9번째 집의 행성

The Ninth House (House of Mental Exploration)

Sun in 9th House (Planet of vitality and individuality):

You enjoy seeing new places and exploring new ideas. You are a person who stands by your word and tends to be idealistic. You may spend a good deal of time traveling abroad.

좋은 지적입니다: you believe in and pursue an education.

나쁜 지적입니다: may become fanatical about your ideas.

Moon in 9th House (Planet of emotions and instincts):

You have a receptive, imaginative mind capable of delving into philosophical ideas. You are attracted by the unknown; in your work you may delve into history or the past. At some time in your 경력 you are likely to benefit from in-laws or relatives of the person you marry.

좋은 지적입니다: you will have happy experiences on voyages or travel.

나쁜 지적입니다: tendency to be vague, dreamy, and impractical.

Mercury in 9th House (Planet of the mind):

You are alert and adaptable, quick to establish rapport with new people. Yours is an exploratory nature, interested in gaining further knowledge. During your middle years you may travel a great deal, both for health and your work.

좋은 지적입니다: mentally advanced.

나쁜 지적입니다: inclined to be meddlesome and to make promises too readily.

Venus in 9th House (Planet of love and pleasure):

You have warmth and understanding for people from different backgrounds. You are open to new ideas and experiences. Chances are good that you will receive some kind of honor in life. You may possibly be married abroad or marry a foreigner.

좋은 지적입니다: high ideals.

나쁜 지적입니다: you long for the unattainable.

Mars in 9th House (Planet of energy and assertiveness):

You are independent in thought and open to change, and you enjoy travel and adventure. You will fight for your convictions. You seek out experience because you want to live life to the fullest.

좋은 지적입니다: will gain in honor or financially through higher education.

나쁜 지적입니다: can be headstrong and fanatical about ideas.

Jupiter in 9th House (Planet of luck and expansion):

You have strong principles, are adventurous and optimistic. Travel and education open new doors for you and may lead to monetary gain. You have a flair for languages or an ability to express yourself well.

좋은 지적입니다: foreign places and/or people contribute to your success.

나쁜 지적입니다: can be arrogant and self-righteous.

Saturn in 9th House (Planet of discipline and limitation):

You are thoughtful and contemplative and have a desire to learn. You delve seriously into questions of philosophy, faith, or religion. Contacts with foreigners are beneficial in your life, especially with older people.

좋은 지적입니다: idealistic principles.

나쁜 지적입니다: obstacles or limitations to receiving an education.

Uranus in 9th House (Planet of change and originality):

You have an independent mind, and seek to widen your intellectual horizons. You may be known for your unorthodox views or interest in unusual branches of study. Opportunities for travel may come up suddenly, or you may experience exciting events in foreign countries.

좋은 지적입니다: adventurous and open to new experience.

나쁜 지적입니다: inclined to be rebellious.

Neptune in 9th House (Planet of spirituality and illusion):

You are drawn to deeper concerns in life, perhaps mystical or philosophical questions. You have imagination and insight, and probably make a fine teacher or counselor. There may be complications or difficulties in traveling abroad.

좋은 지적입니다: visionary and idealistic.

나쁜 지적입니다: a tendency to be discontented with your lot.

Pluto in 9th House (Planet of transformation):

You have an urge to discover the truth and perhaps change things for the better. You take an intense interest in other cultures and in different religions and philosophies. Travel and foreign people may affect you deeply.

좋은 지적입니다: a desire for deeper understanding.

나쁜 지적입니다: you try to impose your views on others.