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  • 표현과 풍요로움
  • 출생 차트에서 미드헤븐
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물고기자리의 달

Pisces and the Moon have a natural affinity; Pisces is the sign of depths of emotion, and the Moon represents your instinctive emotional reactions and sometimes your hidden dreams. Pisces is also the astrological sign of sorrow and self-undoing. If you have the Moon in Pisces you have deep feelings and an innate understanding of […]

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Mercury in the Signs

Mercury in AriesThis is a strong position for Mercury because Aries imparts aggressiveness and brilliance to the intelligence. If you have Mercury in Aries, you tend to be witty, outspoken, and original. There is a sharp edge to your conversation, an ironic or sarcastic tone that can sometimes be biting and sometimes very funny. You

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Venus in the Signs

Venus in AriesThis position of Venus gives a responsive and impulsive love nature. You are the kind of person who falls in love at first sight and never thinks once before following the dictates of your heart. You are strongly sensual and feel at your most complete when you are emotionally involved with someone. Physical

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Mars in the Signs

Mars in AriesMars is in its natural home in Aries (the sign that it rules), and emphasizes qualities of brilliance, force, and energy. As a Mars-Arien you are given self-confidence and force of character. Others always know how you feel about a subject because you tell them in no uncertain terms. You are courageous and

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Jupiter in the Signs

Jupiter in AriesLuck follows you in professions where you can be your own boss. You are discontent when you have to follow other people’s orders and, being independent and brash, you immediately try to change that situation. Confident and enthusiastic, you are a natural leader capable of running organizations, groups, social clubs, and businesses. You

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Saturn in the Signs

Saturn in AriesSaturn brings delay to Aries, the sign of initiative, and the result is confusion. If you are a Saturn-Arien, you can be strong and powerful one minute and irresolute and wavering the next. This position is not an easy one, for you must continually fight against obstacles placed in your way. Many of

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Uranus in the Signs

Uranus in AriesUranus in the active sign of Aries favors an original and inventive mind. You need to be in charge and, given the chance, you will run other people’s lives. You can be brusque and blunt because you feel that you know better than others. What you want is to see things clearly and

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Neptune in the Signs

Neptune in Aries (1861/62–1874/75) To Aries, the sign of active energy, Neptune brings a reforming spirit and high ideals. Neptune-Ariens favor new methods in politics, medicine, and science that will better the lot of mankind. They are idealists and revolutionaries. When Neptune was last in Aries, it was a time of upheaval. Darwin’s theory of

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표지판의 명왕성

Pluto in Aries (1822/23–1851/53) Pluto’s influence in this adventurous sign set off the great pioneering trek westward in America. The first railroad was introduced in America. It was during this era that the world became larger as mankind ventured to explore the far reaches of this planet. There were struggles for supremacy as strong nations

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