쌍둥이자리 태양과 암자리 달이 있는 당신의 강점과 약점

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign is beneficial to both, but often produces a somewhat high-strung emotional nature. Life is full of stimuli and fascinations, and the mind is always searching for experiences, romances, and revolutionary ideas to explore. You possess unusual emotional depth for a Gemini, and what your quick intellect doesn’t pick up on, your emotions do. You have a greater ability to concentrate than others of your Sun sign. Keeping your mind focused is the key to controlling an ever-present problem with nervous tension. If you can concentrate on some study or pursuit, putting your mind on it and leaving it there, problems with nerves seem to disappear. But when you dwell on personal issues and petty problems, you may find yourself becoming progressively more subject to tensions. You have a great need for peace, quiet, and stability in your life, and it is important that you establish these early in life. Unfortunately, domestic stability doesn’t come easily or naturally for you, but it is important all the same. For all your problems with thinking and emotions, you always come out well. You are sure of yourself and confident of your analysis. You know what is going on in the minds of men, and you have little difficulty predicting their actions. Tricks and games people play seem crystal clear to you, and you have an intuitive sense of how to react.

가장 큰 강점

Receptive mind and sympathetic ear, capacity for ‘diffuse awareness’ – being aware of many things at once, clever self-expression and gentle manner with others, genuine interest in people and devotion to family life, romantic imagination.

가장 큰 약점

Oversensitivity to external stimuli, especially criticism, tendency to spread yourself too thin and to question and doubt yourself too much, defensive reactions and proneness to nervousness – especially in the absence of domestic tranquility, a fear of leaving the family domain and thus a tendency to remain attached to old emotional biases and myths.

당신의 달은 독특한 달의 위상을 나타냅니다

The Moon Phase you were born under further refines your Moon Sign, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them — or avoid them.

Were you born on a Cancer Full Moon? Or was it a Cancer Waning Gibbous? And what does it all mean?

달의 별자리와 달의 위상이 나에 대해 무엇을 알려주는지 알아보세요, 여기에서 무료 맞춤 동영상 달 낭독을 받아보세요.


Discover the secrets of your cosmic self and gain clarity on your unique life path. An In-Depth Astrology and Numerology Natal Chart Analysis offers profound insights that will help you navigate life’s twists and turns with confidence and purpose.

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