Moon in Libra – Detailed Personality Traits


Libra Moon


Having a Libra Moon, the emotional thinking conscious part of the inner self is ruled by Masculine Venusian energy. This influence upon the inner self brings a need for peace, harmony, love, beauty, and pleasure to feel balanced. Seeking happiness and a feeling a sense of belonging is an intricate part of the actions that a Libra Moon is committed to. The element of air that rules Libra influences the Moon, bringing a highly charged intellectual mind that needs to share ideas and socialize to feel content. The Libra Moon mind is also quite business-oriented and finds pleasure in being involved and actively participating in the daily undertakings of society. 

The Balance Seeking Libra Moon

For the Libra Moon individual, the prime focus for wellness is based upon seeking balance in their life by using their mind to achieve a middle ground of peace and calmness. A Libra Moon is perceptive and intuitively skilled at identifying flaws that need re-balancing and correcting to restore order when things are out of balance. Their emotional mind is talented at weighing ideas and reviewing perspectives from multiple angles to create quality judgments. The Libra Moon’s thinking patterns are oriented toward creating action to correct the imbalance of any perceived injustices.

When things are judged to be out of balance the Libra Moon individual is motivated to fulfill their instinctual nature to restore order. When injustices are witnessed, the emotional response is to take action to return a sense of fairness to a situation. Generally, a Libra Moon individual prefers diplomatic action to restore peace as it is calm and prefers cooler heads to prevail. Although, these individuals will fight aggressively to correct imbalances until the flaws are corrected. This line of thinking can apply both to situations that occur socially but also to their personal life as well.

In their personal life, the Libra Moon is always seeking ways to bring inner happiness by seeking out inequalities and taking the appropriate action to restore order. They have a great desire for beauty and calmness in their emotions and will do whatever it takes to achieve that state. 

Balancing Emotions for a Libra Moon

A Libra Moon’s moods are often related to how balanced things are at a given time. The more in balance things are, the better their mood. Conversely, the more out of balance things are the more upset and simply moody the Libra Moon can seem. Their emotional moods can change often depending on decisions that need to be made. The more difficult a decision to judge is, the more moody they can appear. When decisions are made and the mind is free from intellectual strain, moodiness can subside and a calm demeanor can prevail. Reaching that point is often full of hardship and indecisiveness. 


Maan in Weegschaal


Libra Moon Thinking Patterns

A Libra Moon can suffer immensely from negative emotional thinking patterns. Since their mind is always working to balance social situations their thought patterns can cause inner turmoil due to the intellectual and logical approach to a given issue. Being ruled by Venus, the Libra Moon wants to be tactful when balancing social situations and this can be the root cause for negative thinking. Stress is induced for the Libra Moon individual by wanting to seek harmony and please everyone all the time. 

Even when a conclusion is made about any given situation, their mind will contemplate how to deliver decisions tactfully. Unfortunately delivering a decision aiming not to offend others is difficult and causes emotional distress trying to figure out how to do so. The Libra Moon’s desire to please everyone can run so deep that there can be a tendency to take a stance of passiveness in order to not appear unfair in their decision-making.

Issues with Indecision for the Libra Moon

Another proponent of negative thinking patterns for the Libra Moon individual stems from issues with indecision. The logical thinking components of the mind can review decisions and go back and forth on them. Weighing sides of an issue can be very confusing. Having time to think and analyze a decision can become “the enemy” for a Libra Moon, triggering negative thinking patterns. This issue is born from wanting to make the fairest decision, which often involves compiling the most evidence to make a sound judgment.  At times a Libra Moon can feel lost looking for answers because it’s very difficult to judge something fairly when there is so much to consider. Negative thinking patterns originate from the stress of decision-making in having to make a choice seen from many different angles. Their mind can go over the same evidence time and time again putting more pressure on themselves to make a correct choice. Emotions can be caught in a spiral of inner conflict and worry when trying to choose the right decision. 


Maan in Weegschaal


Socializing Brings Peace of Mind for a Libra Moon

For the Libra Moon, the element of masculine air ruling the inner consciousness brings a need to communicate ideas in an outward way to really find their inner wellness. Individuals with a Libra Moon will have a desire to pursue outward expression to obtain the social and intellectual nurturing they seek. The Libra influence upon the Moon installs a need to build relaties through social interaction as a foundation for ongoing companionship. Their inner world naturally is attuned to wanting to seek pleasure in life through the abundance of social relationships. Libra Moon individuals can gravitate toward parties, social gatherings, and many one-on-one interactions to satisfy their social needs.

Having a Libra Moon, the desire for social acceptance leads to presenting oneself with mannerisms and consideration to gain the attention and acceptance of others. Socially, Libra Moon individuals can be easily accepted and draw a lot of attention due to their social grace. By wanting to keep the peace and not provoke hurtful or overbearing feelings into situations, a Libra Moon can easily form relationships in social environments. These individuals can even find themselves to be natural mediators and peacekeepers of social situations and push to resolve issues when there is conflict in their environment.

Sharing Ideas Makes a Libra Moon Glow

When engaged in social conversation the emotional Libra Moon enjoys sharing thoughts and feelings openly. Peace of mind comes easily for this individual when engaged intellectually with another. Communicating can simply serve as a basis to find commonalities with others and form friendships within social situations. Topics of conversation can include all that is found to be beautiful, what is pleasurable, intellectually interesting, and what is unjust in the world. The air influence on the Libra Moon individual can make quite a conversationalist, but also a lover of debate to share ideas. Intellectual debating in outgoing settings is a foundation that can be used to gain new perspectives and ideas on life. Due to having a considerate mindset, there will be a tendency to hold back from being too overly aggressive or offensive when sharing thoughts or feelings. The one shortcoming of holding back to not offend someone can be a tendency to sound phony and unauthentic, from the desire to keep things in harmony. 

Partnerships Bring Inner Balance for a Libra Moon

With a Libra Moon, the emotional self feels complete emotionally when they have a strong partnership with another. These individuals love to cooperate with one another in various forms of partnership roles. They will love to share the workload and work together towards a common goal. A Libra Moon individual will seek a marriage partner but also gravitate toward having business partners as well. Regardless of marriage or business partnership, these individuals love to exchange intellectual thoughts and ideas with a partner. This intellectual exchange is a constant source of inner security for them.

The importance of a relatie for a Libra Moon makes marriage pivotal for finding emotional security. These individuals tend to be happiest and most balanced when in a romantic secure relationship. The strong need for partnership brings the need toward wanting a significant relationship earlier in life so their emotions can find peace of mind. Seeking a peaceful balance in marriage is important and compromise is a major theme for these individuals in making their romantic relationships work.

Not a Pushover for Relationships and Friendships

A common misconception of a Libra Moon is that they are loyal to the end, hopelessly co-dependent, and will put up with anything to keep their relationships and friendships alive. When a Libra Moon feels their relationships are unfair, they will be inspired to correct the imbalances. In an attempt to do so, they can be passive-aggressive at first, almost settling for the nuances as long as the partnership as a whole is satisfying. When initially feeling slighted the tendency can be to keep the peace and tolerate injustices in a friendship or relationship. However as time goes on, if the partner continues to take advantage of them the Libra Moon will be forced to take action. A Libra Moon will be inspired to fight for what is unfair when an injustice from a partner becomes too much. Justice will be demanded in the form of the partner being asked to see the native’s own perspective as to why they feel slighted or disrespected, more times than not an ultimatum will be made to put effort into making the relationship fair. Failing to make a compromise in the eyes of a Libra Moon is a breach of contract which can be met by ending the relationship.  The Libra Moon individual will then leave a partnership to find another situation that is fair.  Even if they have to feel alone for a while, they will work their social charm and start looking for someone more fitting and willing to compromise. 


Libra Moon


The Ideal Partner to Emotionally Support a Libra Moon

Individuals with a Libra Moon seek the attention of an aggressive outgoing partner to do things with. The partner can be a leader and guide them to do things. This brings balance to the Libra Moon because they often are indecisive and unable to make up their own mind on what to do. Having a partner who is active in a lot of activities helps the Libra Moon meet new people to socialize with and keep their mind mentally engaged. They may even simply gain more life experience which can be great discussion pieces with others.

Having a partner who is adventurous and childish at heart keeps the Libra Moon constantly feeling youthful, beautiful, and happy. The more physical things they do with their partner, the younger and more balanced they feel in general. This high amount of activity can help them stay in shape or just feel mentally engaged instead of bored and worn out. A Libra Moon individual also likes a partner who has a high sex drive because they have a love for sexual pleasure. Balance of the mind comes from joining with another physically which is exactly what sex is. 

An Aesthetically Inspired imagination

For the Libra Moon individual, being ruled by the planet Venus makes for having a sensual and elegant mindset that is talented with all that is aesthetic. The creative imagination of the Libra Moon will be quite sensual and work well in coordinating colors and design to make environments soothing and pleasing. These individuals love refined design and enjoy making the physical home a beautiful place to find emotional peace of mind in. The same can be true for any environment however they have a gift for interior design. The creative imaginative nature of a Libra Moon can be talented in many forms of art, music, drawing, painting, cooking and anything that engages the senses can flourish through their imagination. Besides being creative there can be an interest in acquiring art or surrounding themselves with beauty. Libra Moon individuals can be extravagant spenders and will go the extra mile to acquire things that arouse their senses.

Early Experience & Perception of the Mother for a Libra Moon

The Moon in astrology rules over the experience of the mother or nurturing parent, and the perception one may have of her. For the individual with a Libra Moon, their mother may have been viewed as intelligent and logical. She loved to be active socially, enjoyed talking, and was quite observant of others. She presented herself to be diplomatic, objective, just, and persuasive when sharing insights. She was perceived as being balanced, harmonious, and light-hearted. She probably was well-bred with good manners, courteous, pleasant, and accommodating to others. Creativity was important to her she may have been seen doing or liking artistic things. For the Libra Moon, their mother may have been seen as a mediator and someone to go to for making fair decisions and choices when things went wrong.

To the Libra Moon individual, their mother may have appeared to be passive-aggressive and actively preferred not to deal with anger directly. Conversely, she may have been argumentative as long as it was intellectually based but on her own terms. The Libra Moon may of see their mother as being indecisive and slow to make choices. She weighed all her choices and may have been quite anxious because of it sometimes. She may have been perceived as someone who was co-dependent and needy of others. She may have also been overly adaptable to the needs of others. 

Aspecting influence

When a Libra Moon aspects other planets, the Libran energy is transmitted subconsciously or through emotions associated with interpersonal relationships and affects the function symbolized by the aspected planet. Issues that are likely to arise with respect to the aspected function typically involve the emotional or family dimensions of self-other conflicts. This may be helpful or problematic, depending on the particular aspect involved. 


When the Libra Moon is aspected by outer planets, your emotions, behavior, and family relationships are likely to be affected, particularly with respect to the way in which you respond to others. Depending upon the aspecting planet and the aspect, the qualities expressed by the Libra Moon may be affected positively or negatively. 

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