers that come easily and are promising because of their natural talents include:

Public speakers, writers, consultants, business owners, performers, musicians, politicians, teachers, healers, freelancers, directors, artists, inventors, activists, professors, realtors, pilots, policemen, international relations professionals, surgeons, psychiatrists, psychologists or behavioral therapists, designers, builders, photographers, radio broadcasters, photojournalists or journalists, guides and travelers, activity leaders, fitness or sports coaches, geographers, architects and engineers.

Levenspad Nummer 2

Quite opposite of the 1, a 2 does not enjoy being in the spotlight but revels in playing the supporting role. They like to help make the whole process run smoothly without having to draw too much attention to themselves. They are natural peacekeepers and like to smooth things out. They do follow the rules and are able to take direction.

They are cooperative and work well in teams. They like to make things more beautiful and peaceful. Two’s come in pairs and they enjoy working with people. Life path number 2 jobs that are a good fit include but are not limited to:

Art curators, public service professionals, paralegals, public health providers, nurses, diplomats, mediators, child care workers, personal assistants, historians, librarians, non-profit administrators, art restoration professionals, environmental rehabilitation experts, parks and recreation specialists, retail workers, technicians, career counsellors, conflict resolution communicators, hair stylists, gardeners, designers, sculptors, writers, band members, ensemble members, dancers, accountants, travel agents, poets, teachers, archaeologists and fashion professionals.

Levenspad Nummer 3

A life path 3 is like a diagonal line. These outside of the box thinkers are creative and see alternative approaches to problems. They can see why people act the way they do and weave new patterns of thinking that can help shift human behavior. They are odd balls but even though they go against the grain, it’s for a reason.

They need freedom to express their ideas in their work. These people have a unique and magnetic energy that allows them to draw attention to themselves. They have the ability to dedicate themselves to something and focus. Jobs that a life path 3 will excel in can include anything creative such as:

Filmmakers, dancers, actors, writers, painters, sculptors, photographers, hair stylists, designers, writers, performers and entertainers, art dealers, jewelers, journalists, doctors, nutritionists, fashion designers, lawyers, chemists, sellers of specialty goods, teachers, cartoonists, graphic designers, gardeners, psychologists, screen writers, counselors, language teachers, art curators and martial artists.

Levenspad Nummer 4

This number is all about stability. For anything that requires order and organization, a person with a life path 4 will feel comfortable in and excel at. Putting things together and improving things comes naturally to a life path 4., for they are wise, intelligent and hardworking. They are great communicators as well.

They can pursue long term projects and see them through with patience and expertise. They have longevity and discipline and are known for being practical and having exceptional attention to detail.

Life path 4 people can manage campaigns, be event planners, work in academia, oversee large civic projects or do well as architects, engineers, financial planners, athletes, scientists, information technology professionals, bankers, tax professionals, accountants, mechanics, carpenters, lawyers, supply chain managers, business partners, economists, policy experts, managers of nonprofits, construction, schools and theaters, fundraisers, philanthropy professionals, landscapers or publishers.

Levenspad Nummer 5

A 5 life path number needs freedom and to travel. They do not want to have a predictable life and want to explore the world and the many ideas of different cultures. They want their work to feel like an adventure, and are versatile with many skills, craving independence. They need to be able to express themselves and be around people who think fast and have a curiosity about life.

They are good at many things and may pursue multiple projects or careers that stimulate their minds and contribute to the world in some productive and impactful way. Fields that match a life path 5 include:

Marketing, advertising, travel jobs, teaching, circus arts, theater arts, writing, graphic designing, journalism, film-making, freelancing, customer service, hospitality, motivational speaking, tour guides, adventure guides, teaching, photojournalism, tech startups, entrepreneurs, spiritual coaching, sound healing, art, research, nature photography, trapeze instructing, hang-gliding or skydiving instructing, wilderness excursion leaders, art festival managers, business owners or investors.

Levenspad Nummer 6

The life path number 6 is all about family, community, children and the home. They have a nurturing and cozy vibe with a lot of love as well as vision for a better future. They enjoy being around people instead of being isolated. The 6 is motivated by emotional connection and helping others and they are motivated by their purpose more than their income level.

They feel best when they are making a contribution whether or not it’s acknowledged and they work well with their hands. Careers well suited for a life path 6 include:

Life coach, career or family counselor, childcare worker, school teacher, non-profit worker, public relations worker, public service, humanitarian, judge, veterinarian, animal rescue, psychologist, animal rights worker, working with teens, environmentalist, nanny, healer, stuntman or stuntwoman, customer service, hospitality, professor, gardener, landscaper, carpenter, construction, mechanic, engineer, chef or baker.

Levenspad Nummer 7

The life path number 7 is highly intellectual and deep thinking. They often go into spiritual fields and fields that require very hard strategizing. They are able to comprehend complex subjects better than others and are drawn towards big ideas found in the arts. These people push the boundaries of their mind in the fields they enjoy and excel at.

They will do anything that explores and pushes the limits of the human mind and body. The unknown calls to them.

A life path 7 may work in the arts as a performer or writer, become a physicist, investigator, or become a professor or scientist. They may work for think tanks, be a chemist, work for the military, be a mathematician, a dancer or even a deep sea explorer. A life path 7 may be a marine biologist or psychoanalyst, a researcher, historian, surgeon, sailor, anthropologist or astrologer.

Levenspad Nummer 8

The life path number 8 brings an organized mind that is good with money and managing it. They can take on great responsibilities and have a strong moral compass. This courageous number seeks justice for the less fortunate. They are perceptive, empathic and can be extremely high achieving in their life. This number can be powerful and use it for good.

There are strong leadership abilities in this number as well. Life path number 8 does well in positions of authority and can make a great investor, run large corporations or franchises, be a politician, surgeon, a head of education, financial managers, head of an organization, banker, civil engineer, entrepreneur, government worker, work in law enforcement or psychiatry.

Levenspad Nummer 9

The 9 life path number is the bleeding heart type. They care for the less fortunate, the poor and sick in the world. They want people to be treated fairly and they seek to eradicate pain and suffering. They are constantly giving and volunteering their time for the community and will sacrifice anything to help someone. They are said to have the wisdom and kindness of a saint.

They are very spiritual by nature and are fearless, pushing through all barriers for the sake of justice.

The life path 9 will make a great non-profit organizer or fundraiser, social worker, paramedic, rescue worker, radio announcer, nurse, artist, clergy, counselor, coach, doctor, musician, work with animals, international relations, writer, journalist, publishing, philanthropy, clergy, spiritual teacher, humanitarian, teacher, diplomat, painter, clairvoyant, human rights worker, protecting children, international crisis relief or law enforcement.

Levenspad Nummer 11

The 11 life path number is extremely inspiring, has a strong sense of duty to humankind and feels passionately that they must help in a major way. They are extremely intuitive and can make major impacts on society. They want to guide people to enlightenment and would be considered an old soul.

These big picture thinkers will not be content with mundane tasks but will need to challenge themselves to help others. A master number will have expanded viewpoints, more energy and put more pressure on themselves to do something with their vision. They work well in a team and are diplomatic.

Great careers for this master number can include inventor, spiritual teacher, healer, philosophical thinker, astrologer, clairvoyant, professor, scientist, activist, charity worker, clergy, teacher, psychologist, physicist, musician, mystic, writer, politician, leader of spiritual movement, artist or shaman.

Life Path Number 22

This life path number sees how systems work and has an ordered mind. They have natural leadership abilities, are reliable and caring and can motivate people to get big projects done. As a master number, they have a strong sense of duty to humanity. They see the big picture and think about the macro side of things such as international, governmental, political and environmental issues.

They carry visions for a better world and the ability to set those ideas in motion and have enormous potential for success, entering this life as an advanced soul. Their grounded approach allows them to conceptualize large projects.

A life path 22 person will do well in international relations, politics, non-profit work, building, education, running large corporations or institutions, business management, computer programming, inventing, teaching, and as a professor, entrepreneur, military, diplomat, judge, architect, metaphysician, philanthropist, public speaker, actor or writer.

Life Path Number 33

The 33 life path number is a controversial number in the numerologie system and some use 33 while others reduce it to a 6. It is a master number that requires a person to stretch themselves out of their comfort zone. It also has the eleven vibration which is expansive and focused on the higher good for all. They are characterized by devotion, love and service. They are revolutionaries.

The life path 33 will be the type that leads movements like writers, artists, politicians, musicians, teachers, doctors, healers, family counselors, home designers, musicians, singers, nutritionists, yoga instructors, psychotherapists, acupuncturists, humanitarians or spiritual leaders.


If you’re unable to see how to step into your life path number, you may want to work with a life coach or mentor to help you come up with a plan. Start by making a list of what to do today, this week, this month, in three months and within a year. What training or education will you need?

If your heart feels light and expanded when you picture yourself in the career, it is coming from your intuition, which is the way your soul communicates with you. If you feel heavy and cloudy, it may be an ego based idea.

The body has innate wisdom to help you choose from the list so pay attention to how you feel when you visualize yourself in a career if you’re having trouble choosing what is best.

If you are finding fear is blocking you from stepping into your life path which is the mission of your soul or you are unclear on what it is, it is good to keep reading over your numerology and astrology readings and brainstorm with a journal. Your soul has wisdom beyond time and space and if you create a quiet space, you’ll hear which path your heart is pulling you towards.

Not all careers that relate to the essence of the number are listed, so see what comes to you as you read through the list related to your number and don’t limit yourself to picking something on this list, your heart knows best.
