Overwin je hardnekkigste uitdagingen met astrologische remediëring

Perhaps you’ve reached a stage in your journey to consider the recurring patterns in your life that don’t serve you. As a result, you may be aching to do some inner work that will manifest lasting change in the way you approach your life. If this is true, you may want to consider using astrological remediation as a tool for personal growth.

But first, what is astrological remediation?

Put simply, astrological remediation is the practice of using your geboortehoroscoop to understand why you encounter certain recurring problems and then gleaning insight into how you can overcome the underlying conditions that led to the patterns manifesting in the first place. As a result, you may be able to do the inner work to commit to lasting change.

In life, we can have patterns of behavior that repeat themselves. For example, how many times have you attracted the same type of partner and experienced the same set of issues in a relatie? Or maybe you have hard-wired commitment fears, but you consciously know you want a relationship. Maybe you find yourself repeatedly going into debt and then paying it off only to go back into debt again, no matter how much you want to be debt-free. Using astrological remediation as a tool may be helpful for breaking any number of these patterns.

After we recognize better who we are, the next step is to accept ourselves. Our birth chart gives us the chance to accept every part of ourselves without judgments. We can even accept the parts which are in conflict with each other.

For example, if you have a square aspect between Mercury and Mars, your mental/verbal energy will be connected in an unbalanced way with the competitive/fighting energy. This might give you a tendency to verbal outbursts. Knowing this and accepting it, you can choose different outcomes.

First, you can choose to be supported by other kind of energies in your birth chart. Let’s say you also a strong Saturn in the 10th house, supporting patience and perseverance in your professional and career fields. For you, most probably Saturn would control your verbal impulsiveness when it comes to your career. You might tap into your Saturn skills whenever you feel that Mercury and Mars are taking too much space.

Second, you can transform such verbal eruptions in a more constructive and less harmful way, as in ranting through writing. Also such unbalanced mental energy might be released through gibberish meditation, which is a way to empty your mind by saying nonsense sounds and words, in a non-existent language. It really works.

By understanding your birth chart, and then remedying challenging aspects by diving deep into your psyche and subconscious patterns and behaviors, you gain insights into how to work with all the aspects of your birth chart to heal parts of yourself and life.

To give this cosmically guided inner work a try, consider an Diepgaande analyse van de geboortehoroscoop which offers an extensive profile of your unique Astrology and Numerology. Then, use the following seven steps to make the most of what you see.

7 steps for using astrological remediation to manifest real personal growth

1. Take at look at the planets in your chart

For astrology novices, getting your birth chart reading will help you truly understand the challenges of your chart, including aspects and transits you should absolutely know about. If you already know the basics of how to read your natal chart, though, you might be able to DIY this step of taking a deep dive into your chart and looking for repeating patterns.

When you notice a pattern repeating in your life, find out which planets are involved. For example, if we’re talking about matters of self-worth, Venus is most likely to be involved. If we’re talking about insecurity, the Sun or Moon are most likely involved. If we’re talking about abandonment or rejection fears, look at Saturn’s role in the chart. If you find you become disillusioned in love, explore your Neptune.

2. Examine certain pathways to see if there are any tensions

If there’s a specific problem you want to work on in your life, examine whether you can identify the combination that might be giving you trouble in your chart.

You must understand the nature of the challenge in order to find a remedy and ‘cure’ it. For example, if you have a tense aspect between your Moon and Saturn, which can lead to negative thoughts, you might not be expressing or owning your emotions properly, stifling them, and being emotionally suppressed in certain areas of your life. Once you understand this, you can take practical action to combat it.

3. Call in the help of others

This inner work doesn’t have to be, and often shouldn’t be, a solo mission. Feel free to seek the support of family, friends, and mentors while using astrological remediation for inner work. Doing so can help you stay accountable.

4. Keep practices that allow you to look inward

Affirmations, journaling (you might even journal a dialogue with the planet to see what it’s here to teach you), and meditation can be powerful tools for healing and growth.

5. Make a safe space for your feelings

This is especially necessary if your specific patterns to confront ask you to process your emotions in a healthy, free-flowing way.

It may mean journaling to get you comfortable with your feelings for yourself, and then crying even if privately, so you are letting your body express those stifled emotions and release them physically.

6. Nourish yourself in accordance with your sign

Flower essences can help, and so could herbal remedies. Look for herbs, tinctures, stones, or incense that relate to the planet that’s afflicted in your chart. Then, honor that planet and thank it for its valuable lessons. Work with it like a teacher or mentor.

7. Know that you don’t have to change everything unless you want to

Almost every chart is a mixture of challenging and harmonious aspects, a mix of good and bad. But in truth, astrological remediation teaches that there’s no good or bad. There’s simply what you as an individual choose to do with the information.

Ontdek diepere inzichten in je persoonlijkheid, motivaties en verlangens met een Diepgaande Astrologie & Numerologie Analyse van de Geboortekaart:
