6 voordelen van acupunctuur (en hoe lang ze duren)

In recent years, acupuncture has become more commonplace for treating various conditions as people show increasing interest in alternative medicine. Numerous studies have also underscored the benefits of acupuncture for improved wellness and quality of life.

While some shudder at the thought of needles, the practice is far less uncomfortable than you might think. Likewise, the potential results are often worth it in the long run.

Here are several positive outcomes of acupuncture, how long you can expect treatments to work and last, and some adverse effects to consider before pursuing it.

Heal With These 6 Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a centuries-old traditional Chinese approach to medicine — especially when conventional medicine doesn’t heal you how you’d like. While not always a replacement for new-age therapies, it often complements standard care effectively. Here are six potential benefits of acupuncture. 

1.   May Relieve Migraines

Acupuncture needles stimulate circulation and release various hormones, including endorphins — this response helps reduce severe headache pain. For those with chronic migraines, the relief is welcome.

A 2021 study found about 34% of participants had 50% fewer headache days following acupuncture treatment. Improvements reached 57.3% after three months of treatment. The results indicated acupuncture could be as effective as standard migraine medicine, making it a viable alternative for patients.

Other research showed a five-and-a-half day reduction in migraine days after 12 weeks of acupuncture treatments and less frequency in migraine events. The study also exhibited no adverse effects of acupuncture sessions for this condition.

2.   Reduces Muscle and Joint Pain

Those with chronic muscle or joint pain or arthritis in their lower back, legs and arms often seek acupuncture treatments — sometimes even following surgery.

Studies show electroacupuncture — attaching a small electrode to the acupuncture needles — significantly influences pain relief following a total knee replacement. Many patients receiving these acupuncture treatments reported less post-operative pain and a need for pain medicine.

3.   Decreases Inflammation

Many people with sports injuries or other types of chronic inflammation seek acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture triggers a neurological response in the body by generating sensory signals to the spine, brainstem and hypothalamic neurons — some of the primary anti-inflammatory pathways.

Reducing inflammation with acupuncture depends on where, when and how you place the needles to eliminate cytokines — excess inflammatory proteins. A “cytokine storm” is when the body undergoes a severe immune response, activating these proteins.

According to one study on mice, acupuncture improved airway inflammation and mucus buildup in the lungs by hindering cytokine production.

4.   Can Help Treat Fertility Problems

Many women have tried acupuncture to correct infertility. Medical experts have discovered a 10-15-point success rate in egg transplants during in vitro fertilization (IVF) when receiving acupuncture — this is because sessions help relax the uterus.

One study also suggests acupuncture improves live birth rates following female infertility. However, researchers noted live birth outcomes also depend on ovarian function, existing metabolic conditions, uterine health and sperm quality.

5.   Alleviates Anxiety and Depression

Numerous studies have examined how acupuncture affects anxiety and depression. In one study, adults from 18-50 years old received 12 acupuncture sessions — twice weekly for six weeks. Researchers then followed up after three months.

The participants continued with their regular geestelijke gezondheid care during the study. Along with the acupuncture sessions, results indicated a 50% decrease in depressive symptoms after three months. Some people showed improvements in depression remission within 4-6 weeks.

Other studies suggest acupuncture interventions significantly alleviate anxiety symptoms at about six weeks or less, with less efficacy on one’s mental health with treatments longer than six weeks.

6.   Improves Insomnia

Because mental health conditions like depression also impact sleep, acupuncture has shown beneficial effects on insomnia and sleep quality. In one study, insomnia symptoms improved at eight weeks and continued showing progress at 32 weeks.

Stress plays a significant role in developing insomnia. For instance, one-third of adults have acute insomnia, lasting for more than three nights weekly for three months or longer.

The lack of sleep can increase depression and anxiety symptoms, lead to substance abuse and may cause you to have a car accident. It also increases your risk of developing other serious cardiovascular conditions like diabetes or hypertension.

How Long Do Acupuncture Effects Last?

Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe there are over 2,000 acupuncture points throughout the body. As such, it’s little wonder why this alternative treatment significantly affects wide-ranging conditions. However, you might wonder how well it works for pain, inflammation and other disease outcomes.

Everyone responds differently to treatment — some people could feel relief for days or months. Ultimately, it depends on how frequently you have sessions and how long you pursue treatment. For instance, you may see a difference after 3-4 days, with the best results occurring during weekly sessions instead of monthly.

Other experts say you won’t feel much relief after only a couple of sessions. Most recommend waiting until about five acupuncture appointments before deciding whether it’s working. Your acupuncturist can determine your best treatment plan according to your condition and its severity.

Are There Side Effects of Acupuncture?

If research is any indication, the benefits of acupuncture outweigh the risks of treating diseases. Nevertheless, there are a few adverse effects you should be aware of before pursuing treatment.

Firstly, receiving acupuncture treatments from a licensed professional will reduce your risk of skin infections or tissue damage. An expert will always discard the needles after one use to ensure this. Likewise, they will have the proper experience in needle placement to protect you from bodily harm.

Some patients experience mild pain or discomfort during sessions, with bleeding and bruising afterward. Organ or tissue damage could also be associated with worsening symptoms, swelling and numbness, while others may have an allergic reaction.

It is best to speak with your primary care physician and the acupuncturist about receiving treatment if you are pregnant, have a bleeding disorder or use a pacemaker — the latter being particularly important if you’re pursuing electroacupuncture.

Embrace Acupuncture as a Holistic Approach to Health

Many people swear by acupuncture for relieving numerous conditions. If you’ve attempted various treatments to relieve chronic pain and other discomfort, acupuncture could complement your ongoing medical care. Consider making these treatments part of your overall health strategy.

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