천칭자리 성격 특성

The Libra personality is all about justice, beauty and love. The refined, sociable Libra is often a tactful communicator as their obsession with justice and their unparalleled ability to see all sides of any matter results in considerable intellect. However they do tend to put themselves in the middle between quarreling parties, in an attempt to mitigate disputes, without asking permission. This means that worldly Libra can actually be of considerable benefit to others. It also means that innocent Libras can be downright dangerous, as their desire to achieve balance can cause them to naively assume that everyone has good intentions. Also the desire to see all sides of an issue can make them indecisive at times. On the other hand, their general gentleness and desire to accommodate can make them excellent love partners.

천칭자리 조디악 표지판

The zodiac sign of Libra covers those born between September 23rd and October 22nd. Libras are ruled by Venus and have a strong need for love and harmony. Libra is represented by the scales which symbolize balance. They strive toward and appreciate leading a balanced life. This is one of the reasons why Libras often excel in profession that require negotiation and compromise, such as diplomacy. However as with all signs, there is a downside. The Libra’s desire for balance can sometimes lead them into situations where they are minding other people’s business, out of a desire to help or to make things better.

Libras have a naturally strong concept of right and wrong, are essentially very honest at the core (except for when it comes to their tendency to tell little white lies in order to keep the peace) and loath all the things and people that cause chaos and disruption to harmony and order in their lives and the lives of those in their circles. They also have a hate any kind of violence. They will consciously and subconsciously gravitate toward all things that support and create balance in everyone’s life and resort to sugar coating everything in their lives and those of their loved ones to smooth over the rough edges of life whether this means to ‘slightly alter the truth’, buy beautiful things for their home or office or try and be everybody’s friend.

The Libras love the luxurious life, and tend to form long lasting and powerful friendships. They are always affectionate toward their family and people they deem close to them. If you’re a Libra, your good looks always attract the attention of the opposite sex. You view 관계, whatever kind they are, as very important to you.

Librans, by the very nature of the scales, are two-faceted. Both a cheery side and a dark side are prominent in them. They may seem joyful and friendly, quick to strike a conversation, but Libras can also turn mean all of a sudden. Librans approach tasks and activities full of energy one moment and full of apathy and slack off at the next. They have a good command of language and can easily engage others in interesting talks. Libras are also charming by nature and they usually make great hosts and hostesses.

Although Libra zodiac signs are gifted with sufficient potential to make the best for themselves, they miss out on that opportunity by allowing themselves to be distracted by the other possibilities open to them. But most of the time, when they make a decision they usually stick to it. Being the peacekeepers that they are, their first instincts are to retreat from a situation rather than confronting it. But Librans are both intuitive and intelligent, which makes them such a pleasure to hang out with.

Libra as an Air Sign

Just like the quickly changing and unpredictable nature of air, Libras are just as changeable and unpredictable, being very active one moment and completely inactive the next. People born under the Air sign are very good thinkers. They have the gift of a logical mind, so it only follows that they are good at analyzing situations and coming up with solutions. Libra astrology signs highly value intellect, are great communicators in the language that they know, and have a knack learning a few more. Librans are easy going and fun-loving.

Positive Qualities and Strengths

When it comes to handling awkward situations, Libras shine. They are very diplomatic and instinctively know how to manage the weirdest of situations with poise and style. Valuing peace and harmony relationships, they are usually the ones who bridge the gap between people. They act on their principles and turn out to be quite good hosts. Libras are all for excitement, adventure, and traveling.

Libras have a 숫자 of strengths that distinguish them from the other signs in the zodiac. For one, they are very wise and honest. Librans are gifted with the ability to keep the balance in chaotic and challenging situations. It is not a surprise that they are the ones carrying out negotiations between parties. Libras instinctively want to treat everyone justly and this heart causes them to solve disputes effectively, and the solutions which they arrive at are often accepted and liked by the majority. Librans, in their nature, try to be as diplomatic as they can and will not hurt anyone’s feelings unnecessarily.

Negative Qualities and Weaknesses

Libras are very self-indulging. When it comes to pampering themselves, they can forget the rest of the world. Sometimes, they get so carried away by themselves that it becomes very uncanny with others. Sometimes, you also may find them unreliable. They often act pessimistic towards life and its every aspect. You must notice that almost all Libras are reluctant to say what their heart feels. They have the hardest time, when they are asked to make a decision.

Balanced, well-mannered Libra is marred by his or her dark side. Though their sign symbolizes balance, the easy tipping nature of the scales also symbolizes the difficulty Librans have in making decisions. While they are charmers by nature, they can become capricious which can turn into absolute maliciousness if left unchecked. This dark side, when unleashed, can be an unpleasant surprise to their near and dear ones tending to lose their close friends as a result. In their conflicting desires to keep the peace but have justice prevail at the same time, they can take up fights with others just to prove their point. And in some situations that do require them to take a stand and take courage, they mistakenly retreat hoping to avoid further conflict.

Characteristics of Libra

Balanced: Libra is the most well-balanced of all the zodiac signs. Once Librans take to a decision, you can be quite sure that theirs is the most balanced and thought-out one.

Charismatic: Libras are born charmers. On the whole they have an appealing physical appearance. It is not hard for them to get recognized or noticed.

Diplomatic: Just as the scales aim to achieve balance, Libras also aim to achieve peace. They work very hard not to hurt anyone’s feelings as much as possible.

Romantic: Libra zodiac signs are hopeless romantics. When they are in love, they are the most passionate of lovers, doing anything to impress the one they love.

Peaceful: Libras do not like arguments and want to keep the peace and harmony as much as they can. Librans are also very kind hearted.

Irresolute: Libra signs can be hesitant when asked to make a firm decision on a touchy issue. They often struggle between bias and diplomacy.