Noordelijke Maansknoop in Tweelingen / Zuidelijke Maansknoop in Boogschutter

The North Node in Gemini in the natal chart is symbolic of a soul urge towards learning to see all sides of a situation and communicate a sense of curiosity in the unknown.

Tweelingen Noordelijke Maansknoop
Tweelingen Noordelijke Maansknoop

Individuals born with the North Node in Gemini are coming to terms with the dual nature of the universe and in doing so learning to de-polarize themselves.

On an esoteric level, you understand that many aspects of life contain duality in the form of opposites. You are experiencing life situations that allow you to better understand the value of finding a middle ground. With this, you are developing an understanding that opposites are on either end of the spectrum and many varieties exist in between. There may be cycles throughout your life where you radically shift your focus from one polar opposite to another trying to find the balance within yourself.

The point opposite the North Node, your South Node, is in Sagittarius. This may give you a sense that you think you see the bigger picture when in fact you are missing a piece of the puzzle. Your soul is learning to be curious, to ask questions, and be open to new and varying points of view.

Frequently the nodes are activated when someone or something comes into our lives, whether this is a person, a new job, or a new environment. Nodes may also be activated when someone or something goes out of one’s life too. Read the descriptions below for an understanding of a Tweelingen Noordelijke Maansknoop through the natal houses.

North Node Gemini in the 1st House / South Node Sagittarius in the 7th House

With a North Node Gemini in the 1st house of individuality, you are asked to allow yourself to take on the coloration of your environment. Picking up the accents, mannerisms, and affectations of the people around you. Taking the initiative to make connections with people in your environment. Starting the conversation, and keeping it rolling. Exploring multiple paths. Approaching the world with curiosity. Learning through experience. Moving into the bustling flow. Making quick connections. Gemini in the 1st house ensures you are always staying curious. Using what you know about other people to learn more about yourself. Refraining from making assumptions about other people. Learning about yourself by noticing how you change physically day to day. Developing a witty, changeable, adaptable persona. Resisting the opinions of other people. North Node Gemini in the 1st house will make sure you get to know the world through perceivable facts and observation and honor your personal Gemini need to keep moving. Letting your curiosity lead you.

North Node Gemini in the 2nd House / South Node Sagittarius in the 8th House

With a North Node Gemini in the 2nd house, you are reminded to let your values change with the new information you gather and learn. Allowing your priorities to change as you learn new things. Getting to know what holds value for you by observing the facts. Letting go of opinions about what other people should value. Releasing the need to preach about what is right concerning taboos. Releasing the need to have an opinion about other people’s business. Having a variety of income streams. Gemini in the 2nd house will ensure you are forming your values based on what you actually observe, rather than ideas and concepts in your mind. Allowing yourself to buy trendy things. Learning to enjoy fleeting material pleasures. No longer needing a really good reason to buy something. Letting yourself be curious about money and ways of earning money. Learning to value curiosity, mental agility and wordplay. Not needing to be right about what other people do in privacy. North Node Gemini in the 2nd house will direct you to spend more time being curious about your own priorities, and spend less time digging out the truth about other people’s motivations. Becoming less concerned with hidden truths and more concerned with observable facts. Valuing lightness, adaptability, and wit.

North Node Gemini in the 3rd House / South Node Sagittarius in the 9th House

With a North Node Gemini in the 3rd house of communication, you are reminded to let yourself flit from subject to subject. No longer needing to be a scholar. Learning a little bit about everything. Learning a little bit about everyone. Becoming more interested in the apparent facts of a situation than in the supposed truths. Posing questions rather than making assumptions. Gaining interest in what is happening in the here and now, moment by moment. Keeping up with trends in education, learning, and teaching. Keeping up with trends in communication. Gemini in the 3rd house will ensure you are becoming more concerned with what is going on right now than with understanding universal truths. Releasing the need to force your opinions on other people. Learning what people really think by asking them. Learning to listen. Understanding what it means to have a conversation. Teaching, not preaching. Asking, not telling. Having more questions than answers. Telling us what you really think not what you believe to be true. Saturating your mind with information. North Node Gemini in the 3rd house will pull you to finding out for yourself rather than agreeing with accepted opinions. Writing without worrying about being right. Getting to know the minds of your siblings. Accepting that you are more interested in bits of information than long speeches, sermons, novels or epics.

North Node Gemini in the 4th House / South Node Sagittarius in the 10th House

With a North Node Gemini in the 4th house of home, roots, family, and self-care you will be pushed to become adaptable in all family situations. Releasing the need to be seen as having all the answers. Developing more curiosity about your roots and heritage. No longer needing to put your knowledge on display. No longer needing to make the world aware of your opinions. No longer needing to be seen as an authority on the truth. Gemini in the 4th house will ensure you become more concerned with your own personal learning process, keeping your thoughts to yourself. Privately exploring whatever piques your curiosity. Enjoying your sibling bonds. Giving in to curiosity and fleeting interests. Learning a little bit about everything in the privacy of your own home, for your own personal satisfaction. North Node Gemini in the 4th house will pull you to reading, learning, and writing as ways to escape from your public life, relaxing into your personal learning process.

North Node Gemini in the 5th House / South Node Sagittarius in the 11th House

With a North Node Gemini in the 5th house of self-expression, you are urged to let yourself get curious about your personal creative process. Exploring your creativity through a variety of media. No longer needing to have an idealistic cause in the name of truth. Stepping back from group involvement to become aware of your personal contribution. Exploring creative writing. Lightening up and spending more time with children. Gemini in the 5th house will ensure you are becoming engaged in the pleasures of the moment. Not letting yourself become an unthinking follower or joiner. Becoming curious about personal, heart-warming connections. Letting yourself try different romantic partners. Becoming articulate about romance and pleasure, art and leisure. Enjoying superficial attractions, fleeting artistic fads, and meaningless flings. Lightening up in your self-expression. Enjoying wordplay and games. Letting yourself have romances with intelligent, witty, down-to-earth, talkative people. Asking your children what they think. North Node Gemini in the 5th house will bring you to believe in a larger community while honoring your personal creative curiosity.

North Node Gemini in the 6th House / South Node Sagittarius in the 12th House

With a North Node Gemini in the 6th house, you enjoy working in stimulating, active, high-energy environments. Developing a lively, stimulating routine. Finding a job that lets you be clever and use your wit. Working someplace trendy. Making it your job to keep up with the trends in your field of interest. Letting go of too much emphasis on spiritual and religious pursuits. Gemini in the 6th house will ensure you are becoming an observant participant in the real world. Getting a job that lets you move around. Acknowledging your need for mental stimulation in the workplace. Having two or more jobs at a time. Admitting when you are bored with a particular line of work. Moving on when work becomes dull. Making connections with your coworkers and employees. Finding out what your coworkers and employees think by actually asking them. You are no longer on a quest for spiritual truth. Letting yourself dip your toe into a variety of healing remedies. Paying attention to the daily fluctuations and changes in your health and body. North Node Gemini in the 6th house will bring you to understand how your daily environment affects your nervous system and your ability to stay mentally alert.

North Node Gemini in the 7th House / South Node Sagittarius in the 1st House

With a North Node Gemini in the 7th house of relationships you are more curious about your partner, learning to find out what your partner actually thinks. Releasing the need to push your opinions on the people close to you. Releasing the need to preach your personal point of view to your spouse and close friends. Realizing that your way is not necessarily the right way. Making time to have conversations with the people close to you. Lightening up on the need to view life from a moral standpoint. Bringing more liveliness into your relationships. Finding a partner who is willing to question your assumptions. Gemini in the 7th house will show you how your relationships change day to day. Taking an active interest in your partner. Listening to your partner. Appreciating the liveliness that your partner brings to the relatie. Relishing all the small interactions that make relationships stimulating and engaging. North Node Gemini in the 7th house ensure you enjoy the small talk that can bring two people together and make them feel closer, learning to connect with people through attentive communication.

North Node Gemini in the 8th House / South Node Sagittarius in the 2nd House

With a North Node Gemini in the 8th house, you are asked to let go of overly idealistic values. Keeping your personal morals, but becoming less self-righteous about them. Finding out what other people value by asking them. Becoming more curious about what other people hold dear. Developing curiosity about what other people consider taboo and why. Becoming curious about sex. Staying alert to other people‟s priorities. Developing curiosity about your own emotional baggage. Reading up on psychology. Becoming curious about the occult. Gemini in the 8th house will ensure you are learning to adapt to other people’s values and priorities while becoming flexible in response to learning about other people’s emotional baggage. Moving away from moralistic attitudes. No longer holding onto knowledge as if it were a possession. Getting interested in the ways people transform in response to emotional crises. Learning about death. Speaking to people from a point of deep interest. Developing a lighter approach to sex. North Node Gemini in the 8th house will pull you to be delighted by fleeting moments of deep intimacy and shared secrets.

North Node Gemini in the 9th House / South Node Sagittarius in the 3rd House

With a North Node Gemini in the 9th house of expansion, you are learning to ask other people about their worldview. Finding out why people believe what they believe. Developing curiosity about other people’s belief systems. Becoming less blinded by a belief in your own thought process. Reading and learning about foreign cultures before submitting your opinion. Gemini in the 9th house will ensure you are accumulating bits and pieces of different religions and world philosophies. Developing an eclectic philosophy of life. Questioning gurus and leaders of thought. Broadening your mind by reading. Broadening your mind by finding out what people really think. North Node Gemini in the 9th house will ask you to believe in the wisdom of your own thoughts while being curious about the views of others. Approaching religion and culture from the perspective of a journalist.

North Node Gemini in the 10th House / South Node Sagittarius in the 4th House

With a North Node Gemini in the 10th house of structures and traditions, you are drawn toward picking a career path that allows for variety and stimulation. Realizing that your best option might be to have several careers, or simultaneous part-time careers. Becoming known as someone who is informed, lively and conversational. Becoming known for your networking skills. Becoming a role model in communication and networking. Choosing a career that lets you tap into your curiosity. Choosing a career that involves teaching, learning, reading, writing, educating, or informing people. Gemini in the 10th house will ensure you are using your inner wisdom to connect with the outer world. Resisting the urge to retreat into a world of concepts and ideals. Keeping your opinions about religion and other big topics private. Letting yourself get curious about being ambitious. Making a career out of a knack for keeping up with trends. North Node Gemini in the 10th house will pull you to become the person that people go to for information. Becoming known as a source of information.

North Node Gemini in the 11th House / South Node Sagittarius in the 5th House

With a North Node Gemini in the 11th house of friendships, groups, and society you are learning to share your creativity in a lively and engaging manner. Releasing the need for truth in art. Letting yourself get swept up in the trends of your peers. Learning how to share your creativity with others in a way that sparks their curiosity. Teaching or educating groups of people. Gemini in the 11th house will push you to find a way to communicate your artistic gifts to others in a way they can understand. Becoming less self-righteous about your romances. Allowing yourself to have casual and fleeting friendships. Becoming curious about other segments of society. Joining a book club. Joining a variety of groups, organizations, clubs, and societies. North Node Gemini in the 11th house will ensure you are learning to speak to large groups of people as if you were having a personal conversation with each one of them. Making everyone in a crowd feel heard. Learning to listen to what the majority actually wants. Allowing yourself to move among unrelated social groups.

North Node Gemini in the 12th House / South Node Sagittarius in the 6th House

With a North Node Gemini in the 12th house of endings and completions, you are pulled to develop curiosity about spiritual practices. Letting yourself explore transcendental experiences. Letting the rational mind reach the outer limits of reality. Letting reading and learning become a kind of meditation. Letting information be a conduit into the unknown. Becoming a spiritually alert and lively person. Becoming involved in spiritual practices that promote inquisitiveness, lightheartedness, and continued learning. Moving away from having an almost religious attachment to your job. Moving away from being self-righteous about your health, your ailments, or your disease. Gemini in the 12th house will ensure you are no longer indulging opinionated attitudes toward work and health. Taking responsibility for your health by asking realistic questions of hospitals and institutions. No longer accepting dogma about health and diet. No longer simply having faith that your health will improve. Taking pains to actively gather information where none may exist. Gathering facts and information about your fears to resolve them. Approaching spirituality from the perspective of a journalist. Developing curiosity as a path to spiritual understanding. North Node Gemini in the 12th house will ask you to realize that lightness is healing.

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