Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Capricorn Sun and Pisces Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign is harmonious and interesting. You have a receptive temperament and you’re strongly influenced by outside impressions and environment. You mix a very practical, serious and ambitious side, with a somewhat restless and variable personality. It may be hard, sometimes, for you to exhibit the firmness and steady purpose so often attributed to Capricorn. Often this is overshadowed by a sentimental and sympathetic touch to your nature. You have an intuitive insight that makes you very aware of the feelings of others. You have a rather serious and penetrating interest in life, and to you, most issues seem to have depth and complexity. Honest and trustworthy, you would never resort to trickery or deceit. You are thorough in your work and eager to know all you can about a variety of things. Your nature is very humanitarian and you are likely to be much less materialistic than many fellow Capricorn natives. In personal 관계, you need to exercise discrimination, overcoming a somewhat passive tendency that makes you susceptible to the influences of others.

가장 큰 강점

Capacity to give form and substance to your imagination, compassion and practical helpfulness, personal courage you find from self-reflection and moral precepts, gift for quietly bringing order out of chaos.

가장 큰 약점

Fear of the unknown, pathetic tendency to carry the burdens of others, propensity to lose your confidence in negative thought patterns, willingness to bend the truth to fit your thesis.

당신의 달은 독특한 달의 위상을 나타냅니다

태어난 달의 위상은 달의 기호를 더욱 세분화하여 상상할 수 있는 것보다 더 많은 내면의 본성을 드러냅니다. 여러분은 특정 성격 특성이나 사고 방식에 끌릴 수 있습니다. 이러한 성향에 대해 알면 이를 활용하거나 피하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

Were you born on a Pisces Full Moon? Or was it a Pisces Waning Gibbous? And what does it all mean?

달의 별자리와 달의 위상이 나에 대해 무엇을 알려주는지 알아보세요, 여기에서 무료 맞춤 동영상 달 낭독을 받아보세요.


우주적 자아의 비밀을 발견하고 나만의 인생 경로를 명확히 알아보세요. An 심층 점성술 및 수비학 출생 차트 분석 는 자신감과 목적을 가지고 인생의 우여곡절을 헤쳐나가는 데 도움이 되는 심오한 인사이트를 제공합니다.

출생 차트 분석