7 Beperkende overtuigingen die ervoor kunnen zorgen dat je vast blijft zitten in steeds terugkerende cycli van gebrek

We all are unique individuals with our own unique thought patterns and at some stage in life will suffer from deep-rooted limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs prevent us from attracting what we want into our lives.

They are so powerful that no matter how hard we try to control our thoughts or emotions, we still can’t manifest our dreams.

It isn’t until we identify and dissolve these limiting beliefs that we achieve the ability to naturally manifest the life we want.

Here are 7 common limiting beliefs that may be blocking your ability to manifest and techniques on how you can overcome them:

Limiting Belief #1: I have to be good.

Seeking approval from someone else or people-pleasing blocks your natural attractiveness, not allowing yourself to know what it is you truly want from life.

Remember that when you are your true self, life just works better. You naturally draw to you people who realize how great you are. You magically attract opportunities to help you manifest your dreams.

Limiting Belief #2: I’m not good enough to get what I want.

When you’re constantly criticizing yourself you’re sending out a message to the Universe that you don’t believe in your ability to attract the health, wealth, and prosperity you deserve.

If you expect to never get what you want in life, that’s exactly what you will attract.

Changing your mindset starts with enjoying life in the present. Visualize a new, more relaxed, and open version of yourself. Step into that version of you. Imagine what it feels like to be that version of you.

Limiting Belief #3: I have to suffer so others can be abundant.

When putting others first and taking on too much yourself, it’s normal to feel resentment, helpless, overwhelmed, and lonely.

While others may have strengths you don’t, you also have strengths that no one else has. When you utilize your strengths for others you ultimately deprive yourself.

You can overcome this limiting belief by practicing self-love towards yourself and boundaries with others. Find your place in life. Be openhearted and connect with others without losing your own uniqueness.

Limiting Belief #4: There isn’t enough for everyone.

This can apply to anything: money, time, jobs, single men/women, or something else.

This limiting belief usually stems from fear. And, most likely, it arises when you wonder how something will manifest – How will you get the money? How will you meet that potential partner? How will the job interview go?

Keeping yourself stuck in this mindset ultimately is a belief in lack, acknowledging that the universe is abundant and there is always enough for everyone is the only way to break free from this belief.

Every time you say there isn’t enough, you unwillingly manifest experiences where there isn’t enough. Internal thoughts manifest everything in your external environment.

It’s your choice to see that you are an infinitely powerful being in an infinitely abundant Universe.

Limiting Belief #5: It has to be like this.

Having the mindset that something has to manifest in a certain way is a restricting limiting belief.

For example, if you want to attract a relatie with a specific person, but you tell the Universe they have to send you a text message saying a, b and c; then call you every night for five nights in a row before…. You’re not attracting a relationship. You’re attracting text messages. You’re attracting 5 phone calls. But an actual relationship? No, your limiting beliefs are blocking you from one.

This limiting belief can also come up if you think your way is the only correct way.

Trying to control the outcome will restrict the outcome from manifesting.

Overcoming this limiting belief starts by seeing life as one big party where all that’s expected of you is to have fun. Listen to your intuition to show you the best action to take at any moment, and be open to letting the Universe surprise you.

But, most of all, learn to relax and have fun!

Limiting Belief #6: I have to be who I’m expected to be.

Family or societal expectations can give you a false sense of self, it’s draining and overwhelming to have to always meet others’ expectations. You might feel resentful, guilty, or trapped.

If your thoughts are always focused on sacrificing your own needs to meet others’ expectations, you will continue to create a life where you have to place others first or you have to make up for not being enough.

Take back your power! Value yourself first, not in another’s expectations of who you ought to be.

Changing your mindset starts by enjoying your life. Find ways to express yourself – dance, art, music, saying yes/no… Let go of the rules and follow your inner guidance. Give yourself space to heal emotionally and physically if you need it.

Limiting Belief #7: I have to work hard to succeed.

It’s true that you have to take action to achieve your dreams, but it shouldn’t feel like a burden.

If you expect to work hard to be successful, most likely that’s exactly what you will attract.

Overcoming this limiting belief starts by focusing on the actions that are in alignment with your goals. The more you enjoy them, the more opportunities will open up for you and everything else will naturally fall into place.

Allow everything you do to be joyful and easy.