내 아우라란 무엇인가요?

Your Aura can be considered as a ‘mirror’ that reveals your present mental, physical and spiritual state.

Your aura is a barrier of energy between you and the rest of the world.

When it is healthy it gives you a sense of security, insulating you from the energies around you. You have clear boundaries and can tell the difference between your own needs and emotions and those of others. When it is unhealthy you feel anxious, attacked, like the energy of everyone around you is bearing down on you. You have poor boundaries with other people and tend to take on the emotions and problems of other people.

The aura changes constantly in direct relationship to your physical and emotional state.

It serves two very important purposes: protection and information exchange. You will often recognize or feel it when someone comes too close to you – infringing on your personal space.

Your aura serves as an interactive field of information.

You use it to exchange information with everyone you meet. It is like a virtual business card that instantly shares your mood, your overall health, your intentions, your sense of yourself and much more with everyone you come into contact with. You receive this information from everyone you come into contact with.

You may not realize that this happens, but if you think about it for a moment you will remember experiences where you just “knew” something about someone else. Have you ever met someone and felt instantly drawn to them, like you already know them or want to get to know them better? Or, have you met someone you instantly disliked, felt suspicious of, or were afraid of? Where did this information come from? You “read” their aura with your own. We can feel our auras and sense changes in them with our physical senses. This is primarily an unconscious action, but is key to our 관계 and personal safety.

Auras can be affected by the energies of people around us. 

If you’re having a conversation with a person who is intimidating you, likely your aura will shrink back as the other person’s energy pushes against it.  If you’re feeling powerful and unstoppable, your aura will be thick and strong, and it’s unlikely you’ll feel intimidated by another’s energy.  When you’re in love, your aura will reach out to lightly brush against the aura of the person you love, and they will combine to create a field of light around the two of you .  As you move apart, pieces of your energetic field will remain with your loved one. Learning to intentionally read and trust what your aura is telling you is a skill that can lead to success in your relationships, 경력 and beyond.